Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Surprise

I am not giving an opinion one way or another about the Berg vs Obama lawsuit now being waged where Berg is asking the courts to force Obama to produce proof of citizenship.

Until more information comes out, I really have no personal opinion about the situation, I simply have a couple of questions for the Obama campaign.

1. Why not just produce the information asked for and put this to rest so we can move on to other issues?

2. Why fight so hard against producing the information that should be right at your fingertips?

3. Since it seems to be such a big deal for the Democrats and the Barack Obama campaign that Obama not be forced to produce information asked for... WHY is it so important to fight against producing the info instead of just getting it over with and moving on?

Simple questions and for some reason the Obama campaign does not wish to produce the relevant documents that could make this whole issue go away.

Video below and as I said, I am not joining the theory NOR arguing against it, I am simply offering it up for those who are interested in having the questions above answered.

Video at YouTube URL here and video shown below:

Produce the documents if they exist and let us get on to relevant issues. If Obama cannot produce the documents then the question of WHY becomes a relevant issue.

Hat Tip Red State.
