Tuesday, December 04, 2007

It Keeps Getting Worse for Hillary Clinton: UPDATE.. more bad news for Hillary

[Update] Norman Hsu indicted in NY.

When she stumbles, she really falls hard and fast doesn't she?

Gallup has a new poll out and the results are astounding.

Between Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, John McCain, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee- Hillary is the only one of the above, according to Gallup, with a higher unfavorable rating than favorable.

Furthermore: John McCain is 8 points higher in favorable ratings that Hillary, Barack Obama 6 points higher, John Edwards 3 points higher, and Rudy Giuliani 5 points higher.

More from Gallup shows Giuliani still leading nationally but Huckabee is gaining.

Hillary's chief strategist, Mark Penn says the whole Obama Kindergarten thing was just a JOKE!!!!

Politico provides us with the new ad from Democratic Courage, an independent, left-leaning group.

(30 second video)

More thoughts from Captain Ed.

[Update] Rasmussen brings more bad news for Hillary in Colorado.

The survey also finds that Clinton trails both former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Senator John McCain by four points in proposed general-election match-ups. In each case, the GOP contender leads the former First Lady 44% to 40%. But Senator Clinton is just a point behind former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in Colorado (42% to 41%) and she has a three-point lead over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (43% to 40%).

Not a real good few weeks for Hillary and it doesn't look like it is going to get any better.