Saturday, October 18, 2008

Honor and Remember: Sign the Petition

Published by Honor and Remember, Inc., The Dispatch is devoted to keeping you informed about milestones, events and stories associated with the Honor and Remember Flag Campaign.

OUR MISSION: Create, establish and promote a nationally recognized flag that would fly continuously as a visible reminder to people and nations, specifically for all lives lost in defense of our established freedoms.

Excerpt from the latest Dispatch:

Petition Results

As of the publication of this newsletter, there are well over 7000 total petition signatures. The numbers continue to grow consistently, and we are proud of the response of so many in support. If you haven't signed the petition, please follow the link now. And if you can spread the word to your friends and relatives, you will help us build the groundswell we need to accomplish our mission: 1.6 million names.

You may regularly check results at column can be sorted by clicking on the top headings. Support the Cause

As mentioned previously, we continue presenting personalized flags in fulfillment of our charitable goals. Flags are being donated by veterans organizations, businesses and individuals. Ceremony's this month will include the USS Cole families in Norfolk, VA and 3 mothers at a film premier in Washington state.

Currently, we have more than 50 specific requests for flags from Gold Star mothers and almost 400 more yet to be contacted in just two state Gold Star groups. With the addition of the American Gold Star Mothers, there are literally thousands more parents that we need to locate and present with the Honor and Remember Flag throughout the nation. This mission is daunting. But it can and will be accomplished.

Please consider making a Contribution personally or through your business, organization, CFC or United way. Also, please note that local veteran chapters and branches are raising funds for specific Gold Star mothers in their communities.

There are many expenses related to conducting this national campaign. Any support you can give is essential. If you would like to contribute to the mission of Honor and Remember, to establish a nationally recognized flag that honors lives lost in military service to America, and provide flags for parents, please click on the following link.
Additionally, corporate sponsors who support our troops are needed in order to launch a full-time effort to spread the word and provide flags to Gold Star families. If you know of a business or organization that might consider becoming a benefactor or sponsor, please contact

How Can I Help?

One important area previously mentioned is to let your congressional representatives know about H.R. 7111 and the importance of supporting it. Below is a sample message you can copy and send:

"I am writing to urge your support for H. R. 7111, recently introduced in Congress by Rep. Thelma Drake and Rep. Randy Forbes, to establish the "Honor and Remember" flag as a national symbol of the 1.6 million Americans who have given their lives in service to our country since its founding in 1776.

In the 232 years of our national history, brave men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice in wars and conflicts as members of the United States military. Yet there is no tangible, national symbol by which we honor these heroes specifically, nothing to remind us daily that they should not be forgotten, nothing to say "thank you."

Therefore, I ask you to vote in favor of Rep. Drake's bill and help establish a permanent and visible reminder for all Americans that "Freedom is Never Free." Thank you.

Flags For Christmas:
Just a note to let you know that hand sewing personalized flags takes three to four weeks. If you have given any thought to buying flags for yourself or someone you know for Christmas, you may want to order soon. The cut off for receiving flag orders to be delivered in time for Christmas will be November 30th. Other items, unless we run out fast, will have a cut off of December 15th.

We ask that you fly the Honor and Remember Flag at your home, church, business, organization or on your car or motorcycle. There are other ways to show support, such as T-shirts, hats, magnets, stickers and more.

Our flags and many other items are available now for purchase at our website:

Thank you all for your support!

Please GO and SIGN THE PETITION!!!!!!!