Sunday, December 19, 2010

49 Percent Of Americans Find Democratic Party 'Too Liberal'

Gallup reports that 49 percent of Americans believe the Democratic party has become "too liberal" with 38 percent believing the Democratic party is just about right. On the flip side, 34 percent of American find the Republican party "too conservative" while 41 percent find the Republican party just "about right."

The recent increase in perceptions of the Democratic Party as too liberal could be a response to the expansion in government spending since President Barack Obama took office, most notably regarding the economic stimulus and healthcare legislation.

The 49% of Americans who now believe the Democratic Party's views are too liberal is one percentage point below the 50% Gallup measured after the 1994 elections, the all-time high in the trend question first asked in 1992.

Since February 2008, the percentage calling the Democratic Party "too liberal" has increased by 12 points among independents and 8 points among Republicans, with little change among Democrats.

This confirms what a previous Gallup poll found which was that conservatives are still the dominant ideology as 40 percent of U.S. Adults self identify as conservative, 35 identify as Moderate and just 21 percent self identify as liberals.

Americans are still right of center in terms of ideology and liberals are still the minority with those identifying as "very liberal" only total 6 percent.

Liberal Democrats are disconnected from the majority of America, which is why the things they seem to fight for or against so hard is done against the opposition from most of America.

The most recent example of that is the tax deal Barack Obama negotiated with Republicans that liberals so opposed, yet ever poll conducted showed Americans supporting it as a whole package.

That deal was signed into law December 17, 2010 with top Democratic leadership noticeably absent from the signing ceremony.
