Tuesday, September 30, 2008

From Lionheart: The Latest in the New Battle of Britain

l Quds Counter demo London 28th September

The sleeping English Lions are stirring are you one of them?
The Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain staged one of their annual demonstrations through the streets of London on Sunday showing their support for their Islamic Palestinian brothers and sisters in Israel.

The Al Quds brigade is an arm of the extreme Islamic Palestinian organisation Islamic Jihad that is operating in Israel, so this should show the mentality behind those who were demonstrating on OUR streets at the weekend.

Amongst other groups present in their lines, they were joined by the British wing of the extreme Islamic group Hiz But Tahrir whose open mandate is to transform Great Britain into an Islamic State and who call for Jews to be murdered wherever you find them. The Moslem Council of Britain which is a Government funded organisation that helps to influence policy making within OUR Country, and the extreme Left Wing Political Party Respect that is a terrorist supporting British Political party.

Why these groups are not banned from spewing their hatred on OUR streets is any ones guess, but at least now there is an uprising amongst the people of this Land who have sat back watching this hatred promoted for long enough and have finally said 'enough is enough' and taken to the streets to counter the hate.

This is the start of much bigger things as people start to wake up and realise what is happening to their Country. When they do they will now see that there are people out there already who are standing up and demonstrating for everything the hold dear within their ancestral homeland, which is the protection of OUR women and children and everything the Realm in which we live encompasses.

This is OUR Country so what right have these Molems to be doing and saying what they are on OUR streets?

It's a free for all for them now in OUR Country and all in the name of multiculturalism. Its their right, its their culture, its their religion, lets let them do what they want because it's a part of multiculturalism.

NO, they shouldn't be allowed to do just what they want, just like British citizens are not allowed to do what they want, I think the term for this is ANARCHY

This is National suicide being inflicted upon the people by the political class and then enforced upon us against OUR will by the 'Power of the State', and by their Civil servants who need to put food on their families tables so are actively helping the destruction of their Nation.

When all is said and done they and their families will know what part they played in the genocide of Great Britain just like those who worked for the Gestapo in Nazi Germany knew what part they played in the Holocaust with the genocide of Millions of innocent Jews.

The actions of the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain and its followers are an affront to the British peoples society and way of life, not only that, it endangers and threatens peaceful minorities who are living in OUR Land. This is OUR Land and any guests or long term residents have a right to be protected by the heirs of the British Isles, just like the Police are now doing by bending over backwards to protect Moslems and their benign religion from even the smallest offence like written words which might hurt their feelings. Moslems in Britain have brought everything upon themselves because of the Koran in which they follow. Protection of others is the hospitality that the British people extend to any foreign natives upon OUR Isles as long as they do not threaten the peaceful co-existence of the people living here and the society to which we belong that has been built over millennia by OUR ancestors.

This is OUR Ancestral homeland no one else's!

Many people now within Great Britain realise that by its nature the Islamic religion and the conduct of its Moslem followers are both highly un-conducive to OUR civilized society and are a direct threat to our living environment.

Moderates/Radicals, if they uphold their Religion then they are one and the same just playing different parts of the ultimate religious agenda within OUR Land which is to transform OUR Nation into an Islamic State ruled by Sharia Law.

The problem has gone way past the point of no return for the Political Class who now serve the interests of this benign religious force just too keep the peace under the guise of multiculturalism, with the real problems of this course of action now felt by the innocent men and women on the streets who are now face to face with this invading religious military political force that is exercising its new found strength and power over the innocent people of OUR Nation and OUR way of life.

The heirs of these Isles along with every other innocent race and creed who live peacefully along side of us have had enough of this evil confrontation from the Islamic religion and its Moslem followers that threatens our very human existence and OUR way of life.

The anti-Al Quds demonstration this weekend is the start of the uprising amongst the people who have said 'enough is enough' we don't want these people on OUR streets, we don't want them to be freely allowed to spew their hatred against us and against OUR peaceful friends, and have decided to leave the comfort of their own homes, give up their days off and take to the streets in protest.

There are hundreds of thousands more people like this out there and its is just a matter of time and circumstances until they too take to the streets in protest.

It must be very unsettling to the minority 300,000+ Jewish residents of Britain to see such hatred towards them actually allowed to be promoted on British streets, but they can rest assured that the heirs of this land stand 'shoulder to shoulder' with them in such uncertain days that we are no living through and not just here in the UK but throughout the World.

Islamic teaching says that the end will not come until all the Jews are killed, that is why all prominent Islamic organisations throughout the World justify and actively promote the murder of innocent Jews just like Hitler did during the Holocaust. They are openly and actively calling for another Holocaust in our generation.

People should look at Moslems and the beliefs and desires they hold dear and realise just what savage barbarians they are just like Hitler and the Nazis were.

Not all those who claim the label Moslem are Moslems just like not all who claim the label CofE are Christian, it is the ones who live by their religion and the teachings and example of their child molesting warmongering false prophet Mohamed.

You will see from the photographs and the video that the Moslems demonstrating on OUR streets were holding placards saying 'We are all Hezbollah now'. Hezbollah is a designated terrorist organisation in the 'War on Terror' and we have these people living amongst us saying we are all Hezbollah.

What would the World say if there were people marching through the streets of London saying 'War are all Nazis'?

It is no different and just as hate filled yet it is allowed and condoned under the banner of multiculturalism.

The inevitable has finally arrived and long overdue and I take my hat off to the leaders of March for England and the U.B.A who have organised an grass roots movement to make OUR voices heard, and to all those who stand behind them and have taken to the streets in protest of everything that is now happening in OUR society, and what OUR Country has become.

In their own words:

U.B.A stands shoulder to Shoulder with Sikhs, Jews, in fact anyone whom unites aginst the new nazism that we struggled through world wars to remove... hence you see us stand besides the jewish flag... if you look at the lambeth palace i held a danish and jewish flag.. as the police thought we was right wing, a right wing idiot would die before hold a isreali flag.

March For England is for England... and in that atmosphere anything that threatens our way of life is against the English... be it terrorists, governments e.t.c... united as one but for Queen and Country

U.B.A is solely against terrorists (islam) over-riding our country.....

this is where we unite... two groups united even though we hold strong to the union jack, and they the St George... it is a strong enemy which via government has slowly started to over-ride our freedom, way of life...e.t.c... so both have united,.. but under an umbrella in support.

Both groups joined SIOE (Stop the Islamisation of Europe) recently when they marched to Lambeth Palace on September 11th to demonstrate against the introduction of Sharia Law into OUR Country.

The time has come for people to stand up before it's too late!

No surrender is the British motto, and may God bless these organisations, fill their ranks and bring other groups by their side (no-Neo Nazi's welcome here thank you) to join forces to let the peoples of these Isles voices be heard for the sake of everything we hold dear now, and for the sake of OUR children and grandchildren in the future.

What would OUR forefathers say about what has become of the 'Realm' that they handed down to us, that which has been handed down from generation to generation for safe keeping and protection from ancient of days.

Deus Vult

Beware: Some colourful English language