Friday, October 26, 2012

FL Sun Sentinel Joins Growing List Of Papers Endorsing Mitt Romney In 2012, But Endorsed Obama in 2008

By Susan Duclos

A few days ago Politico reported that nine newspapers that had endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 had changed stances and endorsed Mitt Romney for President in 2012, while just four papers that had endorsed John McCain in 2008, endorsed Obama in 2012.

The Florida Sun Sentinel just joined the growing list of former Obama endorsers currently giving Barack Obama a vote of no confidence by endorsing Mitt Romney this time around.

Via South Florida/Sun Sentinel:

Brush away all the rhetoric, all the vitriol, all the divisiveness from the presidential campaign. To most Americans, only one thing matters — the economy.

Four years into Barack Obama’s presidency, economic growth is sputtering. Family incomes are down. Poverty is up. Business owners are reluctant to assume risk in the face of unending uncertainty. Many are holding on by their fingernails, desperate for signs of an economic recovery that will help them provide for themselves, their employees, their customers and their communities.

When President Obama came into office in 2009, the economy was in freefall and though untested, he inspired us with his promise of hope and change. Now, four years later, we have little reason to believe he can turn things around.

So while we endorsed Obama in 2008, we recommend voters choose Republican Mitt Romney on Nov. 6.

Read the rest at Sun Sentinel.

The conclude by reminding readers of Obama's own words:

President Obama is a decent man who took office with the nation facing an economic precipice. But even he predicted he would be a one-term president if he failed to turn things around.

We believe the best chance to get America back working again is to elect Mitt Romney. That’s why we endorse him for president.

 Florida is a swing state and the Sun Sentinel is the main daily newspaper of Fort Lauderdale, and all of Broward County, but circulates throughout all of South Florida.