Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Widow of Maj. Troy Gilbert Speaks Out Against the Media

An al-Qaida-linked group released a video showing the body of a Luke Air Force Base fighter pilot killed in Iraq last year, the media jumped all over it and Ginger Gilbert, widow of Maj. Troy Gilbert, speaks out against media for using her husbands death to lend credibility to terrorist propaganda for political purposes.

Her quotes:

"When media chooses to use Troy's plane crash as a political catalyst to generate anti-war sentiment, it only serves to degrade the moral integrity my husband possessed and the morale of those still selflessly serving,"


"Every time the press lends credibility and significance to terrorist propaganda clearly designed to erode public support or questions the validity of our brave soldiers' selfless acts of service and the war itself, "it only serves to damage our country from within its own borders and embolden those who would do us harm."

Troy Gilbert, 34, a father of five, was killed Nov. 27, 2006, when his F-16 crashed about 20 miles northwest of Baghdad. Officials concluded that Gilbert crashed because he was so focused on saving friendly troops from attacking insurgents that he flew too low.

Luke officials, who helped plan the news conference at the request of Gilbert's widow, have declined to comment on the video, referring all questions to the Defense Department.

Previously we have shown CNN doing the exact same thing, airing a "sniper video" that was, admittedly, provided to them by enemies of our country, then taking it a step further and disgustingly offering that same video on their On Demand channel(Screen shots of the on demand offer included at that link) for people to pay CNN to see our troops shot.

NYT did it when they showed a video showing a soldier dying and they published this BEFORE the soldiers family had even been notified.

Our media is being used by our enemies and they are doing it with full knowledge, they are deliberately spreading enemy propaganda to further a political cause.

To the media, these families have suffered enough, must you be so callous and cause them more suffering? Is your politics more important than these brave families and their pain?

To Ginger Gilbert, thank you for speaking up and we are sorry for your loss and for the disgraceful actions of the media.

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