Thursday, August 16, 2007

General Petreaus Trusted More than anyone regarding the surge

Couple quick points here. First, for those that have not read my interview with Vets for Freedom, executive director, Pete Hegseth, you should.

He has a fascinating insight into Iraq, the surge, the Iraqi people as well as the unique perspective of one that was in Iraq during 2005-2006 when they were "treading water" in comparison of the "drastic changes" to what General Petraeus is doing now and his group is made up of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.

Secondly, remember today is a day for action, they ask that you take 20 minutes out of your day and make some calls. Its important that everyone do this. The information needed to make those calls is at the bottom of the post linked above.

NOW, on to todays news, from Editor and Publisher, showing the latest poll numbers showing extreme confidence, from the American public, in General Petraeus.

This is the first time that Gallup asked Americans about their overall opinion of Petraeus.

In April, however, Gallup asked about the reliability of various leaders as "a source of accurate information about current conditions in Iraq." Eighty percent of Americans said Petraeus was a "very" (43%) or "somewhat" (37%) reliable source of information about conditions in Iraq, while just 13% said he was "not too" or "not at all" reliable.

"Americans viewed Petraeus as a much more reliable source than any of the other 16 leaders listed in the poll, including President Bush, members of the Bush administration, and leading Republican and Democratic presidential candidates," Gallup reports today.

"These results help explain why a majority of Americans, 56%, say Congress should not develop a new policy on Iraq until September when Petraeus reports on the progress of the U.S. troop surge."

[Update] Don't count on the Democratic politicians listening to General Petraeus, but they better remember that the American people DO see him as much more credible than they see them, as just showed above.

Catch the reactions over at memeorandum.

[Update] CNN of course claims to have different results, which are soundly proven for the worthlessness that they are by Radio Blogger.

So, lets see, Gallup who has been doing polls for decades or CNN which has already proven time and again that they would sell their soul or their mothers to influence public opinion to their political agenda as well as admittedly providing the enemy with an outlet for their propaganda, then offering that propaganda, showing a sniper killing OUR soldiers for on demand? (screen shots included at that last link)

hmmmmm, hard choice who to believe huh?

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