By Stefan Stanford - All News PipeLine
With parts of the completely-controlled mainstream media being brought on to assist the globalists and Facebook to 'label' what is 'fake' news and what is 'real' news, the very short 2 minute 40 second video directly below PROVES to all of us beyond a doubt EXACTLY which media outlets are completely controlled.
Whether ABC or CBS or NBC or CNN or MSNBC, mainstream media long ago went the way of China and official government censorship, selling their souls to the devil while committing very real treason against the American people. And as we see in this short video clip, there is NO 'independence' in the corporate controlled media - they all have one script and one purpose from one ruling power. How far does this brainwashing go?
First, if you haven't seen it yet, let's take a look at this video that came out last Christmas season and should be fatal to the MSM and their claims of being 'independent'. Much more below including a look at more evidence that has emerged in the last few days that one day soon, we may wake up and find that, the Drudge Report, Infowars, Zero Hedge, SHTFPlan and all of our other favorite INDEPENDENT news media outlets are no longer online.
We also take a look below at a new video proving the White House has gone insane as they actually blame the MSM for Hillary's emails and Hillary losing the election, calling some of the MSM an 'intelligence arm of the Russians'. As the Fox news host tells us, what we're seeing coming from the WH is absolutely pathetic. And as Julian Assange tells Sean Hannity in the final video below, Assange's first interview in a very long time, the 'mainstream news media' has become increasingly unimportant with the rise of independent news outlets as it becomes more evident that independent and truthful news has put the MSM and the globalists in a very bad position.
"It's really OK... they can admit it... they can admit they sold their souls to satan while defecating all over the American people..."
With the video above proving beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt that all of the mainstream media has one 'master' and they all use the same talking points, damn the American people and the truth, we take a look at all of the emerging evidence that has come out over the last few days that the globalists (who long ago took over American media) are preparing to shut down the 'real media', the completely independent media, what many call 'alternative news'. In their sudden desperation to complete their overthrow of our country before Donald Trump gets into office, will such globalist insanity lead to civil war as Mike Adams reports in this new story at Natural News? If so, it's clear the sides are being drawn.
As Infowars recently reported, the US Senate has actually voted to legitimize CIA propaganda while providing them with ways to combat 'the real media' that we get every day from most 'independent' news outlets. Barrelling headfirst into totalitarianism and tyranny with government controlled news the only news 'allowed', it's so easy to see that our government and so-called leaders are quickly attempting to take us the way of China and total censorship.
According to the new story from Reuters, China has been 'taking action' against thousands of websites for what they call 'harmful' or 'obscene' content. Either 'shutting down' or 'dealing with' thousands of websites since April, more than 3 million 'harmful posts' have been deleted since then and 2,500 websites 'prosecuted' in a drive to 'purify' the internet in China. Tightenting its grip upon cyber space, the state of China has a 0 tolerance policy and as Reuters reports, 2 news websites have been among those that have been shut down.
As DW recently asked, is the outright criminalization of 'fake news' the way to go? If so, who gets to determine what is 'fake news' from what is 'real news'? For example, should Barack Obama be able to call a recent news report released by Sheriff Joe Arpaio that Obama's birth certificate is FAKE 'FAKE news'? You be the judge of that one in the next video below. Should Hillary Clinton be allowed to say that Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's recent STOP ARMING TERRORISTS bill in Congress is 'fake news'? REMEMBER! The wacky left-wing website Snopes is running 'cover up' on the US government selling weapons to terrorists but now, Facebook wants to use Snopes for 'fact checking'! Should Americans allow those who are completely corrupt, such as Snopes which is run by the CIA according to Wayne Madsen, determine truth from falsehood?
Read the rest at All News PipeLine
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
Lawmaker: Russian Hacking Meme A 'Whole House of Cards' - CIA Trying To Overturn Trump Election As Obama Admin 'Carrying Out A Disinformation Campaign'
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
- While The Obama Administration Refuses To Brief Congress On Claim Of Russian Interference, Obama's DHS Busted Attempting To Hack Election Databases
As Barack Obama is busy making a big deal about 'retaliation' against Russia for supposedly hacking the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, during the election season, with the MSM, using unnamed "U.S. official sources" pushing Washington's propaganda, while the FBI and other intelligence agencies question their claims, we note that the Department of Homeland Security has been caught red-handed attempting to hack into Georgia's election database 10 seperate times, as well as West Virginia and Kentucky's.
Barack Obama is once again using his patsies in the mainstream media to push his anti-Russia propaganda, with claims that Russian hackers were behind the Wikileaks leaked emails from the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, something the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange just revealed as completely false in an interview with Sean Hannity, saying the information given to Wikileaks did not come from any "state party," and definitely not from Russia.
Considering the conflicting accounts from the CIA and the FBI, it is no wonder that the House Intelligence Committee, which is charged with congressional "oversight of the United States Intelligence Community," wants to find out more about what the MSM and Obama are claiming about Russian interference, yet the Obama administration is refusing to brief the House intelligence committee.
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nune issued a statement on the refusal, saying "It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign. The legislative branch is constitutionally vested with oversight responsibility of executive branch agencies, which are obligated to comply with our requests. The Committee is vigorously looking into reports of cyber-attacks during the election campaign, and in particular we want to clarify press reports that the CIA has a new assessment that it has not shared with us. The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes. The Committee will continue its efforts and will insist that we receive all the necessary cooperation from the relevant leaders of the Intelligence Community."
Nune is not the only member of congress infuriated by Obama's "disinformation campaign" as Representative Peter King, another member of the intel committee, told Fox News that the CIA's refusal to brief congress not only "violates all protocols," but that it appears "as if "people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinformation campaign against the president-elect of the United States."
In the interview below, King tells Fox News that the CIA is purposely trying to overturn Trump's election.
If the CIA had any "proof" of intent, they would be able to brief Congress, but their refusal, according to King, indicates the entire Russian interference meme could be nothing more than " a whole house of cards."
This leaves us wondering if there is more than just an Obama disinformation campaign being perpetuated against the American people, and if the Obama administration is deliberately attempt to distract the public from the bombshell that Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, dropped last week when he publicly revealed that the Obama's Department of homeland Security conducted 10 separate cyberattacks on their election database.
It was also confirmed yesterday that both West Virginia and Kentucky were attacked by DHS IP addresses as well, as reported by WSB TV in Atlanta.
While Barack Obama is attempting to distract the nation with claims of "Russian interference," which his administration cannot even provide the House Intel Committee with proof of, the politicized DHS has been caught red-handed trying to hack into at least three states election databases.
That is what the should be investigated by Congress because the leaked emails sent to Wikileaks came from within, and there is every indication that Russia wasn't the ones who tried to "hack" the election, but the Obama administration unsuccessfully tried to hack it and when that did not work, they moved on to plan B, which is an attempt to overturn the results.
- While The Obama Administration Refuses To Brief Congress On Claim Of Russian Interference, Obama's DHS Busted Attempting To Hack Election Databases
As Barack Obama is busy making a big deal about 'retaliation' against Russia for supposedly hacking the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, during the election season, with the MSM, using unnamed "U.S. official sources" pushing Washington's propaganda, while the FBI and other intelligence agencies question their claims, we note that the Department of Homeland Security has been caught red-handed attempting to hack into Georgia's election database 10 seperate times, as well as West Virginia and Kentucky's.
Barack Obama is once again using his patsies in the mainstream media to push his anti-Russia propaganda, with claims that Russian hackers were behind the Wikileaks leaked emails from the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, something the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange just revealed as completely false in an interview with Sean Hannity, saying the information given to Wikileaks did not come from any "state party," and definitely not from Russia.
Considering the conflicting accounts from the CIA and the FBI, it is no wonder that the House Intelligence Committee, which is charged with congressional "oversight of the United States Intelligence Community," wants to find out more about what the MSM and Obama are claiming about Russian interference, yet the Obama administration is refusing to brief the House intelligence committee.
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nune issued a statement on the refusal, saying "It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign. The legislative branch is constitutionally vested with oversight responsibility of executive branch agencies, which are obligated to comply with our requests. The Committee is vigorously looking into reports of cyber-attacks during the election campaign, and in particular we want to clarify press reports that the CIA has a new assessment that it has not shared with us. The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes. The Committee will continue its efforts and will insist that we receive all the necessary cooperation from the relevant leaders of the Intelligence Community."
Nune is not the only member of congress infuriated by Obama's "disinformation campaign" as Representative Peter King, another member of the intel committee, told Fox News that the CIA's refusal to brief congress not only "violates all protocols," but that it appears "as if "people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinformation campaign against the president-elect of the United States."
In the interview below, King tells Fox News that the CIA is purposely trying to overturn Trump's election.
If the CIA had any "proof" of intent, they would be able to brief Congress, but their refusal, according to King, indicates the entire Russian interference meme could be nothing more than " a whole house of cards."
This leaves us wondering if there is more than just an Obama disinformation campaign being perpetuated against the American people, and if the Obama administration is deliberately attempt to distract the public from the bombshell that Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, dropped last week when he publicly revealed that the Obama's Department of homeland Security conducted 10 separate cyberattacks on their election database.
The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses.
In an exclusive interview, a visibly frustrated Secretary of State Brian Kemp confirmed the attacks of different levels on his agency's network over the last 10 months. He says they all traced back to DHS internet provider addresses.
It was also confirmed yesterday that both West Virginia and Kentucky were attacked by DHS IP addresses as well, as reported by WSB TV in Atlanta.
While Barack Obama is attempting to distract the nation with claims of "Russian interference," which his administration cannot even provide the House Intel Committee with proof of, the politicized DHS has been caught red-handed trying to hack into at least three states election databases.
That is what the should be investigated by Congress because the leaked emails sent to Wikileaks came from within, and there is every indication that Russia wasn't the ones who tried to "hack" the election, but the Obama administration unsuccessfully tried to hack it and when that did not work, they moved on to plan B, which is an attempt to overturn the results.
Friday, December 09, 2016
ANP Hot News.....Around the Web - 'The Purge' We've Long Been Warned About Has Begun!
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
Sheriff David Clarke Destroys The Mainstream Media As Orwellian 'Operation Censorship' Kicks Into Overdrive - 'The Purge' We've Long Been Warned About Has Begun!
YouTube Allows Channel 'Queer Kid Stuff' To Brainwash & Indoctrinate Children Into A Gay Lifestyle
Something Very Strange Is Going On In Antarctica - Reports 'Operation Deep Freeze' Has Been Ongoing For 60 Years!
Shocking Pictures And Videos Show America's Possible Future - But One Shouldn't Have To See These Photos To Want To Avoid This Fate - WARNING: GRAPHIC
Bigger And Uglier Than PizzaGate (Pedo-Gate) - The Real Number Of Child Victims Will Shock You
Satanic Display Causes Controversy In Boca Raton
Duke Approves ‘Safe Space’ for Illegal Immigrants
U.S. Electoral College Schedule
Georgia’s Sec Of State: DHS Tried To Breach Our Firewall
Clinton Finally Settles On Reason For Loss: Fake News
WAPO Appends "Russian Propaganda Fake News" Story
Denzel Washington Slams MSM For Peddling 'BS'
Black Employees Sue CNN
The Collapse Of The Political Left
Federal Judge Kills Recount Effort In Michigan
70-Mile-Long Crack Opens Up in Anatarctica
This Is the Purge We All Knew Was Coming
Trump Formally Announces Gen. Mattis for Sec of Defense
TIME Person Of The Year - Donald Trump
Ditching Electoral College Would Allow CA To Rule
SoftBank CEO Tells Trump He'll Invest $50 Billion in Startups
GOP Readies Cuts to Federal Workforce Under Trump
Sheriff David Clarke Destroys The Mainstream Media As Orwellian 'Operation Censorship' Kicks Into Overdrive - 'The Purge' We've Long Been Warned About Has Begun!
YouTube Allows Channel 'Queer Kid Stuff' To Brainwash & Indoctrinate Children Into A Gay Lifestyle
Something Very Strange Is Going On In Antarctica - Reports 'Operation Deep Freeze' Has Been Ongoing For 60 Years!
Shocking Pictures And Videos Show America's Possible Future - But One Shouldn't Have To See These Photos To Want To Avoid This Fate - WARNING: GRAPHIC
Bigger And Uglier Than PizzaGate (Pedo-Gate) - The Real Number Of Child Victims Will Shock You
Satanic Display Causes Controversy In Boca Raton
Duke Approves ‘Safe Space’ for Illegal Immigrants
U.S. Electoral College Schedule
Georgia’s Sec Of State: DHS Tried To Breach Our Firewall
Clinton Finally Settles On Reason For Loss: Fake News
WAPO Appends "Russian Propaganda Fake News" Story
Denzel Washington Slams MSM For Peddling 'BS'
Black Employees Sue CNN
The Collapse Of The Political Left
Federal Judge Kills Recount Effort In Michigan
70-Mile-Long Crack Opens Up in Anatarctica
This Is the Purge We All Knew Was Coming
Trump Formally Announces Gen. Mattis for Sec of Defense
TIME Person Of The Year - Donald Trump
Ditching Electoral College Would Allow CA To Rule
SoftBank CEO Tells Trump He'll Invest $50 Billion in Startups
GOP Readies Cuts to Federal Workforce Under Trump
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Something Seriously Wrong With Bill Clinton - Internet Explodes With Chatter About His DNC Speech
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
Something Seriously Wrong With Bill Clinton - Internet Explodes With Chatter During His DNC Speech
GAME ON! The Donald Versus Hillary - Trump Played The Mainstream Media Like A Fiddle And They Are Still Dancing To His Tune
More Proof It's Getting Worse! Venezuela Authorizes Slave Labor, Now In 'Full Blown Crisis Mode' - How Long Until This Comes To America? Obama Already Has All Of The Executive Orders In Place!
Dead Doctors: Utterly Bizarre Deaths Of Over 50 People In The Field Of Holistic Medicine In A One Year Period
Something Seriously Wrong With Bill Clinton - Internet Explodes With Chatter During His DNC Speech
GAME ON! The Donald Versus Hillary - Trump Played The Mainstream Media Like A Fiddle And They Are Still Dancing To His Tune
More Proof It's Getting Worse! Venezuela Authorizes Slave Labor, Now In 'Full Blown Crisis Mode' - How Long Until This Comes To America? Obama Already Has All Of The Executive Orders In Place!
Dead Doctors: Utterly Bizarre Deaths Of Over 50 People In The Field Of Holistic Medicine In A One Year Period
Friday, July 08, 2016
BLM Dallas False Flag - Shooters 'Appear To Have Been Militarily Trained' - Black Power Group Issues Threat 'More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days!'
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
Friday, July 01, 2016
ANP Hot News.....Around the Web - America Is A Huge Jihad Terror Training Camp - ISIS Plans Multiple Attacks In The U.S., Orlando Massacre Was Just The Beginning
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
America Is A Huge Jihad Terror Training Camp - ISIS Plans Multiple Attacks In The U.S., Orlando Massacre Was Just The Beginning
Is This How Martial Law Begins? Activists Warn They're 'Going To Cleveland To Start Trouble' And 'Stop Trump' As Police Unions Warn City Is Totally Unprepared For 'Summer Of Chaos'
DC Monument Full of Zika Mosquitoes
EU Wants And Empire
Trump Vetting VP Candidates
Germany: Refugees Committed 200,000-Plus Crimes Last Year
Farage Says Obama Acted Disgracefully In Britain
Merkel's Worst Nightmare: Germans Want Out Of EU
Trump Outperforms Romney and McCain With Hispanics
Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton Meet Privately In Phoenix
Kissinger Blames Obama For Brexit
Fox Targeted By FEC Dems
How AMAZON Triggered Robot Arms Race
Brazilian Police Greet Tourists With 'Welcome to Hell'
Clinton A Corrupt ‘Economic Globalist’ Selling Out US
Donald Trump Targets Globalization And Free Trade
EU BACKLASH: Brexit ‘Tsunami’ Expected
Seven Refugees With Active TB Sent to Idaho
Rich People Learn How To Survive The Apocalypse
Final Report From Benghazi Committee
Ex SS Agent: 'People Need To Know The Real Hillary'
"There's No Escaping The Fact That This Is A Class War"
Google, FB Quietly Move To Blocking 'Extremist' Vids
ISIS Video Threatens San Francisco
UNC: Christmas Vacation A 'Microagression' Now
Brexit: The Gift That Will Keep on Giving
Spanish Vote Delivers More Uncertainty For Europe
UK-US Special Relationship Shaky Following Brexit Vote
WV Flooding Kills Dozens; Federal Disaster Declared
Is Brexit The First Of Many Dominoes?
The Week in Pictures: Brexit Edition
POLITICO Delegate Survey: Dump Trump Lacks The Votes
Hawaii: 1st To Place Gun Owners On FBI Database
Bitter EU To British: Get Out Now!!!
The Next Round Of Stimulus Will Shock You: 'Prepare For Chaos'
Globalists Launch Economic False Flag After Brexit
Greenspan Unloads On Obama: 'This Is The Worst Period I Recall'
America Is A Huge Jihad Terror Training Camp - ISIS Plans Multiple Attacks In The U.S., Orlando Massacre Was Just The Beginning
Is This How Martial Law Begins? Activists Warn They're 'Going To Cleveland To Start Trouble' And 'Stop Trump' As Police Unions Warn City Is Totally Unprepared For 'Summer Of Chaos'
DC Monument Full of Zika Mosquitoes
EU Wants And Empire
Trump Vetting VP Candidates
Germany: Refugees Committed 200,000-Plus Crimes Last Year
Farage Says Obama Acted Disgracefully In Britain
Merkel's Worst Nightmare: Germans Want Out Of EU
Trump Outperforms Romney and McCain With Hispanics
Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton Meet Privately In Phoenix
Kissinger Blames Obama For Brexit
Fox Targeted By FEC Dems
How AMAZON Triggered Robot Arms Race
Brazilian Police Greet Tourists With 'Welcome to Hell'
Clinton A Corrupt ‘Economic Globalist’ Selling Out US
Donald Trump Targets Globalization And Free Trade
EU BACKLASH: Brexit ‘Tsunami’ Expected
Seven Refugees With Active TB Sent to Idaho
Rich People Learn How To Survive The Apocalypse
Final Report From Benghazi Committee
Ex SS Agent: 'People Need To Know The Real Hillary'
"There's No Escaping The Fact That This Is A Class War"
Google, FB Quietly Move To Blocking 'Extremist' Vids
ISIS Video Threatens San Francisco
UNC: Christmas Vacation A 'Microagression' Now
Brexit: The Gift That Will Keep on Giving
Spanish Vote Delivers More Uncertainty For Europe
UK-US Special Relationship Shaky Following Brexit Vote
WV Flooding Kills Dozens; Federal Disaster Declared
Is Brexit The First Of Many Dominoes?
The Week in Pictures: Brexit Edition
POLITICO Delegate Survey: Dump Trump Lacks The Votes
Hawaii: 1st To Place Gun Owners On FBI Database
Bitter EU To British: Get Out Now!!!
The Next Round Of Stimulus Will Shock You: 'Prepare For Chaos'
Globalists Launch Economic False Flag After Brexit
Greenspan Unloads On Obama: 'This Is The Worst Period I Recall'
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
ANP Hot News.....Around the Web - The Manufactured Divide - Elite Suffers A Devastating Blow And It Is About To Get Worse For Them
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
The Manufactured Divide - Elite Suffers A Devastating Blow And It Is About To Get Worse For Them
BEWARE Bernie Sanders Supporters! Viral 'Bernie Sanders Glowsticks' Recipe Meme Was Made By Someone Who Wants To Kill You! ANP Public Service Announcement And Major False Flag Warning
Trump Paralyzed Hillary's Campaign
Hackers Attempt to Hold Capitol Hill Data for Ransom
Iran Threatens To Sink US Warships
Hillary Clinton Is Unraveling Quickly
Trump Narrows VP List As He Moves Into General
Dozens Of Terror Suspects Among Germany Refugees
Latest Sanders Victory Jars Clinton Supporters
The First & Last Tabloid Presidential Elections?
Trump Names Christie To Lead Presidential Transition
Man Faces 'Hate Crime' Over Dog's 'Nazi Salute'
Fish Dying By The MILLIONS All Over Planet
Trump Campaign Compiling Short List Of VP Candidates
Carl Icahn Is Betting On An Imminent Market Collapse
Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director Missing
Cruz Not Releasing Delegates Before The GOP Convention
Cliven Bundy Suing Obama, Nevada Officials
MT Survey: Troops Prefer Trump To Clinton By Huge Margin
Is Online Free Speech Under Attack?
Illegal Immigrant Households Get $5,692 In Welfare
Parents Sue DOE Over Illinois Transgender Bathroom Law
Twitter Blocks US Intel Agency From Analytics Service
Catastrophe Is the New Normal for Venezuelans
Trump Is Going To Troll His Way To Victory
Former FB Workers Routinely Suppressed Conservative News
Trump To Start Security Briefings From Intel Agencies
UPDATE: Swarm of earthquakes beneath Mount St Helens
Monster Canada Wildfire Could 'Double in Size'
A Confession Of Liberal Intolerance
Less Than 1% Of Immigrants Who Overstayed Visas Deported
Mysterious Case Of 'Suicide Village'
Guccifer Speaks To FBI At Length
MO House Passes Anti-Abortion ‘Personhood’ Amendment
Top Allies Break With Ryan Over Trump
Alex Jones: Glenn Beck On Fire With Evil
Trump Is The Nominee But Every State Needs To Keep Voting
Job Cuts At US Companies Jump 35% In April
'Going To Hospital' Is 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In US
Merkel Does 180, Wants To Protect Germany From Immigrants
Democratic Momentum For Hitlery Builds As Bernie Fades
Migrant Rape Epidemic Reaches Austria
Ted Cruz's $10 million donor backs Donald Trump
Chris Matthews Caught on Hot Mic Ogling Melania
San Andreas Fault 'Locked, Loaded And Ready To Roll'
SAVAGE: Obama Will Sabotage Economy On Way Out
Illegal Immigrant Numbers Skyrocket At Mexican Border
The Manufactured Divide - Elite Suffers A Devastating Blow And It Is About To Get Worse For Them
BEWARE Bernie Sanders Supporters! Viral 'Bernie Sanders Glowsticks' Recipe Meme Was Made By Someone Who Wants To Kill You! ANP Public Service Announcement And Major False Flag Warning
Trump Paralyzed Hillary's Campaign
Hackers Attempt to Hold Capitol Hill Data for Ransom
Iran Threatens To Sink US Warships
Hillary Clinton Is Unraveling Quickly
Trump Narrows VP List As He Moves Into General
Dozens Of Terror Suspects Among Germany Refugees
Latest Sanders Victory Jars Clinton Supporters
The First & Last Tabloid Presidential Elections?
Trump Names Christie To Lead Presidential Transition
Man Faces 'Hate Crime' Over Dog's 'Nazi Salute'
Fish Dying By The MILLIONS All Over Planet
Trump Campaign Compiling Short List Of VP Candidates
Carl Icahn Is Betting On An Imminent Market Collapse
Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director Missing
Cruz Not Releasing Delegates Before The GOP Convention
Cliven Bundy Suing Obama, Nevada Officials
MT Survey: Troops Prefer Trump To Clinton By Huge Margin
Is Online Free Speech Under Attack?
Illegal Immigrant Households Get $5,692 In Welfare
Parents Sue DOE Over Illinois Transgender Bathroom Law
Twitter Blocks US Intel Agency From Analytics Service
Catastrophe Is the New Normal for Venezuelans
Trump Is Going To Troll His Way To Victory
Former FB Workers Routinely Suppressed Conservative News
Trump To Start Security Briefings From Intel Agencies
UPDATE: Swarm of earthquakes beneath Mount St Helens
Monster Canada Wildfire Could 'Double in Size'
A Confession Of Liberal Intolerance
Less Than 1% Of Immigrants Who Overstayed Visas Deported
Mysterious Case Of 'Suicide Village'
Guccifer Speaks To FBI At Length
MO House Passes Anti-Abortion ‘Personhood’ Amendment
Top Allies Break With Ryan Over Trump
Alex Jones: Glenn Beck On Fire With Evil
Trump Is The Nominee But Every State Needs To Keep Voting
Job Cuts At US Companies Jump 35% In April
'Going To Hospital' Is 3rd Leading Cause Of Death In US
Merkel Does 180, Wants To Protect Germany From Immigrants
Democratic Momentum For Hitlery Builds As Bernie Fades
Migrant Rape Epidemic Reaches Austria
Ted Cruz's $10 million donor backs Donald Trump
Chris Matthews Caught on Hot Mic Ogling Melania
San Andreas Fault 'Locked, Loaded And Ready To Roll'
SAVAGE: Obama Will Sabotage Economy On Way Out
Illegal Immigrant Numbers Skyrocket At Mexican Border
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
ANP Hot News.....Around the Web - Revolution Begins In Colorado - Voters Burn Registration Cards As GOP Delegates Are Removed For Voting Trump
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
Revolution Begins In Colorado - Voters Burn Registration Cards As GOP Delegates Are Removed For Voting Trump
Shocking Video Shows What's Happening Now In New York - Report: Weapons Of Mass Destruction Already In All Large US
Revolution Begins In Colorado - Voters Burn Registration Cards As GOP Delegates Are Removed For Voting Trump
Shocking Video Shows What's Happening Now In New York - Report: Weapons Of Mass Destruction Already In All Large US
| |||||
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
The Viciousness Of Megyn Kelly And Her Crazy Obsession With Donald Trump
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
The Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump battle is raging again with Donald Trump calling Kelly "sick" and "the most overrated person on TV," and Fox News defending her and accusing Donald Trump of having an "extreme, sick obsession" with her.
It all started on August 6, 2016 at the first Republican debate, the relevant clip of Kelly's first question to Trump shown below:
The war was on with Trump taking to Twitter the next day lambasting Kelly for her argumentative question and Fox, among others accusing Trump of riling up his fans to make "sexist" attacks again Kelly, but the criticisms of Kelly started coming well before Trump left the debate stage as I highlighted on August 7, 2015 with a screenshot showing just a small sample of the reactions, from Kelly's Facebook page, shown below:

After almost daily negative coverage by Kelly on her nightly show with Trump responding via his social media accounts as is his habit, on Friday he tweeted the following message "Everybody should boycott the @megynkelly show. Never worth watching. Always a hit on Trump! She is sick, & the most overrated person on tv."

A look at Kelly's Twitter page shows the majority of what she posts has something to do with Trump, as well as most her coverage at Fox News.
After Trump's tweet on Friday, Fox News issued the following statement:
Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land. Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America — we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable news, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.
The Trump campaign instantly responded, via
"Megyn Kelly is a highly overrated reporter and anchor that constantly disparages Mr. Trump with negative and inaccurate reports. Despite the fact he wants nothing to do with her and will not appear on her show due to her extremely biased reporting, much of the program is about him anyway on a nightly basis. In fact, FOX News has begged Mr. Trump to do a prime time special to be broadcast on the FOX Network, not cable, with Megyn Kelly. He has turned them down."
They added, "Likewise, they recently called for an unsolicited and unplanned debate with Kelly as a featured moderator. He turned them down and they immediately canceled. On the FOX debate that Mr. Trump did not do, they received by far their lowest rating. Unlike Megyn Kelly, who resorts to putting out statements via FOX News, Mr. Trump will continue to defend himself against the inordinate amount of unfair and inaccurate coverage he receives on her second-rate show each night."
Trump also took to Twitter again to respond, saying ""@Ma1973sk: Actually, no @FoxNews, @megynkelly has a sick obsession with Trump. Every day, every show, trashing, negative, hate."

According to that report "Fox News officials are growing increasingly concerned for Kelly's safety as Trump continues to target the anchor," but there is no mention of their concern over the "safety" of Trump's children and grandchildren after threatening letter was delivered to his son Eric's home with a direct threat against his children.
Fox News doesn't seem overly concerned with the fact that Trump's 78 year-old sister, Maryanne Trump Barry who is a judge with the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit, who also received a threatening letter in Philadelphia on Friday.
Using Fox News' logic that they are concerned for Kelly's safety because Trump is targeting her, then would that make Kelly responsible for the threats against Trump and his family due to her constant attacks on Trump?
Is Kelly just doing her job as a reporter or has her focus on Trump been a bit "obsessive," and vicious? Has her reporting been balanced or are the stories, as Trump suggests, all negative and "trashing."
A couple of responses on her latest Facebook posting dated March 15, 2016 about an article titled "'The Kelly File' Fact-Checks the 'D-Minus Rating' on Trump University," before the latest statements by Trump and Fox News, seem to suggest that many agree with Trump on this.

The FB posting before that was on March 12, 2016, where Kelly interviewed Michelle Fields on her claim that she was manhandled at a Trump event, which ANP covered when a video showed the exact moment of the supposed "violation" against the former Breitbart reporter. To date, Kelly has never addressed the conflict between what Fields said on Kelly's show and the footage released.
The same pattern is being seen on the Facebook page for The Kelly File:

Directly before that FB posting, The Kelly File has... yes, another Trump story, dated the same day, March 18, 2016:

A couple of other questions come to mind, the first of which is does Trump treat Kelly any differently than other journalists that write or report negatively about him?
A look through his twitter postings shows Trump responded to a critical article written about him in the NYT by David Brooks, saying "While I have never met @nytdavidbrooks of the NY Times, I consider him one of the dumbest of all pundits- he has no sense of the real world!," then following up with "Reading @nytdavidbrooks of the NY Times is a total waste of time, he is a clown with no awareness of the world around him- dummy!"
On the flip side when he likes what a reporter writes about him, he is quite complimentary as evidenced by a March 19, 2016 Tweet stating "@AndreaTantaros- You are a true journalistic professional. I so agree with what you say. Keep up the great work! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain."
Going through Trump's Twitter feed we see more attacks on Kelly than other journalists, generally they come directly after she has done a negative segment on Trump, just as his criticisms of other journalists directly follow a report from them that is negative against him.
As you will see below from the screen shots of The Kelly File's website front page, it seems she viciously attacks Trump far more than he responds on Twitter to those attacks.
After going through Megyn Kelly's Facebook page, as well as The Kelly File Facebook page, along with her Twiiter page and Donald Trumps Twitter page, it appears that the majority of her reports on Trump are negative and his corresponding responses are delivered via social media for the most part, while she uses the Fox platform of a nightly weekday show.
Is Trump obsessed with Kelly or is Kelly obsessed with Trump? A look at her Kelly File front page, right side under transcripts shows the following:

From the left side, Kelly's featured story from Friday night:

The Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump battle is raging again with Donald Trump calling Kelly "sick" and "the most overrated person on TV," and Fox News defending her and accusing Donald Trump of having an "extreme, sick obsession" with her.
It all started on August 6, 2016 at the first Republican debate, the relevant clip of Kelly's first question to Trump shown below:

After almost daily negative coverage by Kelly on her nightly show with Trump responding via his social media accounts as is his habit, on Friday he tweeted the following message "Everybody should boycott the @megynkelly show. Never worth watching. Always a hit on Trump! She is sick, & the most overrated person on tv."

A look at Kelly's Twitter page shows the majority of what she posts has something to do with Trump, as well as most her coverage at Fox News.
After Trump's tweet on Friday, Fox News issued the following statement:
Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land. Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America — we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable news, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.
The Trump campaign instantly responded, via
"Megyn Kelly is a highly overrated reporter and anchor that constantly disparages Mr. Trump with negative and inaccurate reports. Despite the fact he wants nothing to do with her and will not appear on her show due to her extremely biased reporting, much of the program is about him anyway on a nightly basis. In fact, FOX News has begged Mr. Trump to do a prime time special to be broadcast on the FOX Network, not cable, with Megyn Kelly. He has turned them down."
They added, "Likewise, they recently called for an unsolicited and unplanned debate with Kelly as a featured moderator. He turned them down and they immediately canceled. On the FOX debate that Mr. Trump did not do, they received by far their lowest rating. Unlike Megyn Kelly, who resorts to putting out statements via FOX News, Mr. Trump will continue to defend himself against the inordinate amount of unfair and inaccurate coverage he receives on her second-rate show each night."
Trump also took to Twitter again to respond, saying ""@Ma1973sk: Actually, no @FoxNews, @megynkelly has a sick obsession with Trump. Every day, every show, trashing, negative, hate."

According to that report "Fox News officials are growing increasingly concerned for Kelly's safety as Trump continues to target the anchor," but there is no mention of their concern over the "safety" of Trump's children and grandchildren after threatening letter was delivered to his son Eric's home with a direct threat against his children.
Fox News doesn't seem overly concerned with the fact that Trump's 78 year-old sister, Maryanne Trump Barry who is a judge with the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit, who also received a threatening letter in Philadelphia on Friday.
Using Fox News' logic that they are concerned for Kelly's safety because Trump is targeting her, then would that make Kelly responsible for the threats against Trump and his family due to her constant attacks on Trump?
Is Kelly just doing her job as a reporter or has her focus on Trump been a bit "obsessive," and vicious? Has her reporting been balanced or are the stories, as Trump suggests, all negative and "trashing."
A couple of responses on her latest Facebook posting dated March 15, 2016 about an article titled "'The Kelly File' Fact-Checks the 'D-Minus Rating' on Trump University," before the latest statements by Trump and Fox News, seem to suggest that many agree with Trump on this.

The FB posting before that was on March 12, 2016, where Kelly interviewed Michelle Fields on her claim that she was manhandled at a Trump event, which ANP covered when a video showed the exact moment of the supposed "violation" against the former Breitbart reporter. To date, Kelly has never addressed the conflict between what Fields said on Kelly's show and the footage released.
The same pattern is being seen on the Facebook page for The Kelly File:

Directly before that FB posting, The Kelly File has... yes, another Trump story, dated the same day, March 18, 2016:

A couple of other questions come to mind, the first of which is does Trump treat Kelly any differently than other journalists that write or report negatively about him?
A look through his twitter postings shows Trump responded to a critical article written about him in the NYT by David Brooks, saying "While I have never met @nytdavidbrooks of the NY Times, I consider him one of the dumbest of all pundits- he has no sense of the real world!," then following up with "Reading @nytdavidbrooks of the NY Times is a total waste of time, he is a clown with no awareness of the world around him- dummy!"
On the flip side when he likes what a reporter writes about him, he is quite complimentary as evidenced by a March 19, 2016 Tweet stating "@AndreaTantaros- You are a true journalistic professional. I so agree with what you say. Keep up the great work! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain."
Going through Trump's Twitter feed we see more attacks on Kelly than other journalists, generally they come directly after she has done a negative segment on Trump, just as his criticisms of other journalists directly follow a report from them that is negative against him.
As you will see below from the screen shots of The Kelly File's website front page, it seems she viciously attacks Trump far more than he responds on Twitter to those attacks.
After going through Megyn Kelly's Facebook page, as well as The Kelly File Facebook page, along with her Twiiter page and Donald Trumps Twitter page, it appears that the majority of her reports on Trump are negative and his corresponding responses are delivered via social media for the most part, while she uses the Fox platform of a nightly weekday show.
Is Trump obsessed with Kelly or is Kelly obsessed with Trump? A look at her Kelly File front page, right side under transcripts shows the following:

From the left side, Kelly's featured story from Friday night:

Tuesday, March 01, 2016
There Are Vipers In Our Midst - Viral Video Ignored By MSM Shows Why America Is About To Get Bitten
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
With news that the Obama administration is "quietly pushing" to increase the amount of Syrian refugees that are brought into America, despite accounts from state and country officials that they have had to "fight" with the U.S. State Department to get promised services for those already relocated into their areas, we look around at the problems in Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Germany and more from the massive refugee influx and wonder what is the Obama admin thinking?????
Sex attacks across Europe, riots with refugees and police clashing, terror attacks in France and San Bernandino, California here in the U.S., example after example reported which prove that a country cannot bring in a massive influx of another culture without serious and deadly consequences, as well as the known fact that terror groups have openly stated they are using the refugee crisis in order to infiltrate the west to plan more attacks.
While it was reported by multiple news outlets that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump recited the lyrics from a 1968 song titled "The Snake," in Iowa in January 2016, with NBC News claiming Trump "slams Syrian refugees," what those same news outlets ignore is what is shown clearly in the video below, brought to our attention by a reader, which has garnered nearly 800,000 hits since Trump recited those lyrics.
In the video below by Rust e., Trump's speech is highlighted, interspersed with actual footage from Greece, France, Hungary, Sweden, Croatia and other European countries.... it is a must see in order to accurately understand why many believe it is a very bad idea to import hundreds of thousands more refugees into America.
(Article continues after the video)
It isn't only the threat of terrorists being imported in with the refugees, but as a report from January clearly shows, it is a cultural issue as a migrant in Germany tells a woman he is groping in the street, that "German girls are just there for sex." Another horrifying report just this past weekend shows a "hijab clad" women was arrested in Moscow, after decapitating a child in her care, carring the head down the street and screaming ""I'm a terrorist!" and "Allahu Akbar". Further quoted included her declaring "I hate democracy. I want your death."
It is not just Syrian refugees either, but Mulsim migrants from a variety of Islamic countries are causing chaos throughout Europe in a problem that is ongoing... all one has to do is look at headlines from February 2016 to see the massive scope of the cultural conflicts, where an Iraqi migrant rapes a boy at an Austrian pool because he had "too much sexual energy."
A 19-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted four girls between the ages of 11 and 13 at a swimming pool in Dresden. The migrant was arrested but then set free. (Source)
Three teenage migrants from North Africa tried to stone to death two transsexuals in Dortmund after they were seen walking around in women's clothing. The victims were saved by police. (Source)
In Siegen women bathers were forced to hide in a changing room after a group of 25 migrant men became “visibly excited” by their presence. In Bornheim, asylum-seekers were banned from the public pool after reports of obscene gestures towards female swimmers. (Source)
Other headlines include but are not limited to;
'60 Minutes' crew attacked in Sweden while filming the migrant crisis
Young Women Beaten, Sexually Assaulted In Migrant Attacks During German Carnivals
German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays
'Cologne was NOT a one-off' Sexual harassment Europe-wide issue, say EU politicians
Mother of boy, 10, raped by Iraqi having ‘sexual emergency’ regrets telling children to welcome migrants
Are we seeing a pattern here?

The patterns we are seeing throughout Europe should be a red flag, cause to decrease the amount of migrants being seeded into every state, and et the Obama administration is pushing to increase those numbers.
It is as if the Obama administration is deliberately bringing vipers into our midst.
Inevitably we will see many decry these statements as racist (even though Islam is a religion, not a race!) or Islamophobia, but as I have pointed out previously and will remind readers, even moderate Mulsims, living in America, believe that Islamic men have the right to tell women they do not even know, how to dress because the way a women dresses can actually be "sexual harassment" against him and others like him!
Directly from the viper's keyboard:
Often, we characterize catcalling men as the predators who harass helpless women. What about immodest dress? If a person dresses in “sexy” clothes and goes out in public, why shouldn't we consider this a form of sexual harassment in its own right?
Let me be frank. As a Muslim man, it is not easy walking through the streets these days. Women's fashion continues to get increasingly sexy and provocative, and, in effect, public spaces are increasingly sexualized. From an Islamic perspective, the harm caused to individuals by this is clear and inarguable. Even from a non-religious perspective, constantly bombarding men with sexiness can be tortuous. Think of men or adolescent males who for whatever reason cannot find a sexual partner. Or think of married men being endlessly tempted by strangers as soon as they step out of the house.
'Nuff said?
Below is the original Trump recital of "The Snake" at an Iowa rally.
The Snake Lyrics
On her way to work one morning
Down the path alongside the lake
A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"
"Take me in oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake
She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk
And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake
Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight
But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake
"I saved you," cried that woman
"And you've bit me even, why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

(Polish magazine's 'Islamic rape of Europe' cover sparks outrage)
With news that the Obama administration is "quietly pushing" to increase the amount of Syrian refugees that are brought into America, despite accounts from state and country officials that they have had to "fight" with the U.S. State Department to get promised services for those already relocated into their areas, we look around at the problems in Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Germany and more from the massive refugee influx and wonder what is the Obama admin thinking?????
Sex attacks across Europe, riots with refugees and police clashing, terror attacks in France and San Bernandino, California here in the U.S., example after example reported which prove that a country cannot bring in a massive influx of another culture without serious and deadly consequences, as well as the known fact that terror groups have openly stated they are using the refugee crisis in order to infiltrate the west to plan more attacks.
While it was reported by multiple news outlets that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump recited the lyrics from a 1968 song titled "The Snake," in Iowa in January 2016, with NBC News claiming Trump "slams Syrian refugees," what those same news outlets ignore is what is shown clearly in the video below, brought to our attention by a reader, which has garnered nearly 800,000 hits since Trump recited those lyrics.
In the video below by Rust e., Trump's speech is highlighted, interspersed with actual footage from Greece, France, Hungary, Sweden, Croatia and other European countries.... it is a must see in order to accurately understand why many believe it is a very bad idea to import hundreds of thousands more refugees into America.
(Article continues after the video)
It isn't only the threat of terrorists being imported in with the refugees, but as a report from January clearly shows, it is a cultural issue as a migrant in Germany tells a woman he is groping in the street, that "German girls are just there for sex." Another horrifying report just this past weekend shows a "hijab clad" women was arrested in Moscow, after decapitating a child in her care, carring the head down the street and screaming ""I'm a terrorist!" and "Allahu Akbar". Further quoted included her declaring "I hate democracy. I want your death."
It is not just Syrian refugees either, but Mulsim migrants from a variety of Islamic countries are causing chaos throughout Europe in a problem that is ongoing... all one has to do is look at headlines from February 2016 to see the massive scope of the cultural conflicts, where an Iraqi migrant rapes a boy at an Austrian pool because he had "too much sexual energy."
A 19-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted four girls between the ages of 11 and 13 at a swimming pool in Dresden. The migrant was arrested but then set free. (Source)
Three teenage migrants from North Africa tried to stone to death two transsexuals in Dortmund after they were seen walking around in women's clothing. The victims were saved by police. (Source)
In Siegen women bathers were forced to hide in a changing room after a group of 25 migrant men became “visibly excited” by their presence. In Bornheim, asylum-seekers were banned from the public pool after reports of obscene gestures towards female swimmers. (Source)
Other headlines include but are not limited to;
'60 Minutes' crew attacked in Sweden while filming the migrant crisis
Young Women Beaten, Sexually Assaulted In Migrant Attacks During German Carnivals
German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays
'Cologne was NOT a one-off' Sexual harassment Europe-wide issue, say EU politicians
Mother of boy, 10, raped by Iraqi having ‘sexual emergency’ regrets telling children to welcome migrants
Are we seeing a pattern here?

The patterns we are seeing throughout Europe should be a red flag, cause to decrease the amount of migrants being seeded into every state, and et the Obama administration is pushing to increase those numbers.
It is as if the Obama administration is deliberately bringing vipers into our midst.
Inevitably we will see many decry these statements as racist (even though Islam is a religion, not a race!) or Islamophobia, but as I have pointed out previously and will remind readers, even moderate Mulsims, living in America, believe that Islamic men have the right to tell women they do not even know, how to dress because the way a women dresses can actually be "sexual harassment" against him and others like him!
Directly from the viper's keyboard:
Often, we characterize catcalling men as the predators who harass helpless women. What about immodest dress? If a person dresses in “sexy” clothes and goes out in public, why shouldn't we consider this a form of sexual harassment in its own right?
Let me be frank. As a Muslim man, it is not easy walking through the streets these days. Women's fashion continues to get increasingly sexy and provocative, and, in effect, public spaces are increasingly sexualized. From an Islamic perspective, the harm caused to individuals by this is clear and inarguable. Even from a non-religious perspective, constantly bombarding men with sexiness can be tortuous. Think of men or adolescent males who for whatever reason cannot find a sexual partner. Or think of married men being endlessly tempted by strangers as soon as they step out of the house.
'Nuff said?
Below is the original Trump recital of "The Snake" at an Iowa rally.
The Snake Lyrics
On her way to work one morning
Down the path alongside the lake
A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"
"Take me in oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake
She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk
And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake
Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight
But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake
"I saved you," cried that woman
"And you've bit me even, why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

(Polish magazine's 'Islamic rape of Europe' cover sparks outrage)
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Best Part Of Nevada GOP Caucus Night - Video Of Trump Stealing The Show From Glenn Beck
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
For die-hard Donald Trump supporters the best part of the GOP Nevada caucuses which were held on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 would obviously be the fact that he took 45.9 percent of the vote and 14 of the delegates allocated proportionally, right after taking first place in NH and SC. For others seeing the "political establishment" completely freak out rates right up there as a highlight. Then we have those that were very happy to see the "establishment" that has become more pompous, arrogant, and unhinged with every new poll showing Trump rising, become even more unglued.
Below is my favorite moment, caught on camera, then we will take a look at the entrance polls as well as the Super Tuesday schedule.
Setting the stage, so to speak, Glenn Beck was speaking on behalf of Ted Cruz at the Palo Verde High School caucus site and in the video below you will see that Donald Trump who had been visiting caucus locations throughout the evening, showed up to steal Beck's thunder.... watch the people gravitate away from Beck and to Trump.
That was your entertainment part of this article, now lets dig into the entrance polls, which say so much about why Trump has continued to rise and why he is racing towards Super Tuesday with three consecutive big wins under his belt.
An overwhelming 70 percent of Nevada caucus-goers say they are looking for someone "outside the political establishment."

As we have seen since Trump first announced his candidacy, when political leaders and the media alike declared him dead in the water, just to see his poll numbers start to rise, the Republican voters are fed up with those same party leaders attempting to "choose" what candidates will or won't be acceptable rather than letting voters make their own decision.
Which brings us to another entrance poll demographic that defies party leaders and the MSM's immediate repudiation of a Trump candidacy after his announcement that he would be running for President, when all the political pundits and talking heads said his comments on immigration would cost him the Hispanic/Latino vote.

Trump took 44 percent of Nevada's Hispanic/Latino caucus-goes, despite the fact that both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have Hispanic/Latino backgrounds.
It is not just Hispanics/Latinos though as we see, according to USA Today, Trump swept "nearly every demographic group," showing his appeal is across the board, or to rephrase, the appeal of his message, since another entrance poll question shows 30 percent of caucus attendees rated economy/jobs as the most important issue facing the country, with government spending taking second place with 26 percent and immigration and terrorism tying at 20 percent.
Perhaps the biggest statement being made to "hard-core" conservatives that have attempted to shame their viewers/readers into supporting the candidate of their choice, rather than respecting each person's individual right to choose the person they want according to their own reasoning, is the entrance poll demographic showing 43 percent of NV caucus-goers consider themselves "somewhat conservative" and 40 percent self-identify as "very conservative."

See more entance poll data here.
What many call the rise of Trump could really be said to be the fall of the political establishment, an establishment that for decades has offered voters the "illusion" of choice as they have "selected" who their establishment candidate would be as well as who their "insurgent" candidate would be in order to control the process and ultimately control who the Republican nominee for president would be.
Super Tuesday is March 1, 2016, where twelve states and one territory will caucus or cast primary votes. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia will hold primaries for both parties. Alaska will hold its Republican caucus while American Samoa will caucus for Democrats.
How many delegates are at stake? For Republicans, 595 delegates are at stake. For Democrats, there a 1,004. GOP candidates need 1,237 delegates to win the nomination. Democrats need 2,383.
Related: Via Washington Post "Donald Trump is on course to win the 1,237 delegates he needs to be the GOP nominee"
Who you vote for, if you decide to vote, is your choice, your right and no one has the right to tell you, nor shame you, into doing what they want versus what you feel is the correct thing to do.
Personally, the spectacle of seeing the political establishment work themselves into a frenzy because voters are upending the process and refusing to "do as their told" by the media and party leaders, gives me hope that people are awakening to how corrupt the system has become.
For die-hard Donald Trump supporters the best part of the GOP Nevada caucuses which were held on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 would obviously be the fact that he took 45.9 percent of the vote and 14 of the delegates allocated proportionally, right after taking first place in NH and SC. For others seeing the "political establishment" completely freak out rates right up there as a highlight. Then we have those that were very happy to see the "establishment" that has become more pompous, arrogant, and unhinged with every new poll showing Trump rising, become even more unglued.
Below is my favorite moment, caught on camera, then we will take a look at the entrance polls as well as the Super Tuesday schedule.
Setting the stage, so to speak, Glenn Beck was speaking on behalf of Ted Cruz at the Palo Verde High School caucus site and in the video below you will see that Donald Trump who had been visiting caucus locations throughout the evening, showed up to steal Beck's thunder.... watch the people gravitate away from Beck and to Trump.
That was your entertainment part of this article, now lets dig into the entrance polls, which say so much about why Trump has continued to rise and why he is racing towards Super Tuesday with three consecutive big wins under his belt.
An overwhelming 70 percent of Nevada caucus-goers say they are looking for someone "outside the political establishment."

As we have seen since Trump first announced his candidacy, when political leaders and the media alike declared him dead in the water, just to see his poll numbers start to rise, the Republican voters are fed up with those same party leaders attempting to "choose" what candidates will or won't be acceptable rather than letting voters make their own decision.
Which brings us to another entrance poll demographic that defies party leaders and the MSM's immediate repudiation of a Trump candidacy after his announcement that he would be running for President, when all the political pundits and talking heads said his comments on immigration would cost him the Hispanic/Latino vote.

Trump took 44 percent of Nevada's Hispanic/Latino caucus-goes, despite the fact that both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have Hispanic/Latino backgrounds.
It is not just Hispanics/Latinos though as we see, according to USA Today, Trump swept "nearly every demographic group," showing his appeal is across the board, or to rephrase, the appeal of his message, since another entrance poll question shows 30 percent of caucus attendees rated economy/jobs as the most important issue facing the country, with government spending taking second place with 26 percent and immigration and terrorism tying at 20 percent.
Perhaps the biggest statement being made to "hard-core" conservatives that have attempted to shame their viewers/readers into supporting the candidate of their choice, rather than respecting each person's individual right to choose the person they want according to their own reasoning, is the entrance poll demographic showing 43 percent of NV caucus-goers consider themselves "somewhat conservative" and 40 percent self-identify as "very conservative."

See more entance poll data here.
What many call the rise of Trump could really be said to be the fall of the political establishment, an establishment that for decades has offered voters the "illusion" of choice as they have "selected" who their establishment candidate would be as well as who their "insurgent" candidate would be in order to control the process and ultimately control who the Republican nominee for president would be.
Super Tuesday is March 1, 2016, where twelve states and one territory will caucus or cast primary votes. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia will hold primaries for both parties. Alaska will hold its Republican caucus while American Samoa will caucus for Democrats.
How many delegates are at stake? For Republicans, 595 delegates are at stake. For Democrats, there a 1,004. GOP candidates need 1,237 delegates to win the nomination. Democrats need 2,383.
Related: Via Washington Post "Donald Trump is on course to win the 1,237 delegates he needs to be the GOP nominee"
Who you vote for, if you decide to vote, is your choice, your right and no one has the right to tell you, nor shame you, into doing what they want versus what you feel is the correct thing to do.
Personally, the spectacle of seeing the political establishment work themselves into a frenzy because voters are upending the process and refusing to "do as their told" by the media and party leaders, gives me hope that people are awakening to how corrupt the system has become.
China Has Won The Global Game Of Monopoly And Ended Up With Park Avenue - And Everything Else!
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
The Chinese have defeated the United States in the game of Monopoly - They took Americas printing press money in exchange for Chinese merchandise and then took the cash and bought the country. - SQ
With recent news that lawmakers are "freaking out" over the record rate that the Chinese are buying up American companies, including the Chicago Stock Exchange, we take a look at news from 2009 to present day and have to ask if America has become the United States of China?
News that a Chinese company, Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group (CCEG) agreed to terms to acquire the Chicago Stock Exchange has spurred 45 members of Congress to sign a letter to the Treasury Department's Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS), where it is noted that CCEG's financial assets were originally owned by the Chinese government and the company was created to absorb those state controlled assets in 1997.
"This proposed acquisition would be the first time a Chinese-owned, possibly state-influenced, firm maintained direct access into the $22 trillion US equity marketplace," the letter reads.
Read the entire letter to the CFIUS here. (PDF)
With China being the biggest holder of America's debt we are reminded of a 2009 Washington Post report where China was said to be "saber-rattling" when China demanded the Obama government offer them a "guarantee the safety" of its $1 trillion (at that time) in America bonds.
Specifically noted in that article was that "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton urged the Chinese to keep buying U.S. bonds." What wasn't noted in that article was the nature of the "guarantee" China was actually given, but subsequent reports since 2009 show that the Chinese have acquired a significant amount of land, businesses and real estate within the U.S., but the following quote from that piece gives us a clue of what was to come.
"The power that China now has is that its actions are seen as a leading indicator of the confidence that foreign investors will have in the ability of the U.S. government to pay the debt," said Eswar Prasad, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. "These comments are saber-rattling in the sense that they are using that leverage to tell the U.S. to back off on currency policy and trade policy."
A look at the "Stimulus" package from 2009 and Quantitative easing, with the Fed printing money out of thin air, in conjunction with the report from Reuters in October 2015 that America suffered the "largest expansion" in terms of "trade deficit" in five months while China's imports "surge" and we see that added to the record rate of businesses and land Chinese entities are buying up - the U.S. has indeed been sold down the river..... to China.
Look at the numbers, updated on February 8, 2016:
The U.S. trade deficit with China was $365.7 billion in 2015 This is a new record, up slightly from last year's record of $343 billion.
The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $116.2 billion while imports from China hit a new record of $481.9 billion. The deficit keeps growing because imports are rising faster than exports.
For years we have been seeing reports of how much American real estate the Chinese have been buying, from FORBES stating in 2013 "by most estimates, they are snatching up high end real estate in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York, in particular."
Across the country, however, Chinese purchasers bought over $10 billion of U.S. real estate in 2011 and account for 9% of foreign U.S. house buyers, second only to Canadians, according to, a Chinese real estate website geared towards international home shoppers.
By comparison, and across the 50 states, the Chinese buy more U.S. homes than Indians, Mexicans or the British. While Mexicans are big in California and all across the south, China still ranks within the top five foreign nationalities buying real estate in 44 states. China, for instance, is ahead of Mexican buyers throughout the more costly Northeast. They already are the number one foreign buyer group in states like West Virginia and Massachusetts. They are number two in New York, Maine, Indiana, Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming and Hawaii.
By 2014, Zero Hedge points out that China is on the way to becoming "the dominant land owner in the entire country." Noted in that piece is that not only is China buying up large tracts of land but in some cases the land is being given away to them for free as an enticement to build factories!
Gov. Robert Bentley said Friday that he will announce an economic development project in Thomasville, Ala., Monday morning. That project is likely a copper tube plant to be built by Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group. A legal notice published Thursday indicates that the city of Thomasville and others intend to give land and other incentives to GD Copper USA, which state corporation records identify as a Florida-based subsidiary of Golden Dragon.
Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group president is Li Changjie :
Li Changjie, male, Han nationality, was born in the Yuanyang County, Henan Province in 1946. He graduated from the physics department of Zhengzhou University in July, 1970, is a member of Communist Party of China, professor level senior engineer, winner of the state council special allowance. He is the president and party secretary of the Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group Inc., director of Chinese Academy of Sciences Precise Copper Engineering Research Center; He is also the council member of International Copper Association (ICA), director of International Wrought Copper Council (IWCC), executive member of China Refrigeration and Air-conditionning Association , vice chairman of China Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Association, member of CPC Xinxiang Committee, representative of the seventh, eighth, ninth party congress of CPC Henan province, representative of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth NPC; He also won the honorary title of National Model Worker, May 1st Labor Medal, Outstanding Party Member of Henan Province, Model Worker of Henan Province and Excellent Private Entrepreneur of Henan Province, etc.
See just a few examples of China's purchase of U.S. real-estate and businesses here and here. Just do a search on any search engine for China land purchases in the U.S., or businesses, or real-estate, and you will be amazed at how much of the U.S. they own already.
FORBES from 2014:
Last year, China accounted for $12.8 billion of the $68.2 billion in foreign real estate transactions, according to the National Association of Realtors. For the last 12 months ending in March, China accounted for $22 billion of what is now a $92 billion market. Moreover, Chinese purchasing power moved them from a 19% share of the market last year, to a 24% share so far this year.
Thanks to all the money the Chinese are spending on penthouse suites in midtown Manhattan, the median price of a home purchased by the Chinese is greater than all the other top international markets. On average, China home buyers dished out over $523,000 for a home, more than the U.K. ($350,000), India ($342,000), Canada ($212,000) and Mexico ($141,000).
In New York’s super high-luxury housing market, the Chinese have surpassed the Russian oligarchs. For new properties costing over $20 million, China is the main foreign customer these days, says Martin Purcell, a broker for Rutenberg Realty.
In 2012 the Federal Reserve also gave the thumbs up for Chinese firms to buy up U.S. Banks.
As to the headline about owning NY's Park Avenue, that isn't facetious as Xin Zhang, the chief executive officer of Soho China, already owns a significant stake in the Park Avenue Plaza, and other Chinese firms and investors are buying up notable properties across New York, and in May, a large piece of the General Motors Building in Manhattan was purchased by a Chinese real estate developer, and who can forget the Waldorf Astoria, a landmark that has hosted every U.S. president from Hoover to Obama, located at 301 Park Ave, New York, is now owned by the Chinese.
Related: THE BIG APPLE OR BEIJING? Chinese investment in NYC real estate has skyrocketed over the past year
Another point that has to be made is what happens when China owns more of the U.S. between debt, "guarantees," land and real estate, than Americans do? Well, we already know China's state-run media has called for the disarming of Americans, so how soon before they own enough to start dictating our laws and policies?
China has outsmarted America - They own a significant portion of our debt, they took all that money we printed out of thin air, via the trade deficit, then they used our own money to buy up the country.... as the quote via SQ states at the top of the article, "The Chinese have defeated the United States in the game of Monopoly.
Found this first video over at SQ's site with a great note which states : America Fire Sale With China Buying US Companies And Land, Where Are Your Elected Officials?:RAPE ,PILLAGE AND PLUNDER THE UNITED STATES, NO LONGER EXISTS, IN CASE YOU WONDER!

The Chinese have defeated the United States in the game of Monopoly - They took Americas printing press money in exchange for Chinese merchandise and then took the cash and bought the country. - SQ
With recent news that lawmakers are "freaking out" over the record rate that the Chinese are buying up American companies, including the Chicago Stock Exchange, we take a look at news from 2009 to present day and have to ask if America has become the United States of China?
News that a Chinese company, Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group (CCEG) agreed to terms to acquire the Chicago Stock Exchange has spurred 45 members of Congress to sign a letter to the Treasury Department's Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS), where it is noted that CCEG's financial assets were originally owned by the Chinese government and the company was created to absorb those state controlled assets in 1997.
"This proposed acquisition would be the first time a Chinese-owned, possibly state-influenced, firm maintained direct access into the $22 trillion US equity marketplace," the letter reads.
Read the entire letter to the CFIUS here. (PDF)
With China being the biggest holder of America's debt we are reminded of a 2009 Washington Post report where China was said to be "saber-rattling" when China demanded the Obama government offer them a "guarantee the safety" of its $1 trillion (at that time) in America bonds.
Specifically noted in that article was that "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton urged the Chinese to keep buying U.S. bonds." What wasn't noted in that article was the nature of the "guarantee" China was actually given, but subsequent reports since 2009 show that the Chinese have acquired a significant amount of land, businesses and real estate within the U.S., but the following quote from that piece gives us a clue of what was to come.
"The power that China now has is that its actions are seen as a leading indicator of the confidence that foreign investors will have in the ability of the U.S. government to pay the debt," said Eswar Prasad, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. "These comments are saber-rattling in the sense that they are using that leverage to tell the U.S. to back off on currency policy and trade policy."
A look at the "Stimulus" package from 2009 and Quantitative easing, with the Fed printing money out of thin air, in conjunction with the report from Reuters in October 2015 that America suffered the "largest expansion" in terms of "trade deficit" in five months while China's imports "surge" and we see that added to the record rate of businesses and land Chinese entities are buying up - the U.S. has indeed been sold down the river..... to China.
Look at the numbers, updated on February 8, 2016:
The U.S. trade deficit with China was $365.7 billion in 2015 This is a new record, up slightly from last year's record of $343 billion.
The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $116.2 billion while imports from China hit a new record of $481.9 billion. The deficit keeps growing because imports are rising faster than exports.
For years we have been seeing reports of how much American real estate the Chinese have been buying, from FORBES stating in 2013 "by most estimates, they are snatching up high end real estate in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York, in particular."
Across the country, however, Chinese purchasers bought over $10 billion of U.S. real estate in 2011 and account for 9% of foreign U.S. house buyers, second only to Canadians, according to, a Chinese real estate website geared towards international home shoppers.
By comparison, and across the 50 states, the Chinese buy more U.S. homes than Indians, Mexicans or the British. While Mexicans are big in California and all across the south, China still ranks within the top five foreign nationalities buying real estate in 44 states. China, for instance, is ahead of Mexican buyers throughout the more costly Northeast. They already are the number one foreign buyer group in states like West Virginia and Massachusetts. They are number two in New York, Maine, Indiana, Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming and Hawaii.
By 2014, Zero Hedge points out that China is on the way to becoming "the dominant land owner in the entire country." Noted in that piece is that not only is China buying up large tracts of land but in some cases the land is being given away to them for free as an enticement to build factories!
Gov. Robert Bentley said Friday that he will announce an economic development project in Thomasville, Ala., Monday morning. That project is likely a copper tube plant to be built by Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group. A legal notice published Thursday indicates that the city of Thomasville and others intend to give land and other incentives to GD Copper USA, which state corporation records identify as a Florida-based subsidiary of Golden Dragon.
Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group president is Li Changjie :
Li Changjie, male, Han nationality, was born in the Yuanyang County, Henan Province in 1946. He graduated from the physics department of Zhengzhou University in July, 1970, is a member of Communist Party of China, professor level senior engineer, winner of the state council special allowance. He is the president and party secretary of the Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group Inc., director of Chinese Academy of Sciences Precise Copper Engineering Research Center; He is also the council member of International Copper Association (ICA), director of International Wrought Copper Council (IWCC), executive member of China Refrigeration and Air-conditionning Association , vice chairman of China Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Association, member of CPC Xinxiang Committee, representative of the seventh, eighth, ninth party congress of CPC Henan province, representative of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth NPC; He also won the honorary title of National Model Worker, May 1st Labor Medal, Outstanding Party Member of Henan Province, Model Worker of Henan Province and Excellent Private Entrepreneur of Henan Province, etc.
See just a few examples of China's purchase of U.S. real-estate and businesses here and here. Just do a search on any search engine for China land purchases in the U.S., or businesses, or real-estate, and you will be amazed at how much of the U.S. they own already.
FORBES from 2014:
Last year, China accounted for $12.8 billion of the $68.2 billion in foreign real estate transactions, according to the National Association of Realtors. For the last 12 months ending in March, China accounted for $22 billion of what is now a $92 billion market. Moreover, Chinese purchasing power moved them from a 19% share of the market last year, to a 24% share so far this year.
Thanks to all the money the Chinese are spending on penthouse suites in midtown Manhattan, the median price of a home purchased by the Chinese is greater than all the other top international markets. On average, China home buyers dished out over $523,000 for a home, more than the U.K. ($350,000), India ($342,000), Canada ($212,000) and Mexico ($141,000).
In New York’s super high-luxury housing market, the Chinese have surpassed the Russian oligarchs. For new properties costing over $20 million, China is the main foreign customer these days, says Martin Purcell, a broker for Rutenberg Realty.
In 2012 the Federal Reserve also gave the thumbs up for Chinese firms to buy up U.S. Banks.
As to the headline about owning NY's Park Avenue, that isn't facetious as Xin Zhang, the chief executive officer of Soho China, already owns a significant stake in the Park Avenue Plaza, and other Chinese firms and investors are buying up notable properties across New York, and in May, a large piece of the General Motors Building in Manhattan was purchased by a Chinese real estate developer, and who can forget the Waldorf Astoria, a landmark that has hosted every U.S. president from Hoover to Obama, located at 301 Park Ave, New York, is now owned by the Chinese.
Related: THE BIG APPLE OR BEIJING? Chinese investment in NYC real estate has skyrocketed over the past year
Another point that has to be made is what happens when China owns more of the U.S. between debt, "guarantees," land and real estate, than Americans do? Well, we already know China's state-run media has called for the disarming of Americans, so how soon before they own enough to start dictating our laws and policies?
China has outsmarted America - They own a significant portion of our debt, they took all that money we printed out of thin air, via the trade deficit, then they used our own money to buy up the country.... as the quote via SQ states at the top of the article, "The Chinese have defeated the United States in the game of Monopoly.
Found this first video over at SQ's site with a great note which states : America Fire Sale With China Buying US Companies And Land, Where Are Your Elected Officials?:RAPE ,PILLAGE AND PLUNDER THE UNITED STATES, NO LONGER EXISTS, IN CASE YOU WONDER!

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