Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Zero Chance Of Hillary Clinton Running For President Again?

This will not be welcome news to Hillary Clinton supporters who are still feeling the brunt of the primary campaign season that cost her the Democratic nomination for presidency in favor of Barack Obama, despite the fact that Hillary had more popular vote totals when all voters were counted, but according to Clinton, the chances of her running for president again are "probably zero."

In an interview aired Tuesday on "Fox & Friends" on the Fox News Channel, Clinton, D-N.Y., was asked the chances, on a scale of 1 to 10, that she would be the next majority leader in the Senate.

"Oh, probably zero," she said. "I'm not seeking any other position than to be the best senator from New York that I can be."

Many Clinton supporters stayed loyal to Hillary throughout the primaries and many refused to back Barack Obama after the hard fought primary where Obama played the race card and the media showed an incredible amount of sexism against Clinton, with some prominent Clinton supporters backing John McCain after Obama took the Democratic nomination.

Many also believed Clinton would run again in 2012 if McCain won the 2008 election and in 2016 if Obama took the 2008 election, but her words in this interview seem to nix that idea out.

As Clinton supporters watch the same race cards being played by the Obama campaign now, calling Sarah Palin a racist for daring bringing up the ties between unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers and Barack Obama and as they see the same sexist remarks and actions from the media and Obama supporters against Palin as they witnessed against Clinton, many believe the Democratic Party as a whole has betrayed them.

Clinton supporters will be a force in the 2008 elections and this news is not exactly going to make them feel warm and fuzzy about Obama.
