Monday, January 27, 2014

Obama Lambasted By Judge Jeanine & Ben Carson (Video)

By Susan Duclos

From the recent SCOTUS ruling and injunction in favor of the nuns from Little Sisters of the Poor against Obamacare to Obama's blaming racism for his dismal poll numbers, Judge Jeanine Pirro and Dr. Ben Carson discuss how America has become even more divided than ever since Barack Obama became president.

Dr. Carson makes a point of calling Obama's claim of racism being the cause of his poor poll numbers "ridiculous," and says that those who make excuses like that are those that do not accomplish a whole lot and the "excuse mentality" is one seen throughout this administration, rather than acknowledging the scandals that have rocked Obama's term so far, like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal and the chaotic, incompetent roll out of Obamacare, are the real reason Obama's poll numbers continue on the downward spiral.

Cross posted at Before it's News