Monday, January 07, 2008

Is Duncan Hunter Dropping Out?-UPDATE: Hunter stays in Race and calls Media "Knuckleheads"

[Update] Thanks to Snooper for the comment. According to CNN, Duncan Hunter is staying in the presidential race and he "lashed out" at media knuckleheads that excluded him from this weekend's New Hampshire primary debates.

The conservative California congressman criticized debate organizers at FOX and ABC for not extending him an invitation when "guys with zero delegates" like Rudy Giuliani and John McCain were allowed to participate in the events, saying they "decided my campaign was over, and the lights would be shut out on my campaign.

"So here's my answer: I'm not going to quit. I'm staying in."

Hat Tip to Michelle Malkin who posts that according to a press release from the Hunter campaign, Duncan Hunter will be making an announcement concerning his campaign at 2 pm Eastern today, January 7, 2008.

Joe Biden and Chris Dodd dropped out of the Democratic Presidential race last week after poor showings in the Iowa caucus, so will Hunter be dropping out today?

For Immediate Release: January 7, 2007
Contact: Bob Bevill, (978) 339-3198, (603) 913-1770

Presidential Candidate and California Congressman Duncan Hunter will be making a major announcement today at 2:00 p.m. (EST), regarding the future of his Presidential bid. All media are encouraged to attend or contact Bob Bevill, National Media Coordinator, to arrange alternate interviews.

Radisson Hotel Lobby
700 Elm Street
Manchester, New Hampshire
2:00 p.m. (EST)

Despite a popular stance on Immigration and National Defense, etc.. Duncan Hunter has not gotten any traction in the media, the polls nor from voters, so it would make sense that he would drop out, further thinning out the herd of candidates and narrowing it down.

According to CNN's political ticker, Hunter has been suffering from a lack of campaign funds and he was excluded from the ABC, WMUR Republican debate on Saturday and from the Fox News forum last night [Sunday].

We will update this post with his announcement after he makes it....

Stay tuned.