Sunday, August 03, 2008

Mr. 'Anytime, Anywhere' Obama Runs Scared On Townhall Debates Again

[Update below the post]

Remember when Barack Obama made one of his speeches (the ones where he doesn't stutter) and said "I'll meet John McCain 'anytime, anywhere' to debate foreign Policy"?

If you don't remember, you can see it for yourself at YouTube and below:

For the second time, Obama has refused to keep to that promise.

There are three scheduled debates to be held but John McCain had proposed 10 townhall style debates with Obama and back in June negotiations for those proposed debates broke down when Obama's campaign made a counter offer.

Obama has offered to meet McCain in five joint appearances between now and the Nov. 4 election, but only one of those would be town hall-style and it would be on the July 4th Independence Day holiday, when few Americans would be watching. McCain called the offer "a very disappointing response."

Three of the other joint appearances are the scheduled debates for Sept. 26 in Oxford, Miss., Oct. 7 and Oct. 15, 2008.

Lo and behold, the townhall style debates to which the McCain campaign again re-issued their challenge for, has once again been turned down by the Obama campaign.

Barack Obama's campaign released a letter this afternoon from campaign manager David Plouffe to the Commission on Presidential Debates only agreeing to the traditional three sanctioned fall debates and single vice presidential forum.

"Due to the late date of the two parties' nominating conventions, and the relatively short period between the end of the conventions and the first proposed debate, it is likely that the four commission debates will be the sole series of debates in the fall campaign," Plouffe writes.

(Photo Weekly Standard-via NewsBusters-CLICK TO ENLRAGE)

Obama and his supporters have been insisting that John McCain needs to focus on the "issues" during his campaign and yet when John McCain accepted Barack Obama's "anytime, anywhere" statement at face value and tried to make plans to discuss the issues, it is Obama and his campaign that has been refusing for months now to stand toe to toe with John McCain, in front of ordinary Americans, no teleprompters, and speak to those issues.

The McCain campaign's response to this latest news by stating, via Brian Roges, a McCain spokesman, "We understand it might be beneath a worldwide celebrity of Barack Obama’s magnitude to appear at town hall meetings alongside John McCain and directly answer questions from the American people, but we hope he’ll reconsider."

[Update] Interesting comment from reader FedUp (found in comment section)

Liar, Liar.... wonder what would happen if there was a massive write in to BO's web site, asking why he is afraid to DEBATE McCain???

To which CKA in Red State USA, responds with:

OK, Fedup, here's the Web page to contact Obama's campaign: contact2,

What would a few thousand e-notes to him, asking why he's a coward and why he refuses, do?
For the record, I am not suggesting people email Obama, I personally do not think he cares what Americans think as long as he can con them into voting....but, for those that do want their voices heard anyway... have at it.