Monday, August 06, 2007

Bush Signs FISA Law that Senate and Congress Just Passed

The new improvements to the FISA Law passed through the Senate with 16 Democrats crossing the aisle to pass it, then it went through the House and today we see from NYT that President Bush signed it into law.

Despite claims that Bush was "pressuring" the Democratically controlled house to pass approve the changes in the FISA Law, the pressure was needed because they had the request since April, but it wasn't important enough to THEM to actually move on it until the last minute.

Politics trumped our safety as it usually does to the Democrats in Congress, only by threatening their month long vacation, did they actually think our safety was worth the effort.

I see, via memeorandum, the left is once again all atwitter in what they think is righteous anger because it expands the capabilities of our government to monitor foreign communications with those here in America.

To actually argue that our intelligence agencies do not need the flexibility to gather intelligence and monitor these communications is to ignore things like the 6 foreign born Muslim men that were arrested for conspiring to kill U.S. servicemen at New Jersey's Fort Dix Army Base in May, or the very recent detainment of 2 men in Goose Creek for being in possession of explosive materials, close to a Naval Weapons Station with a Military Brig...these are simply two examples that show that we DO have people, in the U.S that will try conspire to kill innocent civilians here in America.

This is also seen by al-Qaeda's continued threats, via video promising the U.S. some "summer fun" as well their desperate attempts to strike fear into the citizens of the U.S. and because Congress has not managed to win their war FOR them quick enough, they are even threatening them themselves (Congress) to the point where security had to be heightened.

If you know there are people in the U.S. that will plot to kill innocent men and women and you know that on 9/11 foreign Muslim extremists DID manage to carry out a horrible plot and you also know that it is very possible to hinder those plots by monitoring those who could or could not be communicating with terrorist organizations, is it not just simple common sense to have the tools needed to do so?

Most people that are complaining so bitterly about their civil rights being stomped on, as they put it, will never be affected by the improvements in this law.

If one is not planning to communicate with terrorists or terrorist organizations, why on earth do you think this will affect you in any way?

So, basically, these chronic complainers are fighting for the rights of people that want to kill us, because those will be the only people affected by these changes.

Do they not understand this?

Are they so full of Bush Derangement Syndrome that they cannot get this through their heads?

Yes, they are.

I am reminded here of a comment I read from Shy Speak when they tracked back to one of my pieces on this subject. Here is a man that DOES communicate with family abroad and is concerned and skeptical,but understands the importance, therefore he supports this action and encourages everyone to watch how the law is applied before making snap judgments.

My concern: This bill gives the government authority to monitor ordinary Americans. For example, my wife and I have family living overseas and this new bill allows the National Security Agency to listen in on our conversations or read our email–without our consent and without a court order! I realize this isn’t the intent, but I’m always concerned about the potential for abuse, and although I support my government in this action, I do so with a eye toward skepticism.

No one says it is wrong to worry about civil liberties, but one must also use their brains to understand that the safety of American citizens must be protected and I think Shy Speak hits that balance.

Wapo has a piece slamming the Democrats in Congress for daring to pass approve this bill, yet never mentions the real dangers of NOT approving this action, as does almost all the far left cheerleaders that close their eyes to the reality of the situation: There are terrorists, they do want us dead and it IS the President's job to do whatever is necessary to keep us safe.

Nancy Pelosi, I am sure is getting an earful of complaints from the far left, unhinged, screeching portions of her party has already promised to gut this bill as soon as humanly possible.

Don Surber says it well:

In the House, 41 Democrats abandoned their speaker to pass the FISA upgrade. Only 2 Republicans crossed over in a 227-183 humiliation of the speaker. AP has the story.

The House rollcall.

The bill — introduced by Reid’s counterpart, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, passed 60-28 in the Senate as 43 Republicans, 16 Democrats and Joe Lieberman voted for the bill.

It is pretty sad leadership that loses one-third (16 of 49) of its following in the Senate and one-fifth of its following in the more partisan House.

‘Rats to Sinking Ship leadership: See ya!

This drubbing reflects polling that shows as few as 14% of Americans approve of the job that Congress is doing overall — and only 3% approve of how Congress is handling Iraq.

Those same polls show Bush scoring 34% overall and 24% on Iraq.

Pelosi's and Reid's pandering to their far left fringe instead of the moderate middle that might not scream as loud but is in the majority is the reason their poll numbers are so low and getting lower by the minutes.

A note to Pelosi and Reid, just because some moonbats scream louder than others, threaten more than others and are more insane than others, does not mean that the ones quieter and more logical do not make up the majority in your party.

Your poll numbers are proving that point over and over again, and yet you lack the intelligence to see it.

Keep it up and I am sure that 14% number, can drop even further.

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