Monday, August 06, 2007

Why are we not hearing about this?

I'm furious.

I'm outraged.

And I demand justice.

I can NOT believe that this is happening on our own soil, first off, and now that it has, I CAN NOT believe that CNN, Fox, or the others are not carrying this at least as BREAKING news.

Huge hat tip to the Moderate Voice for this one.

Killings of students shock Newark
Associated Press Writer

NEWARK, N.J. --In a city where gun violence has become an all too common part of daily life, these shootings were enough to chill even the most hardened residents: Four young friends shot execution-style in a schoolyard just days before they were to head to college.

Three were killed after being forced to kneel against a wall and then shot in the head at close range Saturday night, police said. A girl was found slumped near some bleachers 30 feet away, a gunshot wound to the head but still alive.

The four Newark residents were to attend Delaware State University this fall. No arrests had been made by Monday and authorities had not identified suspects.

We're not going to politicize this incident. Anyone who reads me regularly knows that I'm a member of the NRA, so I do/will take offense at the dinosaur media attempting to do so.

But why are they not talking about it?

Are political sex scandals, the latest antics of the slut brigade, and cracking jokes about why the French are called "frogs" more important?


These animals must be hunted down and brought to justice.

What say ye, America?

Once and Always, an American Fighting Man

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Terrorists and terror training inside the USA from Right Truth...

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