Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When Obama Screws The Hooch He Goes Big- Senate Dems To Rebuff Obama On '1967 Lines'

Gotta hand it to Barack Obama, when he screws up, he does it big and not only did the House of Representatives send their own little message to Obama over his ill chosen Israel/palestinian "1967 lines" wording but now Senate Democrats are in major damage control mode and might issue their own rebuke of Obama by supporting a resolution intended as a rebuff to Obama.

The Hill reports:

Senate Democrats are expected to support a resolution intended as a rebuff to President Obama’s call for basing Middle East peace talks on the 1967 Israeli-Palestinian borders.


Democrats in both chambers are scrambling to fix the damage caused when Obama called for the 1967 borders and land swaps as a basis for peace.

Some Democrats have tried to downplay the rift, but Israel’s strongest supporters in Congress say there’s no denying that Obama made a tactical mistake in handling the relationship.

Talk about an understatement.

Also, according to The Hill, the resolution would show broad consensus within Congress that the 1967 Israeli-Palestinian borders are not only “indefensible,” as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, but also contrary to U.S. national security interests.

Now, just for fun because I liked it soooooo much:
