Saturday, October 20, 2012

Big Bird, Binders And Romnesia- Obama's Epic Collapse

By Susan Duclos

The Epic Collapse wording comes from Townhall's Hugh Hewitt and the description seems to fit so perfectly, I used it here.

Despite polling momentum for Mitt Romney and the flailing of the Obama campaign and liberals to turn the discussion to anything but Obama's record over the last four years, I get leery when people count their chickens before they are hatched. The energy from conservatives is awesome to see. The uniting behind one cause which is to put Mitt Romney in the White House remove Barack Obama from that residence and start turning the country around, gives legitimate hope that on November 7, 2012, we will be saying hello President Elect Romney.

We are in the final stretch but anything can happen in the next two weeks and cockiness on the part of conservatives at this point, assuming a win, is the worst mistake we could make.

Romney seems to understand this and continues to stump and speak about the big issues, jobs and the economy.

Priority Polling shows that in every single poll asking the single most important issue,  jobs and/or the economy is named by pluralities or majorities.

Via John Hawkins:

"You’ve seen, as middle-income people in this country, incomes go down $4,300 a family, even as gasoline prices have gone up $2,000. Health insurance premiums, up $2,500. Food prices up. Utility prices up. The middle-income families in America have been crushed over the last four years." -- Mitt Romney
"We don’t have to settle for what we’re going through. We don’t have to settle for gasoline at four bucks. We don’t have to settle for unemployment at a chronically high level. We don’t have to settle for 47 million people on food stamps. We don’t have to settle for 50 percent of kids coming out of college not able to get work. We don’t have to settle for 23 million people struggling to find a good job. If I become president, I’ll get America working again. I will get us on track to a balanced budget. The president hasn’t. I will. I’ll make sure we can reform Medicare and Social Security to preserve them for coming generations. The president said he would. He didn’t." -- Mitt Romney
Like him or not, you have to admit that Mitt Romney has at least centered his campaign around the issues that matter. He has spent most of his time focused on the economy, jobs, the debt, and foreign policy. On the other hand, Barack Obama's entire campaign has been one long circus of trivialities. Instead of making "Forward" his campaign slogan, he should have used something more appropriate like, "Hey, look over there!" How bad has it gotten? This bad.

He goes on to list multiple issues the Obama campaign has used over the last months, as distractions from the priority issues Americans are concerned about.

Binders full of women, Big Bird, Lady Parts, etc....

Now Obama has decided to add Romnesia to the list of distractions, but nothing is working because it is becoming more obvious to more people, not just conservatives or Republicans, that Obama has no second term agenda other than "more of the same."

William Teach over at Pirate's Cove highlights Mitt Romney calling out Obama over these antics and avoidance of the issues that Americans care about:

(Politico) Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of pettiness and desperation at a night-time rally that drew thousands to Daytona Beach Friday.
The Republican presidential nominee said that Obama’s “has become the incredible shrinking campaign” at the end of a day that saw his Democratic opponent embrace the term “Romnesia” and recent attacks over Romney’s off-the-cuff debate remarks on “Big Bird” and “binders full of women.”
“Well, have you been watching the Obama campaign lately?” Romney asked as crowd booed. “They have no agenda for the future, no agenda for America, no agenda for a second term. It’s a good thing they won’t have a second term.
“They’ve been reduced to petty attacks and silly word games,” he added. “The Obama campaign has become the incredible shrinking campaign."
“They keep talking about smaller and smaller things,” he said. “We have big ideas, bold ideas, a strong agenda.”

 Conservatives need to take their cue from Romney, now more than ever, and focus on the issues that matter, hammer home the news, constantly, repetitively and with as much energy as we have been giving to Mitt's momentum.

Now is not the time to measure the drapes in the White House, now is the time to make our closing arguments.

Early voting opens in six states and the District of Columbia (DC), Nevada, Arkansas, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, and Alaska.

We need those voters and to get the message of Obama's economic failure to them before they hit the polls.

With that said, news reports show that Obama has stopped making his legally quarterly stimulus "reports to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives that detail the impact of programs funded through covered funds on employment, estimated economic growth, and other key economic indicators."

Obama is now four reports behind schedule and has so far not released any reports whatsoever in 2012.

The RNC now has $83 million in the bank for the last weeks until the presidential election and the Obama campaign has taken out a $15 million loan from Bank of America according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report.

Leave the small issues, the silly word games, and the distractions to liberals and the Obama campaign, as conservatives we need to focus on gas prices, the economy, the fact that when Obama took office unemployment was 7.8 percent and as of the last jobs report, unemployment is at 7.8 percent.

More importantly and more damaging to Obama, the U6, total unemployment, underemployment and marginally attacked employment, was 14.2 when Obama took office and it is at 14.7 percent now.

 GDP Growth is still at a dismal 1.3 percent.

The third debate is on Monday, October 22, 2012, the topic is foreign policy, so Obama's gaffe on Jon Stewart in saying "Here is what I will say, if four Americans get killed it is not optimal," should be highlighted as as an example of how out of touch and disconnected Obama is.

His responses, his administration's changing stories as their lies about the terror attack in Libya which resulted in the death of four Americans, became public, all should be hammered home before the debate and by Romney at the debate.

Obama's attack on free speech instead of attacks on the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11, his continued campaign events in Vegas and Colorado immediately after the the killing of four diplomats, his lack of physical presence at national security daily briefings before the attacks,  the denied requests for more security U.S. mission staff in Libya before the attacks, his spending $70,000 in anti-free speech, anti-video ads in Pakistan, using taxpayer money to fund them, all should be brought back to the forefront of voter's minds before, during and after the last debate on Monday.

It is time for the final sprint towards the finish line.