Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tae Party Groups Unite?

The Tea Party groups across the country have managed to give voice to hundreds of thousands of Americans dissatisfied with what is happening in our country as well as what has been happening within the republican party.

Splinter groups have contributed in their own way to making the Tea Party protests a success and make major news as well as affecting the outcome of certain elections.

Wapo has a piece explaining that while these groups are separate entities, their goal is basically the same and many of the groups have decided to step up their actions to form political action committees (PAC's) and make themselves a force to be reckoned with for the 2010 elections.

The energized "tea party" movement, which upended this year's political debate with noisy anti-government protests, is preparing to shake up the 2010 elections by channeling money and supporters to conservative candidates set to challenge both Democrats and Republicans.

A few of those are listed below:

Eric Odom, who helped organize the first Tea Party protests, has started the Liberty First Pac, message on the front page is below:

Fellow Patriots,

The past few years have shown us that incumbent power in Washington is threatening the fabric of our great country. With the recent passage of dangerous healthcare legislation, it has become clear that many lawmakers do not view the constitution and our liberty as supreme priority in decision making.

This PAC will not support incumbents. We support fellow patriots looking defend our liberty.

In Liberty,

According to Wapo, Smart Girl Politics, with a membership of 23,000 people, is also considering starting a PAC and the note on the right sidebar of that site, confirms.

Smart Girl Politics, Inc. has a 501(c)4 application pending with the IRS. Donations to SGP are NOT tax deductible.

Two others mentioned are Erick Erickson of RedState and Freedom Works:

Another influential activist, Erick Erickson of, plans to encourage donations to conservative challengers such as GOP Senate candidate Pat Toomey, who hopes to win the Pennsylvania seat held by Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter.

And in Washington, FreedomWorks, an advocacy group that helped organize many major tea party protests, is set to announce plans this month to raise millions of dollars through a reorganized PAC targeting its 500,000 registered members, said Matt Kibbe, the group's president. Chaired by former House majority leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.), the group says its fundraising effort will be modeled on the Internet financing juggernaut created by Barack Obama in 2008.

Despite problems from within certain Tea Party groups, the Tea Party protests have captured the attention of America and tapped into the discontent many feel with the direction Washington is taking this country and they are taking legitimate steps to help change that direction.

Stop by each of the sites and if their goals match yours, join, contribute and help take back our country.
