Friday, August 10, 2007

The Race is On..

The nags are at the starting gate....the gates open.....and THE RACE IS ON!!!!!!!!!

Citing her son as inspiration, a tearful Cindy Sheehan announced her candidacy Thursday for the U.S. House of Representatives.

The anti-war activist is running as an independent against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has represented San Francisco in Congress since 1987.

"The country is ripe for a change," said Sheehan, who spoke at a podium with her son's photograph attached to it. "It's going to start right here and right now."

Sheehan's 24-year-old son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in 2004. Since then, she has gained international notoriety by setting up camp outside President Bush's Texas ranch and demanding to meet with the president.

Last month, she announced her intention to run against Pelosi if the speaker didn't move to impeach Bush by July 23. On Thursday, she said Pelosi had "protected the status quo" of the corporate elite and had lost touch with people in her district, most of whom, she said, want American troops out of Iraq.

Nadeam Elshami, a spokesman for Pelosi, said the speaker has always opposed the war in Iraq and has focused on bringing troops home "safely and soon."

He would not comment on Sheehan's candidacy.

UH OH, we have a problem, it looks like Cindy Sheehan is getting a little help here, NOT FAIR, gotta stand on your own two feet Mother Sheehan, you have to cross that finish line on your own.

Sheehan admitted she has no funds for a campaign, but planned to immediately get started raising money. Without giving further specifics, Sheehan said she wouldn't accept money from corporations and would run on a platform of universal health care. Sheehan said she also wants to make college affordable and improve ethics in the legislative and executive branches.

Jules Crittenden cracks me up, he is willing to actually to break his own rule and contribute to a politician for the sake of the "spectacle".

It’s the San Francisco treat! I strongly endorse this race. I could actually break my cardinal rule and give money to a pol for this one, just to keep it going. Don’t particularly care who’s left standing in the end, it’s all about the spectacle. As a professional tabloid journalist, of course, I’m obliged to hold out for a Sheehan win, that being the one that would sell more newspapers. A Pelosi battered and reeling from 17 months in the ring with an unhinged but quite determined ditch-dweller would be an acceptable second. Have to say, though, while Sheehan has picked a race in a district where she could conceivably pull it off, I’m disappointed she didn’t go where she could do the most damage, I mean bring the most attention to her cause … plenty of do-nothing hypocrites in the Democratic 2008 field, too, Cindy!

How funny.

Captian Ed from Captain's Quarters makes the point that San Fancisco voters won't vote for Sheehan over Pelosi , in part, because Sheehan played kissie face with Hugo Chavez, which I had to leave a comment to, pointing out that Pelosi played kissie face with al-Assad, the President of Syria.

Strange events occur in politics, but it seems highly unlikely that Sheehan will prove to be anything more than a gadfly to Pelosi in the 2008 race. Even with the support of Daniel Ellsberg, who accompanied Sheehan yesterday, San Francisco voters are not likely to toss away Pelosi's powerful leadership position to support someone who plays kissy-face with Hugo Chavez. Frisco has its nuts, but they're not that crazy.

Check out the buzzzzzzz on this story.

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