Thursday, April 12, 2012

15 States Opt Out Of Obama's Abortion Mandate

By Susan Duclos

South Dakota just became the 15th state to opt out of Obama's HHS abortion mandate that is part of the Obamacare health care law.

Via Washington Times:

The Department of Health and Human Services has set in motion the Obamacare abortion premium mandate, a provision that permits insurance plans that cover abortions to participate in state exchanges and requires all enrollees in those plans - even those with religious and moral objections to abortion - to pay a separate monthly premium to cover abortions. But many states are diligently passing laws to stop it.

The administration’s health care law permits a state to opt out of allowing health insurance plans that cover abortions to participate in the new health insurance exchanges within that state and thereby prohibit taxpayer money from subsidizing plans that cover abortions.

South Dakota recently became the 15th state to enact such a law. Based on model language by Americans United for Life, South Dakota’s law expressly states, “No qualified health plan offered through a health insurance exchange established in the state may include elective abortion coverage.” In other words, anyone who wants to have insurance coverage for abortion must pay for it outside of the government-subsidized exchange. Taxpayers and persons enrolled in insurance plans in the South Dakota exchange will not be forced to pay for the abortions of other South Dakotans.

South Dakota won’t be the last. At least seven other states have similar bills pending. Additionally, several other states are planning to include similar language in their legislation to establish the insurance exchanges in their state.

Related pieces from WuA on Obama's Abortion Mandate:

Audio- Indiana Priest Speaks Out On Obama's War Against Religious Liberty With HHS Mandate

Eyes Back On The Ball: Obama's Abortion Mandate, Cardinal Dolan and Confusion.

Senate Democrats Table Blunt Amendment To stop Obama HHS Abortion Mandate

Seven States File Lawsuits To Block Obama's HHS Abortion Mandate

Six Lawsuits Now Filed Against Obama's HHS Mandate

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