Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Majority Trusts Venture Capital Firms To Create Jobs More Than Government Programs

By Susan Duclos

As Barack Obama's attacks against Mitt Romney for his work at Bain Capital continue, Rasmussen has found that 57 percent of U.S. likely voters trust companies like the one Romney ran, to create jobs more than they trust government programs like what Obama favors.

The Obama campaign’s attack on Mitt Romney’s business record hasn’t changed the belief that venture capital firms like the one Romney worked for are better job creators than government programs like the ones championed by the president.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters believe venture capital companies are better at creating jobs than government programs are. Just 27% think government programs are a better way to create jobs. Seventeen percent (17%) aren’t sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

 With national unemployment still at 8.2 percent for 41 straight months and the real unemployment, the U6, nearly at 15 percent, jobs and the economy promise to be the driving force behind most voter's decisions in the November 2012 presidential election.

While Obama's Bain attacks have not resonated among Independents or Conservatives and has not harmed Romney in the polls, knowing that the majority of likely voters feel companies like Bain, which Romney ran, are better job creators than government programs like Obama champions, may very cause Obama's attacks to backfire and help Mitt Romney in the long run.

In short, Obama is highlighting Romney's strength.