Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Florida Primary Results

UPDATE 11:00 pm CST

100% of precincts reporting in:


Clinton 50%

Obama 33%

Edwards 14%


McCain 36%

Romney 31%

Giuliani 15%

Huckabee 13%

Paul 3%

[UPDATE 9:15 pm CST]

79% of precincts reporting in. Giuliani will withdraw from the campaign and is reported to announce tomorrow that he will endorse John McCain.


Clinton 50%

Obama 33%

Edwards 14%


McCain 36%

Romney 31%

Giuliani 15%

Huckabee 13%

Paul 3%

[Update 8:30 pm CST]

64% of precincts reporting in. Romney concedes Florida to McCain, Giuliani's concession speech sounds like the precursor to a pending withdrawl. Speculations are floating about that he will endorse McCain.


Clinton 51%

Obama 32%

Edwards 15%


McCain 36%

Romney 31%

Giuliani 15%

Huckabee 13%

Paul 3%

7:15 pm CST

Post will be updated as results come in. Florida isn't really much of an issue for the Democrats tonight, as Florida had it's delegates stripped due to moving their primaries ahead against the wishes of the DNC. Hillary Clinton (49% is currently leading Barack Obama (29%) and John Edwards (15%) with 29% of precincts reporting in. Why Edwards is hanging in is anyone's guess at this point.

On the Republican side

McCain 34%

Romney 33%

Giuliani 15%

Huckabee 13%

Paul 3%