Thursday, August 02, 2007

Democrats in the house starting to panic

Those coming from the google search for information on the Minnesota bridge collapse, those rolling updates are at this page.

Yesterday I said:

Over the last few days we have seen that according to Gallup's latest poll, the GOP presidential candidates are trusted and hold more public confidence in two very important areas, Iraq and Terrorism, we have also seen two liberal thinking critics of how the war was handled until this latest surge and General Petraeus took over, come back from Iraq with more optimism that they previously had, we have also seen two Democratic Politicians, namely Keith Ellison and Jerry McNerney, come back from Iraq to report undeniable progress, Gordon Brown has surprised many by showing a deep understanding of the challenges and dangers we face internationally and acknowledged ours, as well as his, responsibilities in Iraq, we have brought you news that Move America Forward will be joined by tens of thousands others in a caravan leading to capitol hill for General Petraeus and his September report, to encourage Congress to help our troops attain victory instead of doing everything in their power to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as they are so good at doing, Vets For Freedom will be there a few days later with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans joining them to counter the anti-military voices that plan on converging on Capitol hill, we have seen a poll conducted that shows that Americans are just starting to see the success and progress in Iraq and are slowly inching up in support of our actions, this poll was conducted twice, both times with the same result.... it goes on and on, the good news, the turning tide has been coming to us, even through our MSM and all that has just been reported on in the last week.

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I followed that up showing that although the president and his numbers are still low, Congress and its numbers are only at 3% in those that approve of how they have handled things since the Democrats took the majority.

Today we see that the Democrats are starting to panic because the public is finally starting to come around and beginning to see that there is progress in Iraq, and the Democrats are desparate to stop any and all progress if they can because of how heavily invested in failure they have made themselves.

From Weekly Standard:

On the heels of Majority Whip Jim Clyburn's comments the other day that a positive progress report from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker might be "a big problem" for Democrats, there are more signs today of disagreement among House Democrats about how to proceed on Iraq.

The Hill reports a small but significant item. For the first time in recent memory, House leaders have scheduled a vote on legislation related to Iraq that most Republicans can vote for:

Sponsored by Reps. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) and John Tanner (D-Tenn.), the bill would order President Bush to deliver within two months a plan on how to redeploy troops. It will be on the suspension calendar, meaning there will be no amendments, but it needs a two-thirds majority to pass.

This bill does not have much significance, and that's precisely why many House Republicans will vote in favor. It will allow them to tell constituents uneasy about the war that they voted for legislation to require a plan for redeployment, or that they voted 'against the president' on Iraq. But because the legislation offers something for Republicans, it's highly controversial among House Democrats.

The Hills Head Line says it all "House Dems upset over split on war"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) reversed herself on Iraq strategy Wednesday, revealing a fight within the Democratic Caucus over how much Democrats should compromise to gain agreement with Republicans on the unpopular war.

Progressive Caucus leaders were fuming after they walked into a meeting with Pelosi to find out that she had decided to allow a vote Thursday on an Iraq bill they consider too mild.

As a party they are fracturing because of the success that is being seen on the ground in Iraq since General Petraeus and the surge started using new strategies of counterinsurgency and since the MSM has been forced to start reporting some of that progress to the American people.

More from the Weekly Standard:

The continuing success of Operation Phantom Thunder has given Republicans a reason to stick with the president, presaging a major fight over Iraq policy in September, when General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker issue their progress report. If Congressional Republicans do back a request by President Bush to maintain the surge, the president will almost certainly prevail.


Don Surber states this perfectly:

The Rabid Dog Democrats see it too, and are upping the ante to out now. They must strike while the iron is tepid. If they wait till September, their surrender will be surrendered.

Democratic Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan said as much to the Detroit Free Press:

For Levin, the Detroit Democrat who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, it would be too little, too late, even if the Iraqis returned from their August recess with “a different attitude” and began working toward benchmarks including regional elections, disbanding militias and other actions.

“That’s not enough for me,” he said.

Levin wants us to lose because that helps further his political ambitions. He supports the troops’ surrender.

I pointed out the other day that Reps Keith Ellison and Jerry Mcnerney had offered the Democrats a way to limit the damage that their surrender first attitudes have caused them, but it seems they Democratic politicians, never know a life preserver when they see one and decided to just drown.

So be it.

It doesn't even seem to matter to them anymore that no bill calling for redeployment or surrender or time lines will make it past the Senate and even if it did, would never have enough votes to survive a veto, what they are doing is just what a drowning victim does before they submerge, thrashing about wildly in the water, and they are hoping that a "pretended attempt" will quiet their supporters, but even their supporters are sick of "gestures" that have nothing behind them.

The supporters are also beginning to see that the Democrats, as a party, have nothing left to offer them except broken promises and the hope for our country to fail.

Watch for more panic attacks to come in the next few days.
