Tuesday, September 30, 2008

RNC Launches New Ad: 'Worse'

The video below is the RNC's new ad, titled "Worse." (YouTube URL here)


VO: Meltdown.

Wall Street squanders our money and Washington is forced to bail them out with - you guessed it - our money.

Can it get any worse?

Under Barack Obama's plan, the government would spend a trillion dollars more, even after the bailout.

A trillion dollars.

Who pays?

You do.

New taxes.

New spending.

New debt.

Barack Obama's plan: It will make the problem worse.

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.


Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

The ad will run in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Indiana.

According to The Politico, the RNC is spending $5 Million on the ad buy.
