Monday, August 20, 2007

Raoul Changes His Mind: Welcome

For those that have not been aware of it, one man, named raoul has been stalking a few conservative blogger friends of mine.

His hateful rhetoric bordered on threatening, but after much discussion with him and about him, it looks like he finally did as we suggested and researched things on his own and stopped repeating "talking points" he was getting on the far left liberal sites.

He was tracked by his IP from sitemeter and haloscan as he tried to join the Conservative Patriots Group at google groups and from his statements on those applications we see his 180 turn.

A couple examples of his most recent statements:


Im interested in learning how we are going to prevent the dems from taking the white house from us. I want to know which republican has the best chance of beating Clinton.


Looking for like-minded Americans to promote conservative values among all levels of government leadership.

From the bottom of my heart Raoul, thank you for finally understanding what the conservatives stand for and for helping us take back our country.

It is, indeed, appreciated.

Winning the hearts and minds of liberals, one mind and one heart at a time.

[Update] Roger has given me permission to post his latest comment here as an update.

Hello again, Spree.
Earlier I wrote some comments about this country being almost evenly split between those who believe that we're actually in a war and those who don't. After giving it some more thought, I think maybe I was wrong about those proportions.

I am now beginning to think that our poor beleaguered country is actually split three ways.
There are those on the Left.
There are those on the Right.
Then there are those who inhabit that strange shadowy world of surrealistic lunacies like our good friends "Raoul" and "Jihadist" -- or are they the same hostile persona?

These are the same people who swear that they saw Bush running away from the World Trade Center on 9/11 with dynamite spilling out of his pockets.

These are the same good people who loudly profess to love America, and proudly assert their freedom of speech, while gleefully calling their beloved country a nation of bullies and liars and murderers.

These are the loony 'patriots' who honestly believe that we went to war, not to fight back against the crazy jihadists, but so that Dick Cheney could make some more money.

Finally, these are the angry delusional nutcakes who firmly believe that the ACLU is doing a great service to this country by protecting the American public from being totaly subsumed into some conservative Republican fascist state. That, somehow, Bush,et al, by wanting to listen in to two jihadi's talking to one another in Pakistan, that what they are really after is to deprive us of yet more of our threatened civil rights.

These are the really big issues of the day: Civil Rights and Gay Marriage.

Forget about the prospects of being attacked by a nuclear weapon tomorrow -- this is just another example of that sly political manouvering on the part of the Republicans.

If this sort of conspiracy-theory insanity wasn't so eagerly embraced by the Destroy-Bush-At-Any-Price crowd, it would just be comical.

As I said before -- right on, Spree.
Giv'em hell.

Best wishes, Roger

Thanks Roger and well said.

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
