Monday, October 22, 2012

Politico: 'Endorsement war: Romney 9, Obama 4'

By Susan Duclos

Everyone loves a winner and while riding a momentum high tide, Romney is enjoying another form of momentum, newspaper endorsements.

Via Politico:

The 2012 presidential campaign has entered endorsement season as newspapers around the country put their editorial weight behind President Barack Obama or former Gov. Mitt Romney.

In this contest, the number of endorsements hardly matters. More telling is how many papers have switched allegiances from four years ago. In that race, Romney has a wide lead: Nine newspapers that endorsed President Obama in 2008 have come out in support of the former Massachusetts governor while four that supported Sen. John McCain in 2008 have thrown their support to the president.

I guess we can add these newspapers to the other Obama supporters that have said "I refuse to  be that stupid twice."

[Update] I see a few people out there saying that the recent Chicago Jewish Star endorsement for Romney came after they endorsed Obama in 2008, when searching online to see who they endorsed in 2008.

Just got off the phone with the Chicago Jewish Star and they tell me that they endorsed John McCain in 2008... just for the record.

Note- I was also assured they have endorsed equally between Democrats and Republicans over the years.