Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sarah Palin On SNL!!

Live From New York, It's Saturday Night!!!

(Note- The clips below are NBC clips and they take a moment or two to load up)

The skit below is the first appearance out of two from last night's SNL show:

Everyone knows Alec Baldwin is a liberal and his brother Stephen is a conservative, so Palin telling Alec she liked his brother Stephen better, amused me.

Here, courtesy of SNL, are the scripts, via The Swamp:

JASON SUDEIKIS - "Good evening, I'm Tim Lydecker Sarah Palin's spokesman and we're very excited to be holding the Governor's first official press conference. Now tonight, nothing is off-limits while at the same time, I urge you guys to 'be cool.' Seriously guys just be cool. And one last thing: no recording devices and don't write anything down."

(Gathered "reporters" react)

SUDEIKIS - "Worth a shot. Can't blame me for trying. Without further ado, I present Governor Sarah Palin."


FEY AS GOV. PALIN - "First off, I just want to say how excited I am to be in front of both the liberal elite media as well as the liberal regular media. I am lookin' forward to a portion of your questions, so let's get started. Yes, you?"

FRED ARMISEN (as reporter):
"What were your thoughts on Senator McCain's debate performance Wednesday?"

You know, I just thought he was great. Because the American people are angry. And John McCain is angry too. And you can tell he's angry by the way he sighs and
grits his teeth and he's always goin' like (MAKES FACE AND GROWLING NOISE). And that Barack Obama? Well if he's angry, I certainly can't tell. His voice is smooth and when he's talkin' it's like an angel whispering in your ear. He makes John McCain sound like a garbage truck unloading trash at a landfill. So to answer your question, yes, I think John McCain did great. You guy?

WILL FORTE (as reporter) - "At a rally in North Carolina this week you said that you like to visit the quote pro-America parts of the country. Are there parts of the country that you consider un-American?

FEY AS GOV. PALIN - Y'know , that was just my lame attempt at a joke. But um, yes - New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware and California (SHE GIVES A THUMBS DOWN). But then also too you have states like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Florida which could be real real anti-American or real real pro-American. It's up to them. (SHE winks) And now I'd like to entertain everybody with some fancy pageant walkin.'

(CUT TO: "SNL" Executive Producer LORNE MICHAELS and the real GOVERNOR SARAH PALIN standing next to a monitor watching the scene)

MICHAELS - "I really wish that that had been you."

GOV. PALIN - "Well, Lorne, you know, I just didn't think it was a realistic depiction of how one of my press conferences woulda gone."

MICHAELS - "Yes, but it's obviously it's a heightened reality."

GOV. PALIN - "Why couldn't we do the '30 Rock' sketch I wrote?"

MICHAELS - "Honestly, not enough people know that show."


WAHLBERG - "Hey, Lorne?"

MICHAELS - "Mark!"

WAHLBERG -I'm looking for Andy Samberg. Where is he?"

MICHAELS - "Mark, that was all in good fun."

WAHLBERG -- "Are you gonna make me bust your head open too? Because I will. Where is he?"

MICHAELS - "Third dressing room on the left."

MW - Thank you

(WAHLBERG storms off)

MICHAELS -- He didn't like the impression we did of him on the show.

GOV. PALIN - "Tell me about it."


BALDWIN - "Hey Lorne. Hey, Tina. Lorne, I need to talk to you. You can't let Tina go out there with that woman. She goes against everything we stand for. I mean, good Lord, Lorne, they call her...what's that name they call her? Cari ... Cari -- what do they call her again, Tina?"

GOV. PALIN - "That'd be Caribou Barbie."

BALDWIN - "Caribou Barbie. Thank you, Tina. I mean this is the most important election in our nation's history. And you want her, our Tina, to go out there and stand there with that horrible woman. What do you have to say for yourself?"

MICHAELS - "Alec, this is Governor Palin."

GOV. PALIN - "Hi there."

BALDWIN - "I see. Forgive me, but I feel I must say this -- you are way hotter in person."

GOV. PALIN - "Why thank you."

BALDWIN - "I mean, seriously. I can't believe they let her play you."
GOV. PALIN - "Thank you, and I must say that your brother Stephen is my favorite Baldwin brother."

BALDWIN - "You are a delight. Now come, let me take you for a tour of the studio. You know, I've hosted the show ... how many times, Lorne?"

LM - 175 times.

(THEY walk away, the scene cuts back to the press conference)

FEY AS GOV. PALIN - "To answer your question - y'know I don't worry about the polls. Polls are just a fancy way of systematically predicting what's gonna happen. The only pole I care about is the North Pole and that is's not great.

(BALDWIN walks on stage and whispers in FEY's ear)

"What? The real one? Byeee!"

(FEY walks off stage, passing PALIN as she exits)

GOV. PALIN - "Thank you. Now I'm not gonna take any of your questions but I do want to take this opportunity to say Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!!!"

She made a second appearance during the weekend update portion of the show as well.

All in all, Palin is a good sport appearing on SNL and she seemed to have a good time doing so.
