Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dividing America

By Marc Moore

An oft-repeated refrain is that Americans are more divided than ever before. As one example, David Neiwert says that Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann should be censured for saying the media should investigate members of Congress who hold anti-American views. Bachmann’s statement is not worthy of a Congresswoman; however, there’s much more to consider about the causes of the political and social divide, as I discuss at length below.

First, if Neiwert is honest he’d admit that Chris Matthews was obviously trying to taunt Bachmann into saying that Barack Obama is anti-American.

Why? Because that’s what he does. But if journalists were dogs, they shouldn’t be rottweilers like Matthews or Keith Olbermann when we’d be better served by bloodhounds in search of the truth.

Second, the truth - as Backmann ought to know - is that the Congress is unlikely to be harboring any true anti-Americans. It does include a significant minority of representatives who hold leftist political, social, and economic views that result in policies that are bad for the country. These people will acquire potentially unchecked power when Mr. Obama is elected president in just over two weeks and the potential for Democrats to do great misdeeds over the next two years, at a minimum, is quite high. This creates a climate of fear that is at least partially justified.

Third, at a time in which great power is transitioning to the opposition it may seem to conservatives as though the congressional left are anti-American when in fact they are only wrong. Republicans need to get a sense of perspective on the situation that they themselves created through their own incompetence.

Dave Winer recently wrote that when Republicans “attack people who support their opponents, they’re attacking half of the country they say they love and supposedly put first.”

Dave doesn’t say who is is that is being attacked by Republicans, but if we’re talking about Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Tony Rezco, these are people whose relationship with the next POTUS deserves to be understood. Frankly, it does show poor judgment for Obama to accept a land-deal kickback from Rezco and to accept guidance from and give money to Ayers, a man who has no business whatever molding young minds.

Dave’s piece came out before the “Joe the Plumber” phenomena that’s resulted in left-wing investigations into the personal life and finances of an ordinary man who did nothing more than ask Barack Obama the question that every American has the right to know the answer to, “What does your tax plan really mean to me?”

The attacks on Joe Wurzlebacher are much, much worse than the inquiries, however pointed, into Obama’s relationships with Ayers, et al, because:

  • He’s a simple, ordinary citizen with no defenses
  • Some of the truth the attackers don’t wish to be known was revealed by his question

The latter is telling. Barack Obama wants to “spread the wealth around”. That is the truth, albeit one that cannot be said aloud in American politics. Wurzlebacher got Obama to do that and the Democrats’ immediate response was to rape him media-style for accidentally causing Obama to speak the core of the leftist economic agenda aloud.

Barack Obama is hardly unique in his socialistic views - wealth redistribution is the whole of the base on which leftist politics are based. But spreading the wealth around can only occur by taking from those who have and giving to those who do not. That’s the left’s economic policy in a nutshell - the government as Robin Hood - and honest liberals admit as much.

Please read the entire column written by Marc Moore at PoliGazette.