Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama Exported Rev. Wright’s Hate the US Ideology To Africa

Senator Obama might not have sat through Reverend Jeremiah Wright's Sermons but he did a great job of trying to spread his Ideology throughout the world. Through the charity that he managed with William Ayers, the Annenberg Challenge (the same Annenberg that owns Factcheck.org) the Junior Senator from Illinois funded the “South Shore African Village Collaborative." The group taught teachers in Africa:

the United States is shaped by “capitalism, competitiveness, racism, sexism and oppression.” According to Warfield-Coppock, these American values “have confused African American people and oriented them toward American definitions of achievement and success and away from traditional African values.” American socialization has “proven to be dysfuntional and genocidal to the African American community,” Warfield-Coppock tells us. The answer is the adolescent rites of passage movement, designed “to provide African American youth with the cultural information and values they would need to counter the potentially detrimental effects of a Eurocentrically oriented society."
If that doesn't sound like the wrong-Reverend Wright, nothing does. But there is much more click in the link below

Obama Exported Rev. Wright’s Hate the US Ideology To Africa
