Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rallying Cry For November: Repeal And Replace?

McConnell: Repeal 'top of our list', via The Politico:

“If the Democrats end up having a bad election this November, I think they may well want to join us in revisiting some of the more unpleasant aspects of this bill which will be on full display during the fall campaign,” he said.

McConnell also said the state attorneys general who have challenged the new law’s constitutionality have “a legitimate concern.”

“State governments have a lot of grievances,” he said. “They’re going to get stuck with significant Medicaid costs down the road, which is why you have so many governors upset on a bipartisan basis. And they’re worried about the individual health insurance mandate, and I think it’s a legitimate lawsuit.”

Rove thinks Repeal, Replace and Reform will be a winner for the November elections, via WSJ:

Republicans have a powerful rallying cry in "repeal, replace and reform." Few voters will want to keep onerous mandates that hit individuals and taxes that hobble economic growth. Rather than spending a trillion dollars on subsidies for insurance companies and Medicaid expansion, as ObamaCare does, Republicans should push for giving individuals the same health-insurance tax break businesses get, which would cost less.

Republicans must also continue to press for curbing junk lawsuits, enabling people to buy insurance across state lines, increasing the amount of money they can sock away tax free for medical expenses, and permitting small businesses to pool risk.

Opponents of ObamaCare have decisively won the battle for public opinion. As voters start to feel the pain of this new program, Republicans will be in a stronger position if they stay in the fight, make a principled case, and lay out a competing vision.

With 55 percent of Americans agreeing that Obamacare should be repealed, before they even start feeling the pain and seeing the cost, and businesses already warning their employees that their costs are going to rise considerably, just one day into Obamacare, the November elections are promising to be very ugly for Democrats.
