Thursday, January 24, 2008

Point Set Match...Comments From A Fool [UPDATED]


Every blog has their total and complete moron troll. As JimmyZ stated yesterday, trolls are not worthy to be heard on A Newt One...not one bit. Having said that, however, there are times when a troll's post can be made into a blog entry that proves that which we all know but the trolls like to hide in the comments and will from time to time be brought to the front pages to be trounced in the public eye...a public flogging, as it were..

Now for the real reason why you don't post opposing views - you're a bunch of cowards, plain and simple. You also lie when you say we don't address the issues. It's a matter of what your interpretation of addressing something is. I'll use your own blog to show your utter hypocrisy in that it is YOU that never really address something directly. Yesterday you attacked the article about bush's 900+ lies regarding Iraq. Did you specifically address the facts about his lying? Of course not. Your 2 main points (ther others were lost in the fog of your myopia) were that the article was published by 'nasty lefties' backed by Soros. Hence, it is to be ignored. The 2nd point was that it goes too far back in history and should be ignored since, in your rather absurd and irrational view, all of the points were rebutted by neonazis eons ago. Rebutted? Just because a dimwit ignores or disregards a FACT it does not mean the FACT was rebutted. This blog, like bush's failing economy, is a sad joke. All you do is deny and attack. You are losers - people living on the fringe of society waiting for Santa Claus, in the form of armageddon to rescue you from your pathetic and quite wasteful lives. Being led by the equally pathetic boston who is clueless regarding the true nature of Christ is no surprise. You all fit exactly in the description given by the author of the book, The New fascists. Now I can't wait for the barrage to come my way. ha ha ha..
The above is a comment (which can be found here if JimmyZ or Sonlit lets it stay) to the referenced entry above. Notice the personal attack because IT cannot refute that which was stated. By the way, IT has a long history of not liking to be referred to as an IT...too bad. We will dissect the troll's whining a bit at a time:

Now for the real reason why you don't post opposing views - you're a bunch of cowards, plain and simple. [...]

Really, troll? Name calling right off the bat? Now there is some credibility afforded right there, eh?
[...] You also lie when you say we don't address the issues. It's a matter of what your interpretation of addressing something is. [...]

Amazing! Here IT comes defending ITS non-addressing the issue tirade. IT determines what "the issues" are. How full of ones' self is that? Here comes the meat of ITS vitriol...please take note, that nearly ALL of the Leftinistra talking dulls are utilized in order to distract from the FACT that this particular troll has a lethal case of BDS. Not only is this pathetic cretin a Canadian, IT feels that IT has a say in American Politics. I find that unusual. Also, as a historical note, this particular troll has previously admitted to being a communist so really, IT is irrelevant right there. I will place those links below so ya'll can reference them.
[...] I'll use your own blog to show your utter hypocrisy in that it is YOU that never really address something directly. Yesterday you attacked the article about bush's 900+ lies regarding Iraq. Did you specifically address the facts about his lying? Of course not. Your 2 main points (ther others were lost in the fog of your myopia) were that the article was published by 'nasty lefties' backed by Soros. Hence, it is to be ignored. The 2nd point was that it goes too far back in history and should be ignored since, in your rather absurd and irrational view, all of the points were rebutted by neonazis eons ago. Rebutted? Just because a dimwit ignores or disregards a FACT it does not mean the FACT was rebutted. [...]

ROFLMAO!! First of all, the report has already been shredded by better people than us...not very many are better than us, naturally, but shredded it has been nonetheless. It was shredded YEARS ago. The poor cretin is behind the times and IT has a problem admitting that IT and ITS kind have been trounced, discredited and rendered insignificant in the Grand Scheme of things...people, places and such a degree that they must bring up old bantered about subjects to try and become relevant once more. This isn't going to happen.

As soon as "they" actually come up with that which GWB and others actually lied about, then we can all discuss it. Until then, their rhetoric is sadly comical. Trolls cannot ever substantiate a thing they say. They cannot EVER cite a source of their carnage. How sad is that?

Trolls, like many people, disregard history. The WMD issue was settled moons ago and there is an on-going investigation that the trolls conveniently ignore. They ignore it because it confirms their irrelevancy. One report is where the "nuclear stuff" was located and removed from Iraq...about 1.77 metric tons of the "nuclear stuff". Imagine that!

IT gets upset because we consider any person, place or thing having any kind of buddy-buddy relationship to the One World Socialist George Soros as untrustworthy. IT is upset with this post here, again, by JimmyZ. And? What of it? Do not "they" consider anything like Front Page Magazine as unworthy? Double Standards. However, that is beside the point.

Naturally, a self-avowed "more left than the leftists" will be attracted to shiites like Georgie Soros.

I particularly liked this one:
[...] This blog, like bush's failing economy, is a sad joke. [...]

Again, ROFLMAO! In case you haven't noticed troll, the economy is doing just fine so I guess our blog is doing just fine as well. Thanks for noticing! LOL!! And, Sonlit will be publishing something about our blog that will just blow this insignificant Canadian right out of the Pubic Bay. As my cousin says, "Stand by for news!" This one would have Freud pondering whether or not to commit the poor thing:
[...] All you do is deny and attack. You are losers - people living on the fringe of society waiting for Santa Claus, in the form of armageddon to rescue you from your pathetic and quite wasteful lives. [...]

UHOH!! Apparently, IT is looking in the mirror! Obsess much, troll? To which blog have you arrived at to attack and bemoan, eh? Naturally, we do not go to your blog with a rating of 1 by Technorati...after how long now? Two or three years? LOL!! This is a perfect example of projection. IT believes something is true therefore it is. So sad to live like that one. IT also gets REALLY mad when I trounce IT like this and ALWAYS have.

A brief history here...I, Snooper, BEAT IT at ITS own game at the old Moonbats In Training blog at upon many occasions and IT hasn't recovered yet...that is why IT so obsesses with me and follows me everywhere I go...some would call that "stalking". IT has said that IT would see me at such-and-such a place and IT is so cowardly IT has never shown up. HINT: I will be in DC from 10 MAR 08 to 16 MAR 08...come on by...I will be wearing my Snooper Cap. I will be with the Move America Forward, Operation America Rising, Gathering of Eagles folks so I shouldn't be too hard to find. Look for the live blogging tables and the live BTR shows.

This one here is the kicker, folks:
Being led by the equally pathetic boston who is clueless regarding the true nature of Christ is no surprise. You all fit exactly in the description given by the author of the book, The New fascists. Now I can't wait for the barrage to come my way. ha ha ha..
SHAZAAM! IT has a longer history of "stalking" Cyber Pastor (reference to 'pathetic boston') which supports ITS claim and vow of being more left than the leftists. Imagine that. Thanks, once again, for the confirmation that we already knew. This self-avowed communist makes a claim that IT knows all about Christ. Imagine that? If I did, IT would be a Christian. Just as if IT actually "thought", IT would be a conservative.

The poor creature really has no clue what a fascist is and if IT did, IT would not prattle on as IT does. As for the "barrage" there troll whiner, none will come your way. All you have to do is present some NEW MATERIAL that can be substantiated other than opinions and opinions of others. Opinions don't count.

Now, as for promised references to the Moonbat's history of being a total fool and ITS own admittance to being a communist: (there may be some duplicates but that is what happened when the TOCB blog merged with this one)

here, here, here.

This just in from Pajamas Media: read the ENTIRE article to keep the context in tact
[...] The study does not appear to take into account the context of the time the original statements were uttered. Instead, it seems to start with an assumption that the administration deliberately mislead America to war. If the study had started with the assumption that the Bush administration and the intelligence community had misinterpreted intelligence reports, then these statements CPI collected could be interpreted in a very different manner. The study also fails to mention that a large majority in Congress, including top ranking Democrats, believed the intelligence assessments, and were briefed in more detail than the president about the situation. They still supported action against Hussein. It would be interesting to see the study enlarged to include statements made by those Democrats who voted for military action. [...]

Point Set Match...'nuf said