Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today's Villains: Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein

The Twin Cities Conservative has opted to discuss the Islamo-Left alliance regarding the very real war on terror. Sometimes though, we like to switch our focus and discuss equally important issues that affect us all.

The TCC stumbled upon this article from The Loft. At the forefront, it would appear the Defeatocrats are attempting to resurrect the immigration issue once again.

For all the talk of the Democrats supposedly having their finger on the pulse of the American people concerning the Iraq War, they immediately make themselves look like pandering hypocrites when the issue of illegal immigration arises.

Here's a message to the Democrats (and some in the Republican ranks as well): the American citizenry OVERWHELMING opposes any legislation that would grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Furthemore, we resent the implication that we are xenophobes because we oppose this bill.

The 1986 "comprehensive" immigration reform bill failed miserably. It accomplished this: it encouraged a mass illegal alien exodus from Mexico across our southern border.

The Twin Cities Conservative usually devotes a column to a Defeatocrat/Dhimmicrat villain. Today we’re going to divide the honor among two shameful Democratic Senators: Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein.

Note the following hightlights:

First, “An effort by Illinois Democrat Richard Durbin to grant amnesty to illegal alien students under his ‘Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act.’ This bill would ‘grant legal status to illegal aliens who arrived here before the age of 16, have lived here at least five years, graduated high school and finished at least two years of college or military service.’”

Second, “as noted by (Alabama Republican Jeff) Sessions, is that liberal California Sen. Dianne Feinstein ‘plans to offer an amendment to the five-year farm bill that could come to the floor in October that could legalize 1.5 million farm workers. The Congressional Budget Office estimated they would bring another 1.8 million relatives into the country with them.’”

Seriously, this party MUST be stopped. They are destroying this country.

Here's the complete report:

Amnesty Fight Returns to Congress

Posted By Bobby Eberle On September 18, 2007 at 6:47 am

During the summer, the debate over so-called "immigration" reform was waged not just in Washington, but across the country. With the Bush administration and top pro-amnesty senators backing a bill that would grant legal status to millions of illegal aliens, passage of the bill seemed certain. However, the Senate and the president learned the power of the grassroots. Through actions such as phone calls, petitions, letters to Congress, and word of mouth, a movement spread around the country that resulted in the clear defeat of the bill. Now, that grassroots coalition will again be tested as the Senate once again tries to sell amnesty to the American people.

As noted in the Washington Times, there are several pieces of legislation (in the form of amendments to other bills) that, if passed, would grant amensty to millions of people currently in the U.S. illegally. It is quite apparent from these actions that the Senate does not listen to the voices of grassroots Americans.

During debate this summer on the large scale, comprehensive amnesty bill, there were calls by some senators and others for "border security first." This made perfect sense to me. Let's clamp down on the borders and prevent more illegal activity. This is the most important aspect of immigration reform, especially in a post-9/11 world. With the failure of the bill, as noted in the Washington Times, "it appeared as though enforcement -- better border security and workplace checks on employers — would see action." However, that is not the case. Rather, Democrats "have pressed measures on the other side of the equation to legalize some groups of illegal aliens."

First is an effort by Illinois Democrat Richard Durbin to grant amnesty to illegal alien students under his "Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act." This bill would "grant legal status to illegal aliens who arrived here before the age of 16, have lived here at least five years, graduated high school and finished at least two years of college or military service."

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) noted in Congressional Quarterly that the so-called "DREAM" act "would allow states to provide college benefits to illegal immigrants" and that the measure could benefit "1.3 million illegal immigrants."

Second, as noted by Sessions, is that liberal California Sen. Dianne Feinstein "plans to offer an amendment to the five-year farm bill that could come to the floor in October that could legalize 1.5 million farm workers. The Congressional Budget Office estimated they would bring another 1.8 million relatives into the country with them."

The Times reports that Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid promised Feinstein that "he would find floor time for the agriculture workers proposal."

What is so frustrating about all of this is that bills such as these are such a slap in face to law-abiding Americans. The grassroots soundly rejected amnesty... illegal behavior and activities should not be rewarded! Yet politicians keep pushing and pushing -- waiting for that moment when the grassroots isn't paying attention, and then -- BOOM -- a bill is passed. We can't let that happen!

An informed and movitivated grassroots is the most powerful force in politics. We must continue to stay informed, and when the time comes for action, we must be ready. Congress needs to build the fence! Border security comes first.

crossposted at The Twin Cities Conservative