Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Conservative Bloggers Making Their Mark: Washington Times Article

Hat Tip to Stacy for the link, we see in the Washington Times that conservatives bloggers might have started a little slow but they are gaining momentum in the battle to effect debate in our country.

Conservative bloggers still may not carry the political clout of their liberal counterparts, but a group of Washington-based online journalists and activists has increased its influence in the past year.

One prominent example is the "Conservative Bloggers Briefing," a weekly discussion hosted by the Heritage Foundation's Robert Bluey.

"These meetings started out as strategy sessions for conservatives to talk about policy," said Mr. Bluey, who co-founded the briefings about a year ago while writing for the conservative publication Human Events. "They've quickly evolved into a destination for members of Congress, authors and others in the movement to share their ideas with an active audience of bloggers."

Guests have included House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, who discussed earmark reform; National Republican Campaign Committee Chairman Tom Cole of Oklahoma, who invited the group to NRCC headquarters to discuss 2008 election strategy; and Washington reporter Robert Novak, who promoted his best-selling autobiography, "The Prince of Darkness."

"It will only grow from here," said David All, a Republican Internet consultant who is a regular at the blogger briefings. "There's nothing like a face-to-face contact, and the bloggers here have continued to impress."

Now head over and read the entire thing, it is good news, we are making a mark, we are being heard and as witnessed by the most recent immigration reform issue, we are able to counter the message being screeched by the far left liberal side of the aisle.

You will notice that I always separate the left, the moderate left, with the unhinged portion on the farthest fringes of the left.

That is because they ARE different. One group, the moderates, may not think like we do, but they do use their brains and they do make intelligent arguments even if we do not agree with the thinking behind those arguments. They are also capable of having a debate without name calling, personal attacks and are quite able to be civil.

Those are all qualities that the far far liberal left does not have.

Excellent news fromt he Washington Times regarding the rise of conservative bloggers and a big thank you to them for making it known.

