Thursday, August 09, 2007

Expel C.A.I.R. NOW!!

[Update-Spree] Snooper was right and a thank to him for cross posting this.

Here is a page with all posts that speak about CAIR in one form or another, some have their history, some show what they are up to these days but not one shows them doing anything that is good for America.

Read them, learn about them and then ask yourself why this organization, with the terrori ties they have added together with the information provided by the Counterterrorism blog regarding CAIR, now being identified by the FBI as part of the
Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, is still allowed to operate in our country?

Dallas--In testimony Tuesday, FBI Agent Lara Burns reported before the jury in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was listed as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, right alongside HLF, the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), and the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR). Agent Burns further testified that CAIR received money from HLF - a claim that Nihad Awad blatantly denied in a congressional testimony in September of 2003.

Burns also said that both Omar Ahmed and Nihad Awad, CAIR co-founders who today serve as CAIR’s chairman emeritus and executive director, respectively, were also listed as individual members the Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee in America.

[End Update]

I am sure that Wake Up America will add their umpteen posts on this subject but here is my take, by request, cross-posting from Take Our Country Back...

Counterterrorism Blog:
CAIR Identified by the FBI as part of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee10 minutes ago
Link Search: Google, Ask, Technorati, Sphere, and IceRocket
Discussion: Patterico's Pontifications and Little Green Footballs

This is news?

Get a grip! I have known this it seems like forever!

John Doe Already Kicking Terrorist Derrières

C.A.I.R. and Hamas

Fred On CAIR

Fred Eats CAIR

Congress Supports CAIR

Tell the FBI to get with the program!

Expel EVERY member of CAIR and ALL "Americans" that support them should be strippedof their "citizenship" and sent packing.

Dissent is one thing but advocating the overthrow of the Unites States of America's Government is tantamount to war.

I am ready for "them"...are you?
