Monday, July 30, 2012

A Tale Of Two Videos: White House Vs Mitt Romney: This Is How You Answer The Question

By Susan Duclos

Compare and contrast.

The first video shown below is of White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's, stumbling, bumbling and refusal to answer, when asked the question "What city does this Administration consider to be the capital of Israel? Jerusalem or Tel Aviv?"

White House press briefing, July 26, 2012:


Now compare that to remarks Mitt Romney made in Jerusalem:


Compare Carney's "answer", via RCP:

Reporter: What city does this Administration consider to be the capital of Israel? Jerusalem or Tel Aviv?

Jay Carney, White House press secretary: Um... I haven't had that question in a while. Our position has not changed. Can we, uh...

Reporter: What is the capital [of Israel]?

Jay Carney: You know our position.

Reporter: I don't.

Lester Kinsolving, World Net Daily: No, no. She doesn't know, that's why she asked.

Carney: She does know.

Reporter: I don't.

Kinsolving: She does not know. She just said that she does not know. I don't know.

Carney: We have long, lets not call on...

Kinsolving: Tel Aviv or Jerusalem?

Carney: You know the answer to that.

Kinsolving: I don't know the answer. We don't know the answer. Could you just give us an answer? What do you recognize? What does the administration recognize?

Carney: Our position has not changed.

Kinsolving: What position?

Carney then moved on to another question.

Contrast it to Romney's statement:

"It is a deeply moving experience to be in Jerusalem, the Capital of Israel."

(Headline fixed)