Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ruffini: 50 to 70 Seats For GOP? Gallup: Enthusiasm For GOP 20 Points More Than Dems.

A few pieces caught my eye this morning.. starting with Gallup who finds the enthusiasm gap favoring Republicans with a 20 point lead.

Although U.S. registered voters are closely divided in their 2010 congressional election preferences, those who say they are "very enthusiastic about voting" this year show a strong preference for the Republican Party.

Moving right along, Patrick Ruffini, who was one of the very few (along with our very own Paul Marston) who projected early on that Scott Brown had a chance to win the Mass. Senate seat, and Ruffini also went out on a limb and predicted Rubio had a shot against Crist (Rubio now leads) , wonders if the GOP could pick up anywhere from 50 to 70 House seats in 2010, and while his projections are "gut" he says, he provides a list of sources to which he bases his gut on.

Then head over and see why, in the words of William Galston, "all-but-certain Democratic losses," could turn into a "rout of historic proportions," for the Democrats.
