Monday, September 01, 2008

"If those pics are real then the whole Dem party ought to be ashamed."

Obama Convention throw US Flags in the Trash

A note from Radarsite: Almost immediately after this article posted, Radarsite was beiseiged with hits from one particular website: The Hillary Clinton Forum. By six o'clock this evening we had received over 2,000 hits, mostly from this site. Obviously, this article hit a sensitive nerve with the Dems. Our article was picked up and subsequently generated a long - two pages long, so far -- comments thread. And, to their credit, many of the commenters have indeed expressed appropriate outrage. But, as might be expected with any controversial topic such as this, some readers just dismissed it as minor and unimportant. And, just as predictably, many of their readers blamed the Obama people for a lack of patriotism and a cynical disregard of American tradition. Hoping, it seems, to distance themselves from this blatantly unpatriotic image.

I did try to register to join the discussion, but was advised that the Registration was closed. Therefore, in response to their enlightening responses I am crossposting just a small segment of these anguished comments. I have deleted the commenter's names and info, and I hope that by doing so I have avoided crossing some ethical Internet guidelines.

Unlike the Republicans, the Dems are vulnerable on the patriotism issue and they know it. They have obstructed almost every one of our efforts to prosecute the GWOT effectively and to protect Americans here at home. To me, these comments show an acute awareness of this vulnerability, and a real concern for how this convention outrage might effect their chances in November.
Read their comments and decide for yourself just how vulnerable they really are.
Here they are:
If those pics are real then the whole Dem party ought to be ashamed. This is outrageous, and if I remember right actually illegal. Does anyone know about the laws regarding the flag, because I am 99% sure that that is illegal.
Yes Pass around ask why they would not have given them to supporters ?More Prroof of disrespect of the United states of America and foolish wasting of funds !
Read the rest at Radarsite: