Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Tin Foil Hat ALERT:, Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney: DoD Shot 5,000 After Katrina

Hat Tip American Thinker and Hot Air.

The video below shows the Green Party's presidential nominee, Cynthia McKinney, speaking to thousands at Critical Resistance conference at Laney College, claims the Pentagon executed 5,000 prisoners during Hurricane Katrina. (YouTube URL here)

McKinney text from East Bay Express:

"In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, I had a woman, I've never really said this in public, out loud, in front of a lot of cameras, and there's a lot of cameras in this room now. But I had a mother call me, because her son had a very gruesome task.

"Her son's charge by the Department of Defense was to process five thousand bodies that had received a single bullet wound to the head. And these were mostly males. And her son was afraid to talk, because he had signed a silence agreement. So he only complained to his mother. But the data about these individuals was entered into a Pentagon computer. And then, reportedly, the bodies were dumped in the swamp in Louisiana. This is the result of the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina. And I have verification from insiders who wish to remain anonymous, and the Red Cross. This is true.

"I suspect that these were prisoners. So, you know, this investigation of the whole prison industrial complex is extremely important. And it should end with just the nature of prisons in our country, but these five thousand souls also need some justice too."

From Ed Morrissey "McKinney is a former member of Congress and a candidate for President on a party that wants to claim national legitimacy."

Insanity usually speaks for itself, so no commentary needed from me.
