Sunday, March 28, 2010

Someone Tell Charles Schumer He Has It Backwards

Charles Schumer, Democrat, predicts that Obamacare will work in Democrats favor in November and those opposed will be hurt during the midterm elections.

Florida polls are our first indication that Schumer has it backwards and it is Obamacare proponents, and those that jammed it through against the will of the majority of Americans, that will suffer.

Miami Herald:

Florida voters dislike the new healthcare law so much that President Barack Obama and the state's top Democrat, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, are paying a hefty political price, according to a new survey and analysis by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research.

Only 34 percent of Florida voters support the new law while 54 percent are against it, according to the poll. Opposition is significantly strong among two crucial blocs: those older than 65 and voters with no party affiliation. Seniors disfavor the bill by a 65-25 percent margin, while independents oppose the law 62-34.

The poll, conducted last week, is the first to be taken in Florida since Obama signed the healthcare reform bill into law.

It shows that Floridians have a more negative than positive view of Obama by a margin of 15 percentage points. And they oppose his so-called ``cap-and-trade'' global warming legislation as well as the new healthcare law.

The negative sentiment for Nelson was especially ``eye-popping,'' Mason-Dixon pollster Brad Coker said. He said elder voters were once a reliable base of support for Nelson, but no more.

Nelson is counting on the fact that his reelection isn't until 2012 and hoping that the anger will die out by then.

It won't because elder voters, those that were the reliable base of support, will be the ones suffering the ramifications of Obamacare the soonest.

It is no surprise that Schumer is trying to spin it the way he is, but if he truly believes his rhetoric, he needs a shrink.
