Monday, October 13, 2008

The Scandals Don't Matter

Reuters C-SPAN Zogby Poll: Obama Widens Lead To 6 Points Over McCain

October 12th, 2008 By JOE GANDELMAN, Editor-In-Chief

A new Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll finds that Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has widened his lead over Republican Sen. John McCain to six points which is outside the margin of error - -the latest in a series of polls showing McCain increasingly trailing the Illinois Senator:

Democratic Party presidential nominee Barack Obama took a step into rarified air this morning, standing for the first time outside the statistical margin of error in a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby likely voter poll. The survey shows him moving into a statistically significant edge of 6.1 percentage points over Republican John McCain in the latest nationwide sample.

The rolling telephone tracking poll, including a sample of 1,206 likely voters collected over the previous three 24-hour periods spanning four calendar days - approximately 400 per 24-hour period from Oct. 8-11, 2008 - shows Obama’s lead growing from the 3.8 percentage points he enjoyed yesterday.

The biggest development of the last 24 hours in terms of the poll was Obama’s strong move among independent voters, where he now leads McCain by 21 percentage points, roughly doubling his support from just the day before.

Among Democrats, Obama wins 85% support, while McCain wins 86% support among Republicans. It is an interesting side note that McCain is winning more support from Democrats (10%) than Obama is winning from Republicans (8%), but the edge is insignificant.

Some straight talk from Radarsite: Below is yet another article about yet another Obama scandal, his overt support for a brutal Islamist supporting dictator intent on introducing and enforcing strict sharia law into Kenya. This, as you all know by now, is just the latest in a whole incredible series of major scandals involving presidential candidate Barack Obama, any one of which, in normal times, would be more than sufficient to bring a candidate's campaign to a crashing halt. But of course these are not normal times, are they folks?

Above are the latest results from the Reuters/ C-Span/ Zogby poll wherein Obama maintains his comfortable 6 point lead over McCain. Odinga, Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Acorn, the Iraq manipulations, his close ties to the corrupt Chicago political machine, his questionable ties to Muslims and Islamic terrorists, his wife's glaringly anti-white American statements -- all of these shocking exposes and more together add their undeniable negative weight to one side of the scale. Yet, incredibly, even all together they are not enough to tilt the scales, they are still of insufficient weight. For on the other side of this improbable scale sits that enormous immovable bulk of blind irrational Obama support that borders on mass hysteria. It remains untouched, immune to attack and impervious to truth.

While we who are not blinded to reason, who still believe in America, grasp at moral straws, hoping beyond hope that this latest scandal, this newest outrage, will finally do the trick. That somehow, before it really is too late, the gullible American people will finally wake up and see the light, will finally see this dangerous charlatan for what he truly is and for what he most assuredly represents -- which is nothing less than the death of America. The death of the America we know and love.

But as the moments tick by and we get closer and closer to that fateful day in November, inexplicably nothing changes. He remains unscathed by it all. Half, or more than half, of this credulous country of ours wants to believe in the deadly dream that is Obama and they will not be dissuaded by mere facts. They are, it is clearly evident, determined to accept responsibility for America's long list of crimes and failures and resolved to change what it means to be an American. And, God help us, if Obama wins the presidency, they will indeed change what it means to be an American. Perhaps forever.

Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps I've become prematurely cynical and fatalistic. I want to be wrong. I want to believe. Perhaps this latest Odinga outrage detailed below will finally 'do the trick'. Or, if not this one, maybe one of those others will suddenly take on the moral weight it so richly deserves and the American people will belatedly come to their senses. Read and decide for yourselves. Is enough enough yet? - rg

Washington Times on Obama-Odinga-Genocide-Muslim Law

Barack Obama campaigning with Raila Odinga in Kenya

Cross posted from Maggie's Notebook
Photo credit Barack Obama Raila Odinga

Barack Obama's relationship with Kenyan Raila Odinga has made it into America's mainstream press.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Here is an American account of the blood on the hands of Raila Odinga, who Obama campaigned for in Kenya.Here is an American account of the agreement Odinga signed with the Muslim Leadership Forum which would have forever changed the lives of Christians in the country as well as the lives of the non-religious.
Here is an American account of the time Obama spent with Odinga.Here is an American account of the close personal ties between Barack Obama's father and Raila Odinga's father. Read the entire article at the The Washington Times.

Follows some snippets:
Mr. Odinga had the backing of Kenya's Muslim community heading into the election. For months he denied any ties to Muslim leaders, but fell silent when Sheik Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, appeared on Kenya television displaying a memorandum of understanding signed on Aug. 29, 2007, by Mr. Odinga and the Muslim leader. Mr. Odinga then denied his denials.The details of the MOU [Memorandum of Understanding] were shocking. In return for Muslim backing, Mr. Odinga promised to impose a number of measures favored by Muslims if he were elected president. Among these were recognition of "Islam as the only true religion," Islamic leaders would have an "oversight role to monitor activities of ALL other religions [emphasis in original]," installation of Shariah courts in every jurisdiction, a ban on Christian preaching, replacement of the police commissioner who "allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists," adoption of a women's dress code, and bans on alcohol and pork.

Thank you to Goat at the Barnyard.

For a more than welcome contrary view read this from Wiz Bang Blog
Thanks to commenter CC