Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Six Dead In Kentucky Plastics Plant Shooting

Six dead, one critically injured and airlifted to Deaconnes Hospital in Evansville, Indiana.

One of the dead was the shooter who is said to be a disgruntled factory worker with a reputation of not getting along with his co-workers, five of which he murdered today after getting into an argument with his supervisor.

The plant was the Atlantis Plastics and is located in Henderson, Kentucky. The plant employs about 150 people and makes parts for refrigerators and plastic siding for homes.

The identity of the shooter nor the victims have been released yet, I am assuming they are waiting to notify the families.

According to company CEO Bud Philbrook, via ABC News:

As the employee was leaving, he took out a gun, shot the supervisor, then charged back into a break room and shot several employees. Then he returned to the floor and shot another employee before killing himself, Philbrook said.

"It's just total shock. It's something you read about in the paper what happened at one of our facilities," Philbrook said.

It wasn't clear if the employee was carrying the gun, or if he retrieved it after the argument. "We don't know if the gun was in the car or if he went somewhere to get it," Piller said.

A horrible act, which now leaves family members from 6 different families suffering and one person fighting for life.
