Thursday, December 21, 2006

Somebody Needs to Educate Pachacutec

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A brilliant example of under education and complete and utter ignorance can be found over at Firedoglake, written by another amazing example of a mental defective imbecile who calls himself Pachacutec. (Hat Tip to 186 k per second)

Now, we learn of American concentration camps for brown people, holding hundreds of children, just in time for Christmas, here on mainland American soil. As allied forces liberated Europe after defeating Germany, the undesirables of the Nazi regime were set free. Who will liberate these people?

As an American Jew, Pachacutec, let me educate you about what the Holocaust actually was and what concentration camps were and what Death Camps actually looked like.

To make such a comparison does nothing but show the world what a completely ignorant, uneducated jackass you really are.

Find me one picture from your "so called" concentration camp that looks like this Pachacutec!

Perhaps you should learn of what you speak of before opening your mouth OR typing at your keyboard Pachacutec.

What law did the Jews break that had them imprisoned Pachacutec? Do you claim that the immigrants arrested were NOT breaking the law? Or do you simply think "some" people should be "allowed" to break the law with no ramifications?

How can a holding facility where people are fed and clothed be compared to a place where Jews, among others were held, had their fillings removed from their teeth, their clothes stripped off of them, starved, worked until they were exhausted and in some cases died, gassed, shot in the head, beaten and treated like animals?

Perhaps you should learn about what concentration camps actually were before making comparisons that show the exact nature of your stupidity.

Where is the comparison here to the Holocaust? Please tell this Jew how on earth you can make that idiotic comparison?

This is the email address of the "brilliant" author of that piece:

I would suggest everyone who reads this that sees the stupidity and utter disregard for "facts" to email this jerk and give him this blog page, as well as "How Much do YOU know about the Holocaust", and "Never Forget".

Others discussing this:
Confederate Yankee.

Stop by Atlas Shrugs for more on Immigration.

Definitely an open trackback on this post today.

Trackposted to The Right Nation, The Hill Chronicles, Rightwing Guy, Perri Nelson's Website, The Random Yak, , The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Pirate's Cove, The Right Nation, Stuck On Stupid, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Tracked back by:
Do we really want to follow in their foot steps? from Mark My Words...
Dem's getting ready to pull a fast one? from Perri Nelson's Website...
Nope, No Hysteria Here from Freedom Folks...
No Holy Night from third world county...
Chanukkah Call to ArmS from Woman Honor Thyself...
A Soldier's Silent Night from Blue Star Chronicles...
"The Essential Pigeon" Reading List from Diary of the Mad Pigeon...
Democrats better not drop the soap... from Mark My Words...
The Rape of the Duke University Lacrosse Team from Blue Star Chronicles...
Nothing like selling the rope to your future hangm from Mark My Words...
What Would Not Be If Jesus Had Not Been from Renaissance Blogger...
Forgiveness During The Holidays from Pursuing Holiness...
Merry Christmas! from Mark My Words...
Christmas around the world from The HILL Chronicles...
This is no time to go wobbly from Mark My Words...
Part I: Early History of Terrorism from The HILL Chronicles...
