Friday, August 10, 2007

The Congress RePork Card

Cross Posting from an email I received and thanks to Norm for the email reminder about the Club for Growth email.

The Club for Growth keeps track of the Pork and our Congressional numbers on who votes for pork and who votes against it.

The numbers speak for themselves.

Club for Growth Releases 2007 RePORK Card

Washington - Even though the Democratic majority vowed to return Congress to a path of fiscal responsibility, the 2008 appropriations bills were stuffed with wasteful pork projects. While Representatives John Campbell, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Scott Garrett, and David Obey (1 amendment) offered 50 amendments to strip outrageous pork projects from the appropriations bills, only one amendment, offered by Rep. Jeff Flake, passed.

The Club for Growth has compiled a RePORK Card of all members' votes on all 50 anti-pork amendments (see below). "Taxpayers have a right to know which congressmen stand up for them and which stand up for the special interests," said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. "Unfortunately, the Club for Growth RePORK Card shows that most congressmen care more about lining their buddies' pockets than they care about protecting American taxpayers."

Some interesting numbers to consider:

  • Sixteen congressmen scored a perfect 100%, voting for all 50 anti-pork amendments. They are all Republicans.
  • The average Republican score was 43%. The average Democratic score was 2%.
  • The average score for appropriators was 4%. The average score for non-appropriators was 25%.
  • Kudos to Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) who scored an admirable 98%-the only Democrat to score above 20%.
  • Rep. David Obey (D-WI) did not vote for his own amendment to strike all earmarks in the Labor-HHS appropriations bill. Rep. Obey scored an embarrassing 0% overall.
  • 105 congressmen scored an embarrassing 0%, voting against every single amendment. The Pork Hall of Shame includes 81 Democrats and 24 Republicans.
  • The Democratic Freshmen scored an abysmal average score of 2%. Their Republican counterparts scored an average score of 78%.

Some of the targeted pork projects this year include:

  • $2 million for a "Paint Shield for Protecting People from Microbial Threats," requested by Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH-11). Rep. John Campbell challenged Murtha to demonstrate that the $2 million earmark would be effective and that it had been put up for a competitive bid. Murtha could not. Amendment failed, 91-317.
  • $1 million to the Center for Instrumented Critical Infrastructure in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, requested by Rep. John Murtha (D-PA). No congressional member could confirm the existence of the alleged Center. Amendment failed, 98-326.
  • $2 million to establish the "Rangel Center for Public Service" at City College of New York, requested by none other then Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY). Amendment failed, 108-316.
  • $34 million for the Alaska Native Education Equity program, requested by Rep. Don Young (R-AK). When Scott Garrett challenged Young's earmark, Rep. Young declared, "You want my money, my money!" Amendment failed, 74-352.
  • $50,000 for the National Mule and Packers Museum in California, requested by Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA). Amendment failed, 69-352.
  • $100,000 for renovation of the Fire Fighters Hall in Columbus, Ohio, requested by Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH). Amendment failed, 66-364.
  • $100,000 for the renovation of St. Joseph College's theatre in Indiana, requested by Rep. Pete Visclosky (D-IN). Amendment failed, 97-328.

These scores reflect the percentage of YES votes on 50 anti-pork amendments, which are itemized at the bottom of the page. Four House members were not included on this scorecard:

1. Jo Ann Davis (R-VA-01) - recovering from surgery and thus did not vote
2. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-08) - the Speaker of the House typically does not vote
3. Charles Norwood (R-GA-10) - passed away on Feb. 13, 2007
4. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA-37) - passed away on Apr. 22, 2007

Full Name Score Ratio
Flake (R-AZ-6) 100% 50 / 50
Campbell (R-CA-48) 100% 50 / 50
Hensarling (R-TX-5) 100% 50 / 50
Broun (R-GA-10) 100% 12 / 12
Deal (R-GA-9) 100% 50 / 50
Franks, T. (R-AZ-2) 100% 50 / 50
Garrett (R-NJ-5) 100% 48 / 48
Heller (R-NV-2) 100% 50 / 50
Kline, J. (R-MN-2) 100% 50 / 50
Lamborn (R-CO-5) 100% 49 / 49
Pence (R-IN-6) 100% 44 / 44
Ryan, P. (R-WI-1) 100% 50 / 50
Sensenbrenner (R-WI-5) 100% 50 / 50
Shadegg (R-AZ-3) 100% 50 / 50
Thornberry (R-TX-13) 100% 50 / 50
Westmoreland (R-GA-3) 100% 50 / 50
Cooper (D-TN-5) 98% 49 / 50
Feeney (R-FL-24) 98% 48 / 49
Jindal (R-LA-1) 98% 42 / 43
Jordan (R-OH-4) 98% 47 / 48
Miller, J. (R-FL-1) 98% 49 / 50
Price, T. (R-GA-6) 98% 49 / 50
Bachmann (R-MN-6) 96% 48 / 50
Cannon (R-UT-3) 96% 48 / 50
Chabot (R-OH-1) 96% 48 / 50
Linder (R-GA-7) 96% 48 / 50
Myrick (R-NC-9) 96% 43 / 45
Akin (R-MO-2) 94% 47 / 50
Blackburn (R-TN-7) 94% 46 / 49
Musgrave (R-CO-4) 94% 45 / 48
Petri (R-WI-6) 94% 47 / 50
Sali (R-ID-1) 94% 47 / 50
Sessions, P. (R-TX-32) 94% 31 / 33
Sullivan (R-OK-1) 94% 44 / 47
Conaway (R-TX-11) 92% 46 / 50
Pitts (R-PA-16) 92% 46 / 50
Royce (R-CA-40) 92% 46 / 50
Terry (R-NE-2) 92% 46 / 50
Davis, David (R-TN-1) 91% 43 / 47
King, S. (R-IA-5) 91% 43 / 47
Barrett (R-SC-3) 90% 45 / 50
Inglis (R-SC-4) 90% 45 / 50
Mack (R-FL-14) 90% 45 / 50
Duncan (R-TN-2) 88% 44 / 50
Coble (R-NC-6) 87% 39 / 45
Issa (R-CA-49) 86% 43 / 50
Neugebauer (R-TX-19) 86% 43 / 50
Rohrabacher (R-CA-46) 86% 43 / 50
Walberg (R-MI-7) 86% 43 / 50
Wilson, J. (R-SC-2) 86% 43 / 50
Ramstad (R-MN-3) 84% 42 / 50
Smith, Adrian (R-NE-3) 84% 42 / 50
Stearns (R-FL-6) 84% 42 / 50
Tancredo (R-CO-6) 84% 21 / 25
Cantor (R-VA-7) 82% 40 / 49
Pearce (R-NM-2) 82% 41 / 50
Poe (R-TX-2) 82% 41 / 50
Fossella (R-NY-13) 81% 39 / 48
Bilbray (R-CA-50) 78% 38 / 49
Burton (R-IN-5) 78% 39 / 50
Graves (R-MO-6) 76% 38 / 50
Roskam (R-IL-6) 76% 38 / 50
Shimkus (R-IL-19) 76% 37 / 49
Gingrey (R-GA-11) 74% 37 / 50
Lungren (R-CA-3) 74% 37 / 50
Schmidt (R-OH-2) 74% 37 / 50
Johnson, S. (R-TX-3) 72% 28 / 39
Bishop, R. (R-UT-1) 71% 30 / 42
Burgess (R-TX-26) 71% 34 / 48
McHenry (R-NC-10) 71% 35 / 49
Nunes (R-CA-21) 69% 34 / 49
Hastert (R-IL-14) 68% 26 / 38
Keller (R-FL-8) 68% 34 / 50
McCarthy, K. (R-CA-22) 66% 33 / 50
Barton (R-TX-6) 64% 32 / 50
McCaul (R-TX-10) 62% 31 / 50
Marchant (R-TX-24) 61% 30 / 49
Boehner (R-OH-8) 60% 29 / 48
Buyer (R-IN-4) 60% 30 / 50
Platts (R-PA-19) 58% 29 / 50
Gohmert (R-TX-1) 56% 28 / 50
Mica (R-FL-7) 56% 28 / 50
Souder (R-IN-3) 55% 27 / 49
Putnam (R-FL-12) 54% 27 / 50
Rogers, Mike (R-MI-8) 54% 27 / 50
Buchanan (R-FL-13) 52% 26 / 50
Kingston (R-GA-1) 52% 26 / 50
Radanovich (R-CA-19) 52% 25 / 48
Biggert (R-IL-13) 50% 25 / 50
Herger (R-CA-2) 47% 22 / 47
Brown-Waite, G. (R-FL-5) 46% 23 / 50
Ehlers (R-MI-3) 45% 22 / 49
Camp (R-MI-4) 44% 22 / 50
Johnson, Timothy (R-IL-15) 44% 22 / 50
Foxx (R-NC-5) 43% 21 / 49
Upton (R-MI-6) 42% 21 / 50
Castle (R-DE-AL ) 40% 20 / 50
Brady, K. (R-TX-8) 38% 18 / 47
Carter (R-TX-31) 38% 18 / 48
Fortenberry (R-NE-1) 38% 19 / 50
Tiberi (R-OH-12) 38% 19 / 50
Goodlatte (R-VA-6) 36% 18 / 50
Dreier (R-CA-26) 34% 17 / 50
Hall, R. (R-TX-4) 32% 16 / 50
Weldon (R-FL-15) 30% 15 / 50
Paul (R-TX-14) 29% 12 / 41
Davis, T. (R-VA-11) 28% 14 / 50
Bartlett (R-MD-6) 27% 13 / 49
Bilirakis (R-FL-9) 26% 13 / 50
Fallin (R-OK-5) 26% 13 / 50
Gallegly (R-CA-24) 26% 13 / 50
Hunter (R-CA-52) 26% 11 / 42
Walden (R-OR-2) 26% 13 / 50
Miller, Gary (R-CA-42) 24% 12 / 50
Shuster (R-PA-9) 24% 12 / 49
Blunt (R-MO-7) 22% 11 / 49
Hastings, D. (R-WA-4) 22% 11 / 50
Hulshof (R-MO-9) 22% 11 / 50
Granger (R-TX-12) 21% 10 / 48
Barrow (D-GA-12) 20% 10 / 50
Hoekstra (R-MI-2) 20% 10 / 49
Marshall (D-GA-8) 20% 8 / 41
Forbes (R-VA-4) 19% 8 / 43
Kirk (R-IL-10) 19% 9 / 48
Jones, W. (R-NC-3) 18% 9 / 50
Gerlach (R-PA-6) 16% 8 / 50
Smith, L. (R-TX-21) 16% 8 / 50
Bono (R-CA-45) 15% 7 / 48
Miller, C. (R-MI-10) 14% 7 / 50
Davis, G. (R-KY-4) 12% 4 / 34
Dent (R-PA-15) 12% 6 / 50
Diaz-Balart, M. (R-FL-25) 12% 6 / 50
Wamp (R-TN-3) 12% 6 / 50
Goode (R-VA-5) 11% 5 / 45
Cubin (R-WY-AL ) 10% 4 / 39
Culberson (R-TX-7) 10% 5 / 50
Matheson (D-UT-2) 10% 5 / 50
Porter (R-NV-3) 10% 5 / 50
Wilson, H. (R-NM-1) 10% 5 / 50
Bean (D-IL-8) 8% 4 / 50
Boozman (R-AR-3) 8% 4 / 50
Brown, H. (R-SC-1) 8% 4 / 50
Cole (R-OK-4) 8% 4 / 50
Gillmor (R-OH-5) 8% 4 / 50
Manzullo (R-IL-16) 8% 4 / 50
Murphy, P. (D-PA-8) 8% 4 / 49
Taylor (D-MS-4) 8% 4 / 50
Bachus, S. (R-AL-6) 7% 3 / 42
Delahunt (D-MA-10) 7% 3 / 45
Blumenauer (D-OR-3) 6% 3 / 50
Carney (D-PA-10) 6% 3 / 50
Frank, B. (D-MA-4) 6% 3 / 50
Hill (D-IN-9) 6% 3 / 49
Hobson (R-OH-7) 6% 3 / 50
LaTourette (R-OH-14) 6% 3 / 50
Lucas (R-OK-3) 6% 3 / 50
Meehan (D-MA-5) 6% 1 / 16
Rodgers, (R-WA-5) 6% 3 / 50
Shays (R-CT-4) 6% 3 / 50
Young, C.W. (R-FL-10) 6% 3 / 50
Young, D. (R-AK-AL ) 6% 2 / 31
Crenshaw (R-FL-4) 5% 2 / 40
Costa (D-CA-20) 4% 2 / 50
Davis, L. (D-TN-4) 4% 2 / 50
DeFazio (D-OR-4) 4% 2 / 49
Doggett (D-TX-25) 4% 2 / 49
Drake (R-VA-2) 4% 2 / 50
Eshoo (D-CA-14) 4% 2 / 50
Everett (R-AL-2) 4% 2 / 50
Gordon (D-TN-6) 4% 2 / 50
Gutierrez (D-IL-4) 4% 2 / 49
Kanjorski (D-PA-11) 4% 2 / 50
Latham (R-IA-4) 4% 2 / 50
Lewis, R. (R-KY-2) 4% 2 / 50
LoBiondo (R-NJ-2) 4% 2 / 50
Lofgren (D-CA-16) 4% 2 / 50
Mahoney (D-FL-16) 4% 2 / 50
McKeon (R-CA-25) 4% 2 / 50
Moran, Jerry (R-KS-1) 4% 2 / 50
Pryce, D. (R-OH-15) 4% 2 / 50
Reichert (R-WA-8) 4% 2 / 50
Reynolds (R-NY-26) 4% 2 / 49
Saxton (R-NJ-3) 4% 2 / 45
Simpson (R-ID-2) 4% 2 / 50
Smith, C. (R-NJ-4) 4% 2 / 50
Space (D-OH-18) 4% 2 / 50
Waxman (D-CA-30) 4% 2 / 50
Weller (R-IL-11) 4% 2 / 49
Wexler (D-FL-19) 4% 2 / 50
Whitfield (R-KY-1) 4% 2 / 50
Wolf (R-VA-10) 4% 2 / 50
Woolsey (D-CA-6) 4% 2 / 49
Wu (D-OR-1) 4% 2 / 50
Brown, C. (D-FL-3) 3% 1 / 35
Clarke (D-NY-11) 3% 1 / 31
Stark (D-CA-13) 3% 1 / 38
Ackerman (D-NY-5) 2% 1 / 49
Allen (D-ME-1) 2% 1 / 50
Baird (D-WA-3) 2% 1 / 48
Berkley (D-NV-1) 2% 1 / 50
Berman (D-CA-28) 2% 1 / 50
Berry (D-AR-1) 2% 1 / 50
Bishop, S. (D-GA-2) 2% 1 / 48
Bonner (R-AL-1) 2% 1 / 50
Boren (D-OK-2) 2% 1 / 50
Boswell (D-IA-3) 2% 1 / 49
Boyd, A. (D-FL-2) 2% 1 / 50
Brady, R. (D-PA-1) 2% 1 / 50
Braley (D-IA-1) 2% 1 / 49
Capps (D-CA-23) 2% 1 / 50
Cardoza (D-CA-18) 2% 1 / 50
Carnahan (D-MO-3) 2% 1 / 49
Castor (D-FL-11) 2% 1 / 48
Chandler (D-KY-6) 2% 1 / 50
Clay (D-MO-1) 2% 1 / 45
Cleaver (D-MO-5) 2% 1 / 50
Clyburn (D-SC-6) 2% 1 / 50
Cohen (D-TN-9) 2% 1 / 50
Courtney (D-CT-2) 2% 1 / 50
Crowley (D-NY-7) 2% 1 / 49
Cuellar (D-TX-28) 2% 1 / 49
Cummings (D-MD-7) 2% 1 / 50
Davis, A. (D-AL-7) 2% 1 / 50
Davis, Danny (D-IL-7) 2% 1 / 50
Davis, S. (D-CA-53) 2% 1 / 50
DeGette (D-CO-1) 2% 1 / 50
Dicks (D-WA-6) 2% 1 / 49
Dingell (D-MI-15) 2% 1 / 50
Doolittle (R-CA-4) 2% 1 / 50
Doyle (D-PA-14) 2% 1 / 50
Ellison (D-MN-5) 2% 1 / 50
Emanuel (D-IL-5) 2% 1 / 50
Engel (D-NY-17) 2% 1 / 50
English (R-PA-3) 2% 1 / 50
Farr (D-CA-17) 2% 1 / 50
Fattah (D-PA-2) 2% 1 / 50
Ferguson (R-NJ-7) 2% 1 / 50
Filner (D-CA-51) 2% 1 / 48
Giffords (D-AZ-8) 2% 1 / 49
Gillibrand (D-NY-20) 2% 1 / 50
Green, A. (D-TX-9) 2% 1 / 50
Hare (D-IL-17) 2% 1 / 50
Harman (D-CA-36) 2% 1 / 48
Hayes (R-NC-8) 2% 1 / 45
Herseth-Sandlin (D-SD-AL ) 2% 1 / 50
Higgins (D-NY-27) 2% 1 / 45
Holden (D-PA-17) 2% 1 / 50
Honda (D-CA-15) 2% 1 / 43
Hooley (D-OR-5) 2% 1 / 50
Hoyer (D-MD-5) 2% 1 / 45
Jackson-Lee, S. (D-TX-18) 2% 1 / 50
Jefferson (D-LA-2) 2% 1 / 50
Johnson, E. (D-TX-30) 2% 1 / 50
Johnson, H. (D-GA-4) 2% 1 / 48
Jones, S. (D-OH-11) 2% 1 / 44
Kilpatrick (D-MI-13) 2% 1 / 45
Kind (D-WI-3) 2% 1 / 50
King, P. (R-NY-3) 2% 1 / 50
Klein, R. (D-FL-22) 2% 1 / 45
Langevin (D-RI-2) 2% 1 / 50
Lantos (D-CA-12) 2% 1 / 45
Larsen, R. (D-WA-2) 2% 1 / 50
Larson, J. (D-CT-1) 2% 1 / 50
Lee (D-CA-9) 2% 1 / 49
Lewis, John (D-GA-5) 2% 1 / 50
Loebsack (D-IA-2) 2% 1 / 50
Lowey (D-NY-18) 2% 1 / 50
Lynch (D-MA-9) 2% 1 / 50
Maloney (D-NY-14) 2% 1 / 50
Markey (D-MA-7) 2% 1 / 50
Matsui (D-CA-5) 2% 1 / 50
McCarthy, C. (D-NY-4) 2% 1 / 50
McCotter (R-MI-11) 2% 1 / 50
McCrery (R-LA-4) 2% 1 / 49
McDermott (D-WA-7) 2% 1 / 49
McGovern (D-MA-3) 2% 1 / 50
McHugh (R-NY-23) 2% 1 / 50
McNerney (D-CA-11) 2% 1 / 50
Meek, K. (D-FL-17) 2% 1 / 48
Meeks, G. (D-NY-6) 2% 1 / 50
Melancon (D-LA-3) 2% 1 / 50
Miller, B. (D-NC-13) 2% 1 / 50
Miller, George (D-CA-7) 2% 1 / 48
Mitchell (D-AZ-5) 2% 1 / 50
Moore, D. (D-KS-3) 2% 1 / 50
Moore, G. (D-WI-4) 2% 1 / 49
Moran, James (D-VA-8) 2% 1 / 49
Nadler (D-NY-8) 2% 1 / 48
Neal (D-MA-2) 2% 1 / 49
Oberstar (D-MN-8) 2% 1 / 50
Perlmutter (D-CO-7) 2% 1 / 50
Pickering (R-MS-3) 2% 1 / 48
Pomeroy (D-ND-AL ) 2% 1 / 50
Rahall (D-WV-3) 2% 1 / 50
Rodriguez (D-TX-23) 2% 1 / 50
Ross (D-AR-4) 2% 1 / 50
Rothman (D-NJ-9) 2% 1 / 50
Rush (D-IL-1) 2% 1 / 49
Salazar, J. (D-CO-3) 2% 1 / 50
Sanchez, Linda (D-CA-39) 2% 1 / 50
Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA-47) 2% 1 / 50
Schakowsky (D-IL-9) 2% 1 / 50
Schiff (D-CA-29) 2% 1 / 50
Schwartz (D-PA-13) 2% 1 / 50
Scott, D. (D-GA-13) 2% 1 / 50
Scott, R. (D-VA-3) 2% 1 / 50
Sestak (D-PA-7) 2% 1 / 50
Shea-Porter (D-NH-1) 2% 1 / 50
Sires (D-NJ-13) 2% 1 / 50
Skelton (D-MO-4) 2% 1 / 45
Slaughter (D-NY-28) 2% 1 / 50
Smith, Adam (D-WA-9) 2% 1 / 50
Solis (D-CA-32) 2% 1 / 49
Spratt (D-SC-5) 2% 1 / 50
Stupak (D-MI-1) 2% 1 / 50
Sutton (D-OH-13) 2% 1 / 50
Tanner (D-TN-8) 2% 1 / 50
Tauscher (D-CA-10) 2% 1 / 50
Thompson, M. (D-CA-1) 2% 1 / 50
Tierney (D-MA-6) 2% 1 / 49
Turner (R-OH-3) 2% 1 / 50
Udall, M. (D-CO-2) 2% 1 / 50
Waters (D-CA-35) 2% 1 / 48
Weiner (D-NY-9) 2% 1 / 50
Wicker (R-MS-1) 2% 1 / 50
Wynn (D-MD-4) 2% 1 / 50
Yarmuth (D-KY-3) 2% 1 / 50
Abercrombie (D-HI-1) 0% 0 / 41
Aderholt (R-AL-4) 0% 0 / 50
Alexander, R. (R-LA-5) 0% 0 / 50
Altmire (D-PA-4) 0% 0 / 50
Andrews (D-NJ-1) 0% 0 / 50
Arcuri (D-NY-24) 0% 0 / 50
Baca (D-CA-43) 0% 0 / 50
Baker (R-LA-6) 0% 0 / 50
Baldwin (D-WI-2) 0% 0 / 50
Becerra (D-CA-31) 0% 0 / 45
Bishop, T. (D-NY-1) 0% 0 / 50
Boucher (D-VA-9) 0% 0 / 50
Boustany (R-LA-7) 0% 0 / 50
Boyda, N. (D-KS-2) 0% 0 / 50
Butterfield (D-NC-1) 0% 0 / 50
Calvert (R-CA-44) 0% 0 / 50
Capito (R-WV-2) 0% 0 / 50
Capuano (D-MA-8) 0% 0 / 49
Carson (D-IN-7) 0% 0 / 50
Conyers (D-MI-14) 0% 0 / 46
Costello (D-IL-12) 0% 0 / 49
Cramer (D-AL-5) 0% 0 / 49
DeLauro (D-CT-3) 0% 0 / 50
Diaz-Balart, L. (R-FL-21) 0% 0 / 50
Donnelly (D-IN-2) 0% 0 / 49
Edwards (D-TX-17) 0% 0 / 50
Ellsworth (D-IN-8) 0% 0 / 50
Emerson (R-MO-8) 0% 0 / 49
Etheridge (D-NC-2) 0% 0 / 50
Frelinghuysen (R-NJ-11) 0% 0 / 50
Gilchrest (R-MD-1) 0% 0 / 46
Gonzalez (D-TX-20) 0% 0 / 49
Green, G. (D-TX-29) 0% 0 / 50
Grijalva (D-AZ-7) 0% 0 / 50
Hall, J. (D-NY-19) 0% 0 / 50
Hastings, A. (D-FL-23) 0% 0 / 50
Hinchey (D-NY-22) 0% 0 / 50
Hinojosa (D-TX-15) 0% 0 / 39
Hirono (D-HI-2) 0% 0 / 49
Hodes (D-NH-2) 0% 0 / 50
Holt (D-NJ-12) 0% 0 / 50
Inslee (D-WA-1) 0% 0 / 50
Israel (D-NY-2) 0% 0 / 50
Jackson, J. (D-IL-2) 0% 0 / 50
Kagen (D-WI-8) 0% 0 / 49
Kaptur (D-OH-9) 0% 0 / 49
Kennedy, P. (D-RI-1) 0% 0 / 49
Kildee (D-MI-5) 0% 0 / 50
Knollenberg (R-MI-9) 0% 0 / 50
Kucinich (D-OH-10) 0% 0 / 44
Kuhl (R-NY-29) 0% 0 / 50
LaHood (R-IL-18) 0% 0 / 34
Lampson (D-TX-22) 0% 0 / 50
Levin, S. (D-MI-12) 0% 0 / 49
Lewis, Jerry (R-CA-41) 0% 0 / 49
Lipinski (D-IL-3) 0% 0 / 50
McCollum (D-MN-4) 0% 0 / 49
McIntyre (D-NC-7) 0% 0 / 50
McNulty (D-NY-21) 0% 0 / 43
Michaud (D-ME-2) 0% 0 / 48
Mollohan (D-WV-1) 0% 0 / 50
Murphy, C. (D-CT-5) 0% 0 / 49
Murphy, T. (R-PA-18) 0% 0 / 50
Murtha (D-PA-12) 0% 0 / 49
Napolitano (D-CA-38) 0% 0 / 48
Obey (D-WI-7) 0% 0 / 48
Olver (D-MA-1) 0% 0 / 50
Ortiz (D-TX-27) 0% 0 / 34
Pallone (D-NJ-6) 0% 0 / 50
Pascrell (D-NJ-8) 0% 0 / 50
Pastor (D-AZ-4) 0% 0 / 50
Payne (D-NJ-10) 0% 0 / 46
Peterson, C. (D-MN-7) 0% 0 / 50
Peterson, J. (R-PA-5) 0% 0 / 49
Price, D. (D-NC-4) 0% 0 / 50
Rangel (D-NY-15) 0% 0 / 50
Regula (R-OH-16) 0% 0 / 50
Rehberg (R-MT-AL ) 0% 0 / 50
Renzi (R-AZ-1) 0% 0 / 50
Reyes (D-TX-16) 0% 0 / 49
Rogers, H. (R-KY-5) 0% 0 / 50
Rogers, Mike D. (R-AL-3) 0% 0 / 50
Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL-18) 0% 0 / 50
Roybal-Allard (D-CA-34) 0% 0 / 50
Ruppersberger (D-MD-2) 0% 0 / 49
Ryan, T. (D-OH-17) 0% 0 / 50
Sarbanes (D-MD-3) 0% 0 / 50
Serrano (D-NY-16) 0% 0 / 50
Sherman (D-CA-27) 0% 0 / 50
Shuler (D-NC-11) 0% 0 / 50
Snyder (D-AR-2) 0% 0 / 50
Thompson, B. (D-MS-2) 0% 0 / 50
Tiahrt (R-KS-4) 0% 0 / 50
Towns (D-NY-10) 0% 0 / 50
Udall, T. (D-NM-3) 0% 0 / 50
Van Hollen (D-MD-8) 0% 0 / 50
Velazquez (D-NY-12) 0% 0 / 50
Visclosky (D-IN-1) 0% 0 / 49
Walsh (R-NY-25) 0% 0 / 50
Walz (D-MN-1) 0% 0 / 50
Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL-20) 0% 0 / 50
Watson (D-CA-33) 0% 0 / 50
Watt (D-NC-12) 0% 0 / 50
Welch (D-VT-AL ) 0% 0 / 49
Wilson, C. (D-OH-6) 0% 0 / 50

Note: In each case where the Amendment failed, this means that the spending PASSED. The Amendment

was to prevent the spending. So look down the list and you can see how YOUR DEMOCRATIC run

Congress has reneged on their pledge to CLEAN UP CONGRESS

House Vote 559 - Bars funding of $150,000 for the Clover Bend Historic Site in Arkansas. Amendment failed, 98-331.

House Vote 560 - Bars funding of $100,000 for the St. Joseph's College Theatre Renovation in Indiana. Amendment failed, 97-328.

House Vote 561 - Bars funding of $150,000 for the Maverick Concert Hall preservation in New York. Amendment failed, 114-316.

House Vote 562 - Bars funding of $150,000 for the Bremerton Public Library restoration in Washington. Amendment failed, 98-333.

House Vote 565 - Bars funding of $140,000 for the Wetzel County Courthouse in West Virginia. Amendment failed, 104-323.

House Vote 566 - Bars funding of $150,000 for equipment for the Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory. Amendment failed, 97-330.

House Vote 567 - Bars funding of $150,000 for the W.A. Young and Sons Foundry in Pennsylvania. Amendment failed, 104-328.

House Vote 568 - Bars funding of $100,000 for the Ohio Association of Professional Firefighters to renovate a hall in Ohio. Amendment failed, 66-364.

House Vote 569 - Bars funding of $1,200,000 for projects related to the Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Route. Amendment failed, 86-343.

House Vote 590 - Bars funding of $231,000 for the Grace Johnstown Area Regional Industries Incubator and Workforce Development program in Pennsylvania. Amendment failed, 87-335.

House Vote 591 - Bars funding of $500,000 for a project in the Barracks Row area of Washington, D.C. Amendment failed, 60-361.

House Vote 592 - Bars funding of $231,000 for the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association's SPUR urban center. Amendment failed, 102-317.

House Vote 593 - Bars funding of $129,000 for the Mitchell County Development Foundation for the home of the "perfect Christmas tree" project. Amendment passed, 249-174.

House Vote 594 - Bars funding of $231,000 for the West Virginia University Research Corporation's renovation of a small-business incubator. Amendment failed, 101-325.

House Vote 595 - Bars funding of $231,000 for the Abraham Lincoln National Airport Commission. Amendment failed, 107-318.

House Vote 597 - To remove 148 requested earmarks from the bill. Amendment failed, 48-372.

House Vote 636 - Bars funding of $1,000,000 for the Center for Instrumented Critical Infrastructure in Pennsylvania. Amendment failed, 98-326.

House Vote 637 - Bars funding of $1,500,000 for the South Carolina Historically Black Colleges and Universities Science and Technology Initiative. Amendment failed, 70-357.

House Vote 638 - Bars funding of $500,000 for the Emmanuel College Center for Science Partnership in Massachusetts. Amendment failed, 79-337.

House Vote 639 - Bars funding of $1,000,000 for nano-structured fuel cell membrane electrode assembly in California. Amendment failed, 81-348.

House Vote 640 - Strikes numerous earmarks from the bill. Amendment failed, 39-388.

House Vote 654 - Bars funding of $34,000,000 for the Alaska Native Education Equity program and other programs. Amendment failed, 74-352.

House Vote 663 - Strikes all earmarks in the bill. Amendment failed, 53-369.

House Vote 664 - Bars funding of $300,000 for its Bay Area Science Teacher Recruitment, Retention and Improvement Initiative. Amendment failed, 89-341.

House Vote 667 - Bars funding of $300,000 for the On Location Entertainment Industry Craft and Technician Training project at West Los Angeles College in Culver City, CA. Amendment failed, 114-316.

House Vote 668 - Bars funding of $150,000 for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City for educational activities. Amendment failed, 118-312.

House Vote 669 - Bars funding of $150,000 for the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston, S.C. Amendment failed, 70-360.

House Vote 670 - Bars funding of $100,000 for the Kansas Regional Prisons Museum in Lansing, Kan. Amendment failed, 112-317.

House Vote 671 - Bars funding of $200,000 for the Corporation for Jefferson's Popular Forest in Forest, VA. Amendment failed, 68-360.

House Vote 678 - Bars funding of $2,000,000 for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at the City College of New York in New York City. Amendment failed, 108-316.

House Vote 679 - Bars funding of $200,000 for the American Jazz Museum in Kansas City, MO. Amendment failed, 96-327.

House Vote 698 - Bars funding of $300,000 for the Belmont Complex in Kittanning, PA. Amendment failed, 87-335.

House Vote 699 - Bars funding of $400,000 for the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission in Wausau, WI. Amendment failed, 68-356.

House Vote 700 - Bars funding of $50,000 for the National Mule and Packers Museum in Woodlake, CA. Amendment failed, 69-352.

House Vote 701 - Bars funding of $300,000 for the Friends of Cheat Rails-to-Trails Program in West Virginia. Amendment failed, 81-342.

House Vote 702 - Bars funding of $300,000 for the Houston Zoo in Texas. Amendment failed, 77-347.

House Vote 705 - Bars funding of $150,000 for the Edmonds Center for the Arts in Edmonds, WA. Amendment failed, 97-327.

House Vote 706 - Bars funding for "parking facilities". Amendment failed, 86-338.

House Vote 735 - Bars funding of $200,000 for the Lobster Institute at the University of Maine in Orono, Maine. Amendment failed, 87-328.

House Vote 736 - Bars funding of $250,000 for the East Coast Shellfish Research Institute in Toms River, NJ. Amendment failed, 77-337.

House Vote 809 - Bars funding of $878,046 for the Catfish Pathogen Genomic Project in Auburn, AL. Amendment failed, 74-357.

House Vote 810 - Bars funding of $628,843 for grape genetics research in Geneva, NY. Amendment failed, 76-353.

House Vote 811 - Bars funding of $400,000 for the alternative uses of a tobacco grant in Maryland. Amendment failed, 94-337.

House Vote 812 - Bars funding of $489,000 for Ruminant Nutrition Consortium in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Amendment failed, 74-355.

House Vote 813 - Bars funding of $6,371,000 for the wood utilization grant in Mississippi, North Carolina, Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, Idaho, Tennessee, Arkansas and West Virginia. Amendment failed, 68-363.

House Vote 839 - Bars funding of $2,500,000 for the Presidio Trust national park in San Francisco, CA. Amendment failed, 94-311.

House Vote 842 - Bars funding of $2,000,000 for the "Paint Shield for Protecting People from Microbial Threats." Amendment failed, 91-317.

House Vote 843 - Bars funding of $1,500,000 for the Doyle Center for Manufacturing Technology in Pittsburgh, PA. Amendment failed, 98-312.

House Vote 844 - Bars funding of $3,000,000 for the Lewis Center for Education Research in Apple Valley, CA. Amendment failed, 57-353.

House Vote 845

- Bars funding of $39,000,000 for the National Drug Intelligence Center in Johnstown, PA. Amendment failed, 109-301.

Anything else really need to be said?

Didn't think so.

Netflix, Inc.

