Thursday, January 10, 2008

Richardson Drops Out and Kerry Endorses Obama

I feel worse for Obama that I do Richardson.

Bill Richardson, Democratic presidential candidate has a press conference scheduled for 3pm, in New Mexico's state capitol, Santa Fe, where he is expected to drop out of the race.

This follows Joe Biden and chris Dodd who both dropped out after their poor showing in Iowa.

In the meantime The Politico as well as many other news organizations and blogs are reporting the John Kerry is endorsing Barack Obama.

Kerry's endorsement message focused on Obama's ability to bring the country transformational change — and also presented Obama as a continuation of the hopes and policies Kerry embodied in his own White House run.

"Who better than Barack Obama to turn a new page in American politics?" Kerry asked, dismissing critics who have questioned Obama's experience and seasoning.

"We are electing judgment and character, not years on this earth," said Kerry, who used a TelePrompter and spoke almost as long as the candidate himself. He added that Obama, an opponent of the Iraq war, was "right about the war in Iraq from the beginning."

Obama praised Kerry's service to the country, both in the Senate and during the Vietnam War. "John Kerry is a man of courage, a man of conviction and man whose life story has given him an intimate understanding of the kind of change we need right now," Obama said.

Capatin's Quarters calls it the kiss of death...LOL

And why announce this in South Carolina, of all places? Wouldn't this have helped more three days ago in Manchester, New Hampshire? If Kerry had done it there and then, it would have had much more influence on his neighboring state than a Yankee coming to Charleston. This seems like vintage Kerry -- a day late and a dollar short.

Well said.
