Saturday, December 08, 2012

Conservative Consensus: Strap On The Parachutes And Let Obama Throw Us Off The Fiscal Cliff

By Susan Duclos

Republicans have compromised and put revenue on the table, $800 billion of them and Obama, has put nothing more than more stimulus spending on the table and wants more American taxpayer money to pay for it, like a spoiled child Obama stomps his foot and declares all or nothing.

So be it. Give him nothing. Let all tax rates jump and all spending cuts go into effect. That is the conservative consensus.

Via Examiner:

As talks on the so-called fiscal cliff continue in Washington, a consensus has emerged today among conservatives to walk away from the talks with President Obama and allow the nation to go over the fiscal cliff, or at least give the president and the Democrats all of the tax increases they want.

On Thursday, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., stated that given the stubbornness and refusal of Obama and the Democrats to meet Republicans halfway on spending and debt reduction, the Republicans should simply walk away from the talks, let Obama and the Democrats raise taxes as much as they want, and then make sure the Obama administration and Senate Democrats "own" the fallout from it.

In addition, Fox News commentator Eric Bolling, who has emerged as a strong conservative voice, stated Thursday evening that the only way to get adequate spending cuts that will make a difference in the huge and dangerous debt load the U.S. carries is to walk away from the talks and allow the nation to go over the cliff.

The tax increases inherent in going off the cliff will be painful in the short term, and they certainly do not represent the ideal for conservatives who stand for lower taxes and small government. But, said Bolling, in addition to the across the board tax increases, the federal government will also be required to make drastic cuts in spending, which neither Obama and the Democrats, nor Republicans, seem willing to do.

Other conservatives and libertarians such as John Stossel, Newt Gingrich, and Charles Krauthammer have already stated that Republicans should walk away from the talks since Obama has not put on the table any serious proposal to cut spending.

And at least one other conservative, who agrees with the consensus, stated Thursday that no matter what anyone does with regard to the fiscal cliff, the nation is headed into another dip in the recession in 2013.

Fox Business Channel anchor Lori Rothman said that no matter which plan is implemented, Obama's or the fiscal cliff, the nation will experience a recession, or a dramatic deepening of the current recession, next year. This fact would seem to indicate that going off the financial cliff will be no worse than the proposals Obama and the Democrats have placed on the table.
Rothman was asked about the fact that if the nation goes off the cliff, voters will blame Republicans. Her response was that no matter what happens or which plan is implemented, the powerful Obama-mainstream media complex will blame Republicans anyway.

Read the rest, there are more voices calling for Speaker of the House John Boehner to simply walk away from the talks, strap on the parachutes and let Obama push the nation off the fiscal cliff.

Then go from there. Obama will have his taxes, Republicans will have spending cuts and in order for Obama and Democrats to relieve some of the pressure of those massive cuts which eliminate some of Obama/Democrats' favorite pet causes, they will have to finally start negotiating in good faith.

Let's Fly.