Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Young America's Foundation and CAIR

This is breaking over at Hot Air and you can go see the letter CAIR has sent to the Young America's Foundation, but I have GOT to mention their response to CAIR and their worthless threats.

CAIR, whose spokesman Ibrahim Hooper defamed Spencer on CNN Tuesday night, has issued a demand via its lawyers that YAF cancel the speech or “ensure that false and defamatory statements are not disseminated at that session.

Hot Air shows the letter, then the response to CAIR's letter.

I’m told by YAF that the speech will proceed as scheduled, and Jason Mattera, spokesman for YAF, responded to the CAIR complaint:

“CAIR can go to Hell and they can take their 72 virgins with them.”

I think CAIR has its answer.

Now, go check it all out... That response is awesome!!!!!

[Update] More from Robert Spencer himself over at Jihad Watch.

[Update #2] Michelle Malkin gets the quote of the

Where are all the free-speech activists when you need them? Well, when it comes to protecting the free speech of those who criticize jihad and its apologists, the free-speech protectors are hiding under their bedcovers. Wetting their pants. Covering their ears, squeezing their eyes shut, and rocking themselves to sleep.

Nice visual Michelle.

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