Thursday, August 16, 2007

Update on Utah Miners

A sign of hope, it may be nothing or it may be an indication that there is still time to save some lives, we won't know until they reach the miners.

HUNTINGTON, Utah (CNN) -- Rescue workers said they detected a noise Wednesday night -- though it's unclear what it was -- deep inside the Utah mine where six men have been trapped for nine days.

"We saw some indication of noise for a period of about five minutes that we had not seen before," said Richard Stickler, director of the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration. "We're not sure what it means."

Bob Murray, president and CEO of mine co-owner Murray Energy Group, told reporters, "Don't read too much into this noise we picked up."

"But it is a sign of hope," he said.

Stickler said that based on the location of the unknown noise, rescuers have decided to change the location of a fourth drill hole they are planning to bore down into the mine in an effort to make contact with the miners and determine the conditions inside. The new drilling is expected to begin Thursday morning.

Read the rest and keep these men and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

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