Monday, October 13, 2008

The Family Research Council's Ad About Obama And Abortion

Yesterday we reported on Sarah Palin smacking Barack Obama around on the issue of abortion and today we see, via The Politico, that The Family Research Council has produced an ad nailing Obama on the abortion issue.

YouTube URL of the ad here and the video below:

This ad goes directly to Obama's promise to overturn the partial birth abortion ban.

More from David Brody here.

This is a 100,000 ad buy and will run in the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Michigan and in the Washington DC TV market. A source at the Family Research Council tells me the following:

“We are responding directly to the Matthew 25 campaign - running TV and Radio ads in the same markets targeted by Matthew 25.”

For those that do not know what Partial Birth Abortion is, here is a quick guide:

(Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's leg with forceps.)

(The baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal.)

(The abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head.)

(The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole.)

(The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.)

To see additional, more detailed images of partial-birth abortion, and documentation from medical experts on the accuracy of these images, click here.

This is the banned procedure that Barack Obama wants to overturn the ban on...look hard. What kind of monster would not want this banned?

Barack Obama.

More from Family Research Council here.
