Friday, August 17, 2007

Utah Mine Update: 3 rescuers dead, 6 injured

[update #2] From what I am hearing they are still drilling and hoping to break through and at least get food and water to the miners if they find them to be alive.

More to come.

They have halted the rescue efforts.

HUNTINGTON, Utah - After 10 days of setbacks, nerve-jangling "bumps" and a second mine collapse that killed three workers trying to rescue their comrades, authorities Friday conceded defeat to a mountain that appeared to be slowly crumbling.

"Is there any possible way we can continue this underground operation and provide safety for the rescue workers? At this point we don't have an answer," federal Mine Safety and Health Administration chief Richard Stickler said as he announced that officials had suspended the rescue operation indefinitely.

I cannot imagine what the families of the trapped miners are going through, but our thoughts and prayers are with them.

[End Update]
Horrible turn of events.

MSNBC reports that on the eleventh day of the rescue attempts to get to the Utah miners that were trapped, tragedy struck and 3 rescuers are dead and 6 are injured.

HUNTINGTON, Utah - A disastrous cave-in Thursday night killed three rescue workers and injured at least six others who were trying to tunnel through rubble to reach six trapped miners, authorities said. Mining officials were considering whether to suspend the rescue effort.

It was a shocking setback on the 11th day of the effort to find miners who have been confined at least 1,500 feet below ground at the Crandall Canyon mine. It is unknown if the six are alive or dead.

“All rescue workers have been evacuated from the mine,” said Dirk Fillpot, a spokesman for the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration.

Officials said the cave-in was caused by a mountain bump, which commonly refers to pressure inside the mine that shoots coal from the walls with great force. Seismologists say such an event caused the Aug. 6 cave-in that trapped six men inside the central Utah mine. Thursday’s bump occurred about 6:30 p.m. ET.

Earlier it was reported that they had discovered where the miners were trapped and in following up on that I came across these latest reports.

We will keep you updated..

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