Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gold Star Mother tells it like it is

My regular readers know who Mrs Deb Tainsh is. She is a Gold Star Mother, her and husband Dave's son giving his life in Baghdad on February 11, 2004.

As one of those pictures above shows, Deb and Dave LIVE "Country First." I got an email from Deb today, saying that she and Dave are joining next week's McCain/Palin Victory Bus Tour in Florida. She says - in part:

"...We will be telling Patrick's story, our story, and telling why McCain/Palin is the strongest choice for our nation in this time of war on terror. I am also doing radio talks as well, one national out of Nashville on Monday, with others to follow up to Nov 4.
Also, I wanted to share comments that a liberal minded individual sent to an acquaintance of mine (and I happen to also receive the message) regarding Sean Hannity's Fox program tonight (Sunday) regarding Obama's lifelong radical mentors and acquaintances, and my subsequent message back to this liberal...."

The following comments are in response to the email about Sean Hannity's show, tonight on Fox, researching the real Obama that has been going the rounds. Read on:

Subject: Re: FW: Fox News Special

That email is bullshit!
Everybody has a past, you trust that they learn from it. Remember President Bush's drug and drink behavior before he "found god?"
Intelligent people test theories, question ideas and yes ... associate with radicals ... How do you find yourself, educate yourself, learn new ideas in your youth if you don't explore radical ideas?
Embrace the man who is willing to try new ideas and run from people who don't! Fear is a dangerous philosophy.
Watch the program but keep in mind you don't know what you like, want or think until you try.
Think ******!!!!!
Love you!
And you just KNOW Deb has a response to that., and she gave me permission to post it in it's entirety;)

Go here to my place to read it. You won't want to miss this one. And a note to any trolls who are even thinking about disrespectful on that post. Comments ARE moderated. Just sayin'.